如果你也在 怎样代写广义线性模型Generalized linear model MAT22006这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。广义线性模型Generalized linear model由John Nelder和Robert Wedderburn提出的,作为统一其他各种统计模型的一种方式,包括线性回归、逻辑回归和泊松回归。
广义线性模型Generalized linear model涵盖了所有这些情况,它允许响应变量具有任意的分布(而不是简单的正态分布),允许响应变量的任意函数(链接函数)随预测因子线性变化(而不是假设响应本身必须线性变化)。例如,上述预测海滩出席者人数的情况通常用泊松分布和对数联系来建模,而预测海滩出席概率的情况通常用伯努利分布(或二项分布,取决于问题的确切表述方式)和对数(或对数)联系函数来建模。
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统计代写|广义线性模型代考GENERALIZED LINEAR MODEL代考|Preliminary comments
The linear model $\eta=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1} x+\beta_{2} x_{2}=\boldsymbol{f}^{\top}(\boldsymbol{x}) \boldsymbol{\beta}$ may be transformed to the canonical form $\eta=z_{1}+z_{2}$ by defining $z_{1}=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1} x_{1}$ and $z_{2}=\beta_{2} x_{2}$. This is equivalent to
1 \
z_{1} \
1 & 0 & 0 \
\beta_{0} & \beta_{1} & 0 \
0 & 0 & \beta_{2}
1 \
x_{1} \
\boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{z})=\boldsymbol{B} \boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{x})
While globally D-optimal designs were successfully found in Section $4.4$ using the canonical form of the linear predictor, this cannot be achieved for the case of two or more explanatory variables. Although no constraints were placed on the value of $z$ in Section $4.4$ for the logit link, a constraint effectively occurred through the model weight $\omega=\pi(1-\pi)$ becoming very small as $\pi$ became close to 0 or 1 . Similarly, constraints occurred through the behaviour of the model weights for the probit and complementary log-log links. However, in the $\left(z_{1}, z_{2}\right)$ plane considered in this section, the entire length of the line $\eta=z_{1}+z_{2}=0$ gives $\pi=0.5$ for the logit and probit links, and $\pi=1-\exp (-1)=0.6321$ for the complementary log-log link (from (4.2), (4.4) and (4.6), respectively). The model weight is constant along the entire line, so no constraining occurs.
There is nothing “special” about the line $z_{1}+z_{2}=0$. For a given value of $c$, the model weight $\omega(\boldsymbol{z})$ takes a constant value along the line $\eta=z_{1}+z_{2}=c$. So in order to restrict the values of the explanatory variables $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$ to “reasonable” values, constraints must be placed on them.
It has become standard to investigate locally optimal designs for values of $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$ in the region $\mathcal{X}=\left{\left(x_{1}, x_{2}\right):-1 \leq x_{1} \leq 1,-1 \leq x_{2} \leq 1\right}$. This is not really restrictive. If an explanatory variable, $w$, lies between $a$ and $b(>a)$, the transformation
x=\frac{2 w-(a+b)}{b-a}
gives an explanatory variable $x$ that lies between $-1$ and 1 . Rewriting the linear predictor $\eta$ in terms of variables $x_{i}$ instead of variables $w_{i}$ necessitates a change to the parameter vector $\boldsymbol{\beta}$. Once the optimal design has been determined in terms of $x$, transform back to $w$ using
w=\frac{1}{2}[(a+b)+(b-a) x]
This is illustrated in Example $4.5 .5$.
统计代写|广义线性模型代考GENERALIZED LINEAR MODEL代考|The logit link
Consider a situation where one seeks a locally D-optimal design on the region $\mathcal{X}=\left{\left(x_{1}, x_{2}\right):-1 \leq x_{1} \leq 1,-1 \leq x_{2} \leq 1\right}$ using the logit link and the
THE MODEL $\eta=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1} x_{1}+\beta_{2} x_{2}$ parameter vector $\boldsymbol{\beta}=(1,1,1)^{\top}$. Remember that this is the assumed parameter vector. One purpose of using the design is to estimate the actual value of $\boldsymbol{\beta}$.
The method is a straightforward extension of that demonstrated earlier in Sub-section 4.4.1. Note first that there are now $p=3$ parameters, so that the required number of support points, $s$, will lie between $p=3$ and $p(p+1) / 2=6$. The values of $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$ are constrained to lie between $-1$ and 1 , and the design weights must satisfy $0<\delta_{i}<1(i=1, \ldots, s)$ and $\delta_{1}+\cdots+\delta_{s}=1$. If constrOptim is used, these constraints must be written in the form $\boldsymbol{C v}-\boldsymbol{u} \geq \mathbf{0}$; see page 34 . Note here that there are two constraints on each of the $s$ values of $x_{1}$, two constraints on each of the $s$ values of $x_{2}$, two constraints on each of the $s$ individual values of $\delta_{i}$, and then one remaining constraint $\delta_{1}+\cdots+\delta_{s}=1$; i.e., a total of $6 s+1$ constraints. Denote by $x_{i j}$ the value of $x_{j}$ at the $i$ th support point $(i=1, \ldots, s ; j=1,2)$.
