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金融代写|金融数学FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS代写|MAP3170 Forecasting for ARIMA Processes and Properties of Forecast Errors

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金融代写|金融数学FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS代写|MAP3170 Forecasting for ARIMA Processes and Properties of Forecast Errors

金融代写|金融数学FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS代写|Forecasting for ARIMA Processes and Properties of Forecast Errors

For forecasting in the time series setting, we assume that the process $\left{Y_{t}\right}$ follows an $\operatorname{ARIMA}(p, d, q)$ model, $\phi(B)(1-B)^{d} Y_{t}=\theta(B) \varepsilon_{t}$, and we assume the white noise series $\varepsilon_{t}$ are mutually independent random variables. We are interested in forecasting the future value $Y_{t+l}$ based on observations $Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \cdots$. From the result in the previous section, the minimum MSE forecast of $Y_{t+l}$ based on $Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots$, which we will denote as $\hat{Y}{t}(l)$, is such that $\hat{Y}{t}(l)=\mathrm{E}\left(Y_{t+l} \mid Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots\right)$. The prediction $\hat{Y}{t}(l)$ is called the lead $l$ or $l$-step ahead forecast of $Y{t+l}, l$ is the lead time, and $t$ is the forecast origin.
To obtain a representation for $\hat{Y}{t}(l)$, recall the ARIMA process has the “infinite” MA form $Y{t}=\psi(B) \varepsilon_{t}=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t-i}$, and hence a future value $Y_{t+l}$ at time $t+l$, relative to the current time or “forecast origin” $t$, can be expressed as
Y_{t+l}=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}=\sum_{i=0}^{l-1} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}+\sum_{i=l}^{\infty} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}
The information contained in the past history of the $Y_{t}^{\prime} s,\left{Y_{s}, s \leq t\right}$, is the same as that contained in the past random shocks $\varepsilon_{t}$ ‘s (because the $Y_{t}$ ‘s are generated by the $\varepsilon_{t}$ ‘s). Also, $\varepsilon_{t+h}$, for $h>0$ is independent of present and past values $Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots$, so that $\mathrm{E}\left(\varepsilon_{t+h} \mid Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots\right)=0, h>0$. Thus
\hat{Y}{t}(l)=\mathrm{E}\left(Y{t+l} \mid Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots\right)=\mathrm{E}\left(Y_{t+l} \mid \varepsilon_{t}, \varepsilon_{t-1}, \ldots\right)=\sum_{i=l}^{\infty} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}
using the additional property that $\mathrm{E}\left(\varepsilon_{t+l-i} \mid \varepsilon_{t}, \varepsilon_{t-1}, \ldots\right)=\varepsilon_{t+l-i}$ if $i \geq l$. The $l$-step ahead prediction error is given by $e_{t}(l)=Y_{t+l}-\hat{Y}{t}(l)=\sum{i=0}^{l-1} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}$. So we have $\mathrm{E}\left[e_{t}(l)\right]=0$ and the mean squared error or variance of the $l$-step prediction error is
\sigma^{2}(l)=\operatorname{Var}\left(e_{t}(l)\right)=\mathrm{E}\left[e_{t}^{2}(l)\right]=\operatorname{Var}\left(\sum_{i=0}^{l-1} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}\right)=\sigma^{2} \sum_{i=0}^{l-1} \psi_{i}^{2}

金融代写|金融数学FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS代写|Stylized Models for Asset Returns

It is generally known that the equity market is extremely efficient in quickly absorbing information about stocks: When new information arrives, it gets incorporated in the price without delay. Thus the efficient market hypothesis is widely accepted by financial economists. It would imply that neither technical analysts that study the past prices in an attempt to predict future prices nor fundamental analysts of financial information related to company earnings and asset values would carry any advantage over the returns obtained from a randomly selected portfolio of individual stocks.

The efficient market hypothesis is usually associated with the idea of the “random walk,” which implies that all future price changes represent random departures from past prices. As stated in Malkiel (2012) [258]: “The logic of the random walk is that if the flow of information is unimpeded and information is immediately reflected in stock prices, then tomorrow’s price change will reflect only tomorrow’s news and will be independent of the price changes today. But news by definition is unpredictable, and, thus resulting price changes must be unpredictable and random.”

The random walk (RW) model (Example $2.3$ ) without the drift term can be stated as:
where $\varepsilon_{t} \sim N\left(0, \sigma^{2}\right)$ i.i.d. and $p_{t}=\ln \left(P_{t}\right)$. Note as observed earlier, this model is a particular case of $\mathrm{AR}(1)$ model if the constant term is assumed to be zero and the slope, $\phi$, is assumed to be one. Thus, the RW model is a non-stationary model and considering $\varepsilon_{t}=p_{t}-p_{t-1}=r_{t}$ is the differencing of the series, $p_{t}$, makes the series $\varepsilon_{t}$ stationary. Note $r_{t} \approx \frac{P_{t}-P_{t-1}}{P_{t-1}}$, the returns are purely random and are unpredictable. For any chronological data the decision concerning the need for differencing is based, informally, on the features of time series plot of $p_{t}$, its sample autocorrelation function; that is, its failure to dampen out sufficiently quickly.

