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数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|MATH213B The Leray–Serre Spectral Sequence

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黎曼几何Riemannian Geometry MATH213B起源于Bernhard Riemann在他的就职演讲 “Ueber die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen”(”关于几何学所基于的假设”)中所表达的观点,它是对R3中曲面微分几何的非常广泛和抽象的概括。黎曼几何学的发展导致了有关曲面几何学的各种结果的综合,以及在其上的测地线的行为,其技术可应用于研究更高维的可微流形。它使爱因斯坦的广义相对论得以提出,对群论和表示论以及分析产生了深刻的影响,并刺激了代数和微分拓扑学的发展。


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数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|MATH213B The Leray–Serre Spectral Sequence

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|The Leray–Serre Spectral Sequence

Theorem 4.66 (The Leray-Serre Spectral Sequence) Suppose we are given
(1) a map $\iota: B \longrightarrow A$ which is a differential fibration (see Definition 4.61);
(2) a flat left A-module $E$, with a flat left connection $\nabla_{E}: E \rightarrow \Omega_{A}^{1} \otimes_{A} E$;
(3) the exterior algebra $\Omega_{B}$ has each $\Omega_{B}^{p}$ flat as a right $B$ module.
There is a spectral sequence converging to $\mathrm{H}\left(A, E, \nabla_{E}\right)$ with second page position $(p, q)$ being $\mathrm{H}^{p}\left(B, \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M), \nabla_{q}\right)$ where $\hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M)$ is the cohomology of
\cdots \stackrel{\mathrm{d}}{\longrightarrow} M_{0, q} \stackrel{\mathrm{d}}{\longrightarrow} M_{0, q+1} \stackrel{\mathrm{d}}{\longrightarrow} \cdots

M_{0, q}=\frac{\Omega_{A}^{q} \otimes_{A} E}{\iota \Omega_{B}^{1} \wedge \Omega^{q-1} A \otimes_{A} E}, \quad \mathrm{~d}[x \otimes e]{0, q}=\left[\mathrm{d} x \otimes e+(-1)^{q} x \wedge \nabla{E} e\right]{0, q+1} $$ and $\nabla{q}: \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M) \rightarrow \Omega_{B}^{1} \otimes_{B} \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M)$ defined in Lemma 4.65.
Proof The first part of the proof is given in Lemma 4.64. Now we need to calculate the cohomology of
\mathrm{d}: \Omega_{B}^{p} \otimes_{B} \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M) \longrightarrow \Omega_{B}^{p+1} \otimes_{B} \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M) .
If $\xi \in \Omega_{B}^{p}, \eta \in \Omega_{A}^{q}$ and $e \in E$ then $\xi \otimes\langle\eta \otimes e\rangle_{0, q}$ corresponds to $\iota \xi \wedge \eta \otimes e$ and applying $\mathrm{d}$ to the latter gives
\iota \mathrm{d} \xi \wedge \eta \otimes e+(-1)^{p} \iota \xi \wedge \mathrm{d} \eta \otimes e+(-1)^{p+q} \iota \xi \wedge \eta \wedge \nabla_{E} e .

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|Correspondences, Bimodules and Positive Maps

In classical geometry a vector field is both a section of the tangent bundle and a bundle map from the cotangent bundle to the trivial bundle. Geometry is full of things which can be considered both as objects and as maps, and sometimes this can be used to generalise the idea of a mapping. Such is the case for the idea of a correspondence between spaces in topology and algebraic geometry. Roughly speaking (omitting much detail and generalisation), a correspondence between $X$ and $Y$ is a subset $\mathcal{C} \subseteq X \times Y$. In terms of our algebraic picture, the projection to the first coordinate $\pi_{1}: \mathcal{C} \rightarrow X$ gives a map of functions $\pi_{1}^{*}: C(X) \rightarrow C(\mathcal{C})$ and by using this we can regard functions on $\mathcal{C}$ as a module over $C(X)$. Projection to the second coordinate $\pi_{2}: \mathcal{C} \rightarrow Y$ allows us to similarly regard functions on $\mathcal{C}$ as a module over $C(Y)$. These actions commute and $C(\mathcal{C})$ becomes a $C(X)-C(Y)$ bimodule. Tensoring with $C(\mathcal{C})$ gives a functor from $C(Y)$-modules to $C(X)$ modules. This point of view includes the idea of viewing a function $f: X \rightarrow Y$ as a graph ${(x, f(x)) \in X \times Y: x \in X}$, in which case the functor is the pull back. In the noncommutative case we can still consider a $B-A$ bimodule $M$ as a kind of generalised morphism between algebras $A, B$. If we have an actual algebra map $\varphi: A \rightarrow B$ then we construct a $B-A$ bimodule $B_{\varphi}$ by $B_{\varphi}=B$ as a left $B$-module, and right $A$-action given by $b . a=b \varphi(a)$. We have already used this for twisted homology in $\S 3.3 .5$ (albeit the twist in ${ }_{\varsigma} A$ was on the other side) and for the inverse image sheaf in Proposition 4.46. Thus bimodules can be constructed from algebra maps. But we are not limited to this case and can think of a general bimodule in the same spirit as a functor between the algebra representation categories. Bimodules can also be given differentiability properties, as we will see.

