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会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|STRT270 How to choose the level(s) of analysis?

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国际商贸International Business涉及两个或多个国家之间的货物和服务的跨境交易。经济资源的交易包括资本、技能和人员,目的是在国际上生产实物产品和服务,如金融、银行、保险和建筑。国际商业也被称为全球化。为了在海外开展业务,跨国公司需要将独立的国家市场连接成一个全球市场。有两个宏观规模的因素强调了更大的全球化趋势。第一个因素包括消除障碍,使跨境贸易更加容易(例如,货物和服务以及资本的自由流动,被称为 “自由贸易”)。第二是技术变革,特别是通信、信息处理和运输技术的发展。

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会计代写|国际商贸代写International Business代写|STRT270 How to choose the level(s) of analysis?

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|How to choose the level(s) of analysis?

Many IB phenomena are by default multilevel in nature. For instance, MNEs are nested within home and host country contexts. By the same token, subsidiaries are nested within MNE “hierarchies”, typically the headquarter(s) of the parent company. A number of scholars have emphasized that it is imperative to approach IB phenomena at a variety of levels of theory and analysis (Arregle et al. 2006; Peterson et al. 2012, Goerzen et al. 2013), with due attention paid to nesting or cross-level effects (Andersson et al. 2014). Failure to account for the multilevel structure of hierarchically nested data is likely to yield statistical problems. Such problems arise from improperly disaggregating datasets, thereby violating the assumption of independence among observations and ignoring inter-class correlations that increase the risk of type I and type II errors (Snijders and Bosker 2011; Raudenbush and Bryk 2002). If these problems arise, random coefficients modelling (RCM) offers three substantial advantages over traditional statistical models (Raudenbush and Bryk 2002): (1) improved estimation of effects within each level; (2) possibility to formulate and test hypotheses about cross-level effects; and (3) portioning the variance and co-variance components among levels.

In addition, IB phenomena are often influenced by contexts that are interwoven in a more complex fashion than “simply” being hierarchically nested. On the one hand, MNE subsidiaries are nested within their parent companies, but also within national contexts (e.g., home/host country contexts) in a hierarchical way. On the other hand, MNEs (both parent companies and their subsidiaries) are cross-nested within home and host countries, as well as within industries, but the countries involved are not nested within industries or vice versa. Empirically (as well as conceptually), it is therefore important to recognize heterogeneity at the firm, industry, and country levels, as well as cross-nested embeddedness. Here, a special application of RCMnamely cross-classified random coefficients modelling or CCRCMmay help isolate the effects of the cross-cutting hierarchies (e.g., country and industry) on the dependent variable (e.g., firm performance), thereby avoiding model under-specification and biased results (Fielding and Goldstein 2006). Though still uncommon in IB research (for a recent example, see Estrin et al. 2017), scholars are strongly encouraged to account for the nested structure of the IB phenomena they study, and for non-hierarchical embeddedness in particular, when theorizing about-and testing the effects of-context on firm (industry, team, or individual) behaviour.

Also related to the presence of multiple levels is the challenge of ecological fallacies. These refer to the unqualified usage in one level of analysis of the variable scores that were derived from analysis at another level. As one example, an ecological fallacy comes into play when a researcher uses culture-level scores (e.g., based on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions or GLOBE measures) without conducting individuallevel analyses to interpret individual behaviour. Conversely, a problem of “atomistic” fallacy arises when a researcher constructs culturerelated indices based on individual-level measurements (attitudes, values, behaviours), without conducting societal-level cultural analysis (Schwartz 1994). Culture can be important for many IB decisions and outcomes, whether as a distance measure (Beugelsdijk et al. 2018) or a contextual control variable (Nielsen and Raswant 2018). Yet, ecological fallacy challenges are seldom addressed fully, despite ample evidence that they matter (Brewer and Venaik 2014; Hofstede 2001: 16; House et al. 2004: 99).

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|How to avoid personal bias in interpreting and reporting results?

In IB studies, a researcher working out of a particular context (such as a national culture or a set of national economic institutions relevant to IB transactions) must often interpret data gathered in various other contexts. The researcher’s own context-dependent biases may then affect her or his interpretation of the outcomes. We noted above that concepts may not easily “travel” across borders, and that theories and methods are not necessarily “equivalent” across contexts. One should therefore avoid assuming too easily the universality of concepts, theories, and methods. In addition, researchers themselves may potentially introduce another bias based on their personal ethnocentrism and other context-determined preferences.

These biases often remain undetected, especially when scholars build upon extant streams of equally biased research, sometimes amplified by individuals and “clubs” of like-minded scholars adopting the same methods and involved in editorial reviewing processes. Individuals may actually have a preference for-and may thereby be instrumental to-long waves of biased research being published. Meade and Brislin (1973) suggested a partial solution to this problem, relevant especially in the context of multinational research teams. They suggested that researchers from each country should independently interpret the results obtained, so that inter-interpreter reliability can be assessed.