Let $\boldsymbol{x}{1}=\left(x{11}, x_{21}, \ldots, x_{s 1}\right)^{\top}, \boldsymbol{x}{2}=\left(x{12}, x_{22}, \ldots, x_{s 2}\right)^{\top}$ and $\boldsymbol{\delta}=\left(\delta_{1}, \ldots, \delta_{s}\right)^{\top}$. Then the constraints are written as
统计代写|广义线性模型代考 GENERALIZED LINEAR MODEL代 考|Preliminary comments
线性模型 $\eta=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1} x+\beta_{2} x_{2}=\boldsymbol{f}^{\top}(\boldsymbol{x}) \boldsymbol{\beta}$ 可以转换为规范形式 $\eta=z_{1}+z_{2}$ 通过定义 $z_{1}=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1} x_{1}$ 和 $z_{2}=\beta_{2} x_{2}$. 这相当于
\boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{z})=\boldsymbol{B} \boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{x})
而全局 D 最优设计在第 4 4使用线性预测器的规范形式,这对于两个或多个解释变量的情 况是无法实现的。虽然没有限制价值 $z$ 在部分 4 .4对于 logit 链接,通过模型权重有效地发 生了约束 $\omega=\pi(1-\pi)$ 变得非常小 $\pi$ 变得接近 0 或 1 。类似地,约束是通过概率和互补对 数链接的模型权重的行为发生的。然而,在 $\left(z_{1}, z_{2}\right)$ 在本节中考虑的平面,线的整个长度 $\eta=z_{1}+z_{2}=0$ 给 $\pi=0.5$ 对于 logit 和 probit 链接,以及 $\pi=1-\exp (-1)=0.6321$ 对 于互补的日志-日志链接(分别来自 (4.2)、(4.4) 和 (4.6))。模型权重沿整条线保持不 变,因此不会发生约束。
䢒条线没有什么“特别”的地方 $z_{1}+z_{2}=0$. 对于给定的值 $c$, 模型权重 $\omega(\boldsymbol{z})$ 沿线取一个常数 值 $\eta=z_{1}+z_{2}=c$. 所以为了限制解释变量的值 $x_{1}$ 和 $x_{2}$ 为了 “合理”的价值观,必须对其施 加约束。
研究局部最优设计的值已成为标准 $x_{1}$ 和 $x_{2}$ 在该区域
\left 的分隔符缺失或无法识别
. 这并不是真正的限制。如果是解释变
量, $w$, 介于 $a$ 和 $b(>a)$, 变换
x=\frac{2 w-(a+b)}{b-a}
给出一个解释变量 $x$ 介于 $-1$ 和 1 。重写线性预测器 $\eta$ 在变量方面 $x_{i}$ 而不是变量 $w_{i}$ 需要更改 参数向量 $\beta$. 一旦根据以下方面确定了最佳设计 $x$, 转换回 $w$ 使用
w=\frac{1}{2}[(a+b)+(b-a) x]
统计代写|广义线性模型代考 GENERALIZED LINEAR MODEL代 考|The logit link
考虑一种情况,在该区域上寻求局部 $\mathrm{D}$ 最优设计
\left 的分隔符缺失或无法识别 使用 logit 链接和
THE MODEL $\eta=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1} x_{1}+\beta_{2} x_{2}$ 参数向量 $\boldsymbol{\beta}=(1,1,1)^{\top}$. 请记住,这是假定的参数向 量。使用该设计的目的之一是估计实际值 $\boldsymbol{\beta}$.
该方法是前面 $4.4 .1$ 小节中演示的方法的直接扩展。首先注意现在有 $p=3$ 参数,以便所 需的支持点数, $s$, 将介于 $p=3$ 和 $p(p+1) / 2=6$. 的价值观 $x_{1}$ 和 $x_{2}$ 被限制在 $-1$ 和 1 ,设 计权重必须满足 $0<\delta_{i}<1(i=1, \ldots, s)$ 和 $\delta_{1}+\cdots+\delta_{s}=1$. 如果使用了 constrOptim, 这些约束必须写成形式 $\boldsymbol{C v}-\boldsymbol{u} \geq \mathbf{0}$; 见第 34 页。需要注意的是,每一个都有两个约束 $s$ 的值 $x_{1}$, 每个有两个约束 $s$ 的值 $x_{2}$, 每个有两个约束 $s$ 个人价值观 $\delta_{i}$ ,然后是一个剩余的约束 $\delta_{1}+\cdots+\delta_{s}=1$; 即,总共 $6 s+1$ 约束。表示为 $x_{i j}$ 的价值 $x_{j}$ 在 $i$ 支撑点 $(i=1, \ldots, s ; j=1,2)$.
让 $\boldsymbol{x} 1=\left(x 11, x_{21}, \ldots, x_{s 1}\right)^{\top}, \boldsymbol{x} 2=\left(x 12, x_{22}, \ldots, x_{s 2}\right)^{\top}$ 和 $\boldsymbol{\delta}=\left(\delta_{1}, \ldots, \delta_{s}\right)^{\top}$. 然后约束写 为
统计代写|广义线性模型代考Generalized linear model代考 请认准UprivateTA™. UprivateTA™为您的留学生涯保驾护航。
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