Another motivation comes from quantum mechanics, where a measurement on a system gives a projection to an eigenspace of the measurement operator and can be expressed as a completely positive map. We shall focus on the KSGNS construction, which deals with completely positive maps and links them to bimodules.

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|MATH213B The Leray–Serre Spectral Sequence


数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|The Leray-Serre Spectral Sequence

定理 $4.66$ (Leray-Serre 谱序列) 假设给定
(1) 一个映射 $\iota: B \longrightarrow A$ 这是一种微分纤维化(见定义 4.61) ;
(2)一个扁平的左A模块 $E$, 有一个扁平的左连接 $\nabla_{E}: E \rightarrow \Omega_{A}^{1} \otimes_{A} E$;
(3) 外代数 $\Omega_{B}$ 有每个 $\Omega_{B}^{p}$ 平权 $B$ 模块。
有一个谱序列收敛到 $\mathrm{H}\left(A, E, \nabla_{E}\right)$ 与第二页位置 $(p, q)$ 存在 $\mathrm{H}^{p}\left(B, \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M), \nabla_{q}\right)$ 在唧里 $\hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M)$ 是的上同调
\cdots \stackrel{\mathrm{d}}{\rightarrow} M_{0, q} \stackrel{\mathrm{d}}{\longrightarrow} M_{0, q+1} \stackrel{\mathrm{d}}{\longrightarrow} \cdots

M_{0, q}=\frac{\Omega_{A}^{q} \otimes_{A} E}{\iota \Omega_{B}^{1} \wedge \Omega^{q-1} A \otimes_{A} E}, \quad \mathrm{~d}[x \otimes e] 0, q=\left[\mathrm{d} x \otimes e+(-1)^{q} x \wedge \nabla E e\right] 0, q+1
和 $\nabla q: \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M) \rightarrow \Omega_{B}^{1} \otimes_{B} \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M)$ 在引理 $4.65$ 中定义。
证明证明的第一部分在引理 $4.64$ 中给出。现在我们需要计算的上同调
\mathrm{d}: \Omega_{B}^{p} \otimes_{B} \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M) \longrightarrow \Omega_{B}^{p+1} \otimes_{B} \hat{\mathrm{H}}^{q}(M) .
如果 $\xi \in \Omega_{B}^{p}, \eta \in \Omega_{A}^{q}$ 和 $e \in E$ 然后 $\xi \otimes\langle\eta \otimes e\rangle_{0, q}$ 对应于 $\iota \xi \wedge \eta \otimes e$ 并申请 $d$ 给启者
\iota \mathrm{d} \xi \wedge \eta \otimes e+(-1)^{p} \iota \xi \wedge \mathrm{d} \eta \otimes e+(-1)^{p+q} \iota \xi \wedge \eta \wedge \nabla_{E} e .

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考|Correspondences, Bimodules and Positive Maps

在经典几何中,向量场既是切从的一部分,又是从余切从至平凡从的丛映射。几何充满了可以被视为对象和地图的东西,有时这可 以用来概括映射的概念。拓扑空间与代数几何之间的对应关系就是这种情况。粗略地说 (省略很多细节和概括),之间的对应关系 $X$ 和 $Y$ 是一个子集 $\mathcal{C} \subseteq X \times Y$. 就需们的代数苳而言,投影到第一个坐标 $\pi_{1}: \mathcal{C} \rightarrow X$ 给出函数图 $\pi_{1}^{*}: C(X) \rightarrow C(\mathcal{C})$ 通过使 用它,我们可以将函数视为 $\mathcal{C}$ 作为一个模块 $C(X)$. 投影到第二个坐标 $\pi_{2}: \mathcal{C} \rightarrow Y$ 允许我们类似地看待函数 $\mathcal{C}$ 作为一个模块 $C(Y)$. 这些行动通勤和 $C(\mathcal{C})$ 变成一个 $C(X)-C(Y)$ 双模。张䋯与 $C(\mathcal{C})$ 给出一个函子 $C(Y)$-模块到 $C(X)$ 模块。这个观点包含了音看 函数的思想 $f: X \rightarrow Y$ 作为图表 $(x, f(x)) \in X \times Y: x \in X$ ,在这种情况下,函子是回拉。在不可交换的情况下,我们们然 可以考虑 $B-A$ 双模 $M$ 作为代数之间的一种广义态射 $A, B$. 如果我们有一个实际的代数图 $\varphi: A \rightarrow B$ 然后我们构造一个 $B-A$
双模 $B_{\varphi}$ 经过 $B_{\varphi}=B$ 作为左 $B$-模块,对 $A$-动作由 $b . a=b \varphi(a)$. 我们已经将其用于扭曲同源 $\S 3.3 .5$ (虽然在 ${ }_{\varsigma} A$ 是在另一边)
和提䅁 $4.46$ 中的反图像层。因此双模可以从代数映射中构造。但是我们不限于这种棈况,并且可以以相同的精神将一般双模枧为
KSGNS 构建,它处理完全正映射并将它们链接到双模块。

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian Geometry代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。





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