金融代写|金融数学FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS代写|MAP3170 Forecasting for ARIMA Processes and Properties of Forecast Errors


金融代写|金融数学FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS代写|Forecasting for ARIMA Processes and Properties of Forecast Errors

对于时间序列设置中的预测,我们假设过程}left 的分隔符袂失或无法识别
迺循 $\operatorname{ARIMA}(p, d, q)$ 模型, $\phi(B)(1-B)^{d} Y_{t}=\theta(B) \varepsilon_{t}$, 我们假设白㗁声系列 $\varepsilon_{t}$ 是相互独立的随机变 量。我们对预测末来价直感兴趣 $Y_{t+1}$ 基于观察 $Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \cdots$ 从上一节的结果来看,最小 MSE 预测为 $Y_{t+l}$ 基于 $Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots$, 我们将其表示为 $\hat{Y} t(l)$, 是这样的 $\hat{Y} t(l)=\mathrm{E}\left(Y_{t+l} \mid Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots\right)$. 预测 $\hat{Y} t(l)$ 被 称为铅l或者 $l$ – 提前预测 $Y t+l, l$ 尟提前期,并且 $t$ 是预测原点。
获得代表 $\hat{Y} t(l)$ ,回想一下 ARIMA 过程具有“无限” MA 形式 $Y t=\psi(B) \varepsilon_{t}=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t-i}$ , 因此是 末来值 $Y_{t+1} l$ 有时 $t+l$, 相对于当前时间或”预测原点” $t$, 可以表示为
Y_{t+l}=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}=\sum_{i=0}^{l-1} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}+\sum_{i=l}^{\infty} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}
过去历史中包含的信息 $}$ left 的分隔符缺失或无法识别
含的相同 $\varepsilon_{t}$ 的 (因为 $Y_{t}$ 是由 $\varepsilon_{t}$ 的)。还, $\varepsilon_{t+h}$ ,为了 $h>0$ 独立于现在和过去的值 $Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots$, 以 便E $\left(\varepsilon_{t+h} \mid Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots\right)=0, h>0$. 因此
\hat{Y} t(l)=\mathrm{E}\left(Y t+l \mid Y_{t}, Y_{t-1}, \ldots\right)=\mathrm{E}\left(Y_{t+l} \mid \varepsilon_{t}, \varepsilon_{t-1}, \ldots\right)=\sum_{i=l}^{\infty} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}
使用附加属性 $\mathrm{E}\left(\varepsilon_{t+l-i} \mid \varepsilon_{t}, \varepsilon_{t-1}, \ldots\right)=\varepsilon_{t+l-i}$ 如果 $i \geq l$. 这 $l$ – 超前预测误差由下式给出 $e_{t}(l)=Y_{t+l}-\hat{Y} t(l)=\sum i=0^{l-1} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}$. 所以㧴们有 $E\left[e_{t}(l)\right]=0 \mathrm{~ 和 均 方 误 差 或 方 差 l l ⿺ 丄 ⺊ ⿱ ⿰ 丿 丨 丿 ⿱}$ 差为
\sigma^{2}(l)=\operatorname{Var}\left(e_{t}(l)\right)=\mathrm{E}\left[e_{t}^{2}(l)\right]=\operatorname{Var}\left(\sum_{i=0}^{l-1} \psi_{i} \varepsilon_{t+l-i}\right)=\sigma^{2} \sum_{i=0}^{l-1} \psi_{i}^{2}

金融代写|金融数学FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS代写|Stylized Models for Asset Returns

众所周知,股票市场在快速吸收股票信息方面非常有效: 当新信息到来时,它会立即被纳入价楁 中。因此,有效市场假说被金融经济学家广泛接受。这意味着无论是研究过去价格以试图预贬末来 价格的技术分析师,还是与公司收益和畋产价值相关的财务信息的基本面分析师,都不会比从随机 远择的个股组合中获得的回报具有任何优势。
有效市场假设通常与”随机淲走”的概念相关联,这竟味着所有末来的价格变化都代表与过去价格的 随机偏离。正如 Malkiel (2012) [258] 所述: “随机游走的逻辑是,如果信息流畅通无阻并且信息立 即反映在股票价格中,那么明天的价棿变化栘仅反映明天的新闻,并且将独立于今天的价格变化。 但从定义上讲,新闻是不可预测的,因此由此产生的价格变化必然是不可预测的和随机的。”
随机游走 (RW) 模型(示例 $2.3$ ) 没有漂移项可以表示为:
在哪里 $\varepsilon_{t} \sim N\left(0, \sigma^{2}\right)$ 同住同居和 $p_{t}=\ln \left(P_{t}\right)$. 请注意,如前所述,此模型是 $\operatorname{AR}(1)$ 如果假设常数 项为霩并且斜率,则模型, $\phi \mathrm{~ , ~ 假 定 为 一 。 因 此 , R W ~ 模 型 是 一 个 非 平 䄴}$ $\varepsilon_{t}=p_{t}-p_{t-1}=r_{t}$ 是级数的差, $p_{t}$, 使系列 $\varepsilon_{t}$ 静止的。管记 $r_{t} \approx \frac{p_{t}-P_{t-1}}{P_{t-1}}$, 回报是纯粹随机的并且是 不可预测的。对于任何按时间顺序排列的数据,关于是否需要差分的决定是非正式地基于时间序列 图的特征的 $p_{t}$ ,其样本自相关函数;也就是哾,它末能足够仜地消退。

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