会计代写|国际商贸代写International Business代写|STRT270 How to choose the level(s) of analysis?


会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|How to choose the level(s) of analysis?

许多 IB 现象在本质上默认是多级的。例如,跨国公司嵌套在母国和东道国环境中。同样,子公司嵌套在跨国企业“层次结构”中,通常是母公司的总部。许多学者强调,必须在各种理论和分析水平上处理 IB 现象(Arregle 等人 2006;Peterson 等人 2012,Goerzen 等人 2013),并适当注意嵌套或跨层次效应(Andersson et al. 2014)。未能考虑分层嵌套数据的多级结构可能会产生统计问题。这些问题源于不正确地分解数据集,从而违反了观察之间独立性的假设,并忽略了增加 I 型和 II 型错误风险的类间相关性(Snijders 和 Bosker 2011;Raudenbush 和 Bryk 2002)。如果出现这些问题,随机系数建模 (RCM) 与传统统计模型相比具有三个显着优势(Raudenbush 和 Bryk 2002):(1)改进了每个级别内的效果估计;(2) 制定和检验有关跨层次效应的假设的可能性;(3) 在水平之间划分方差和协方差分量。(2) 制定和检验有关跨层次效应的假设的可能性;(3) 在水平之间划分方差和协方差分量。(2) 制定和检验有关跨层次效应的假设的可能性;(3) 在水平之间划分方差和协方差分量。

此外,IB 现象通常受到以比“简单”分层嵌套更复杂的方式交织的上下文的影响。一方面,跨国公司的子公司嵌套在其母公司内部,但也嵌套在国家范围内(例如,母国/东道国范围内)以分层方式。另一方面,跨国公司(母公司及其子公司)在母国和东道国以及行业内交叉嵌套,但所涉及的国家不嵌套在行业内,反之亦然。因此,在经验上(以及概念上),重要的是要认识到公司、行业和国家层面的异质性,以及交叉嵌套的嵌入性。这里,RCM 的一种特殊应用,即交叉分类随机系数建模或 CCRCM,可能有助于隔离交叉层次结构(例如,国家和行业)对因变量(例如,公司绩效)的影响,从而避免模型不规范和有偏差的结果(菲尔丁和戈尔茨坦 2006)。尽管在 IB 研究中仍然不常见(最近的一个例子,参见 Estrin 等人,2017),但强烈鼓励学者考虑他们研究的 IB 现象的嵌套结构,特别是在对关于-并测试环境对公司(行业、团队或个人)行为的影响。

与多层次的存在相关的还有生态谬误的挑战。这些是指在一个级别的分析中对从另一级别的分析得出的变量分数的不合格使用。例如,当研究人员使用文化层面的分数(例如,基于 Hofstede 的文化维度或 GLOBE 衡量标准)而不进行个体层面的分析来解释个体行为时,生态谬误就会发挥作用。相反,当研究人员根据个人层面的测量(态度、价值观、行为)构建文化相关指数时,就会出现“原子论”谬误的问题,而没有进行社会层面的文化分析(Schwartz 1994)。文化对于许多 IB 决策和结果可能很重要,无论是作为距离度量(Beugelsdijk et al. 2018)或上下文控制变量(Nielsen and Raswant 2018)。然而,生态谬误挑战很少得到充分解决,尽管有充分证据表明它们很重要(Brewer 和 Venaik 2014;Hofstede 2001:16;House 等人 2004:99)。

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|How to avoid personal bias in interpreting and reporting results?

在 IB 研究中,在特定背景下工作的研究人员(例如与 IB 交易相关的民族文化或一组国家经济机构)必须经常解释在各种其他背景下收集的数据。研究人员自己的上下文相关偏见可能会影响她或他对结果的解释。我们在上面提到,概念可能不容易跨越国界“旅行”,而且理论和方法不一定在上下文中“等效”。因此,人们应该避免过于轻易地假设概念、理论和方法的普遍性。此外,研究人员本身可能会根据他们的个人种族中心主义和其他由背景决定的偏好引入另一种偏见。

这些偏见往往未被发现,特别是当学者建立在现有的同样偏见研究的基础上时,有时会被采用相同方法并参与编辑审查过程的志同道合的学者的个人和“俱乐部”放大。个人实际上可能对发表的有偏见的研究有偏爱,因此可能会有所帮助。Meade 和 Brislin (1973) 提出了这个问题的部分解决方案,特别是在跨国研究团队的背景下。他们建议来自每个国家的研究人员应独立解释获得的结果,以便评估口译员间的可靠性。

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