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物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|PHYC40650 Degree Distribution

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统计物理Statistical Physics of Matter解释并定量描述了超导性、超流性、湍流、固体和等离子体的集体现象以及液体的结构特征。它是现代天体物理学的基础。在固态物理学中,统计物理学有助于液晶、相变和临界现象的研究。许多物质的实验研究完全基于系统的统计描述。其中包括冷中子、X射线、可见光等的散射。统计物理学在材料科学、核物理学、天体物理学、化学、生物学和医学(如研究传染病的传播)中也发挥了作用。

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物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|PHYC40650 Degree Distribution

物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|Degree Distribution

Networks can be characterized by their degree distribution $P(k)$. For a square lattice, the degree distribution is $P(k)=\delta_{k 4}$ (i.e., each node has degree $k=4$ ). If the distribution follows a power law
P(k) \propto k^{-\gamma},
the network is called scale-free [91]. Examples of networks that are approximately scale-free are the Internet and some social networks [92, 93]. One mechanism that produces scale-free networks is preferential attachment where each new node is more likely to attach to existing nodes with high degree. Mathematically, each new node will be attached to $m \leq m_{0}$ existing nodes and the attachment probability is proportional to the number of edges of the existing nodes. Here, $m_{0}$ is the initial number of nodes. Networks that result from this type of preferential attachment are called BarabásiAlbert networks and their degree distribution is $P(k) \propto k^{-3}$. We show an example of a Barabási-Albert network in Figure 2.44.

Networks that are generated by a random process are also called random-graph models [94, 95]. Another example of a random-graph model are Erdős-Rényi networks [96]. To generate them, we start with $N$ isolated nodes and add new edges between two uniformly at random selected nodes with probability $p$. The resulting degree distribution is binomial:
N-1 \
\end{array}\right) p^{k}(1-p)^{N-1-k},
where $N$ is the number of nodes.
Watts-Strogatz networks [97] also belong to the class of random-graph models and are generated by arranging nodes in a ring and connecting each node to its $K$ nearest neighbors. The $K / 2$ rightmost edges of each node are then rewired (i.e., reconnected) with probability $p$ (see Figure 2.45). The degree distribution of a Watts-Strogatz network is [98]
P(k)=\sum_{l=0}^{f(k, K)}\left(\begin{array}{c}
K / 2 \
\end{array}\right)(1-p)^{l} p^{K / 2-l} \frac{(p K / 2)^{k-K / 2-l}}{(k-K / 2-l) !} e^{-p K / 2}
where $f(k, K)=\min (k-K / 2, K / 2)$.

物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|Dijkstra’s Algorithm

In the previous section, we defined the shortest path between two points on an arbitrary network $G(V, E)$, where $V$ is a set of nodes and $E$ is a set of edges. With the burning method (see Section 2.3.1), we have already seen an example of an algorithm that identifies the shortest-path length (“burning time”) on a percolation cluster. For a general graph $G(V, E)$, Edsger Dijkstra (see Figure 2.46) proposed a greedy algorithm ${ }^{7}$ in $1959 .$

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

  1. We assign to every node a temporary distance value (zero for our initial node and infinity for all other nodes).
  2. We set the initial node as “burned” and mark all other nodes as “unburned.” All unburned nodes are stored in a corresponding set.
  3. For all unburned neighbors of the current node, we compute the corresponding distances. If the computed distance is smaller than the current one, we assign the smaller value. Otherwise, we keep the current value.
  4. After having considered all of the neighbors of the current node, we mark the current node as “burned” and remove it from the set of unburned nodes. We will not consider a burned node again.
  5. We stop the algorithm if we reach the destination node or if the smallest tentative distance among the nodes in the unvisited set is infinity.
  6. Otherwise, we select the “unburned” node that is marked with the smallest distance, consider it as current node, and return to step $3 .$

When combined with additional optimization techniques, the run time of Dijkstra’s algorithm is proportional to $|E|+|V| \log |V|$. In addition to Dijkstra’s algorithm, there also exists the Bellman-Ford-Moore algorithm that can also handle negative weights [104].

物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|PHYC40650 Degree Distribution


物理代写|统计物理代与写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|Degree Distribution

网络可以通过它们的度分布来表征 $P(k)$. 对于方格,度分布为 $P(k)=\delta_{k 4}$ (即每个节点都陏度数 $k=4$ )。如果分布遵䅕草律
P(k) \propto k^{-\gamma},
该网络被称为无标度[91]。近似无标度的网絡示例是 Internet 和一些社交网咯 [92,93]。产生无标度网络的一种机制是优先连 接,其中每个新节点靣有可能槁度连接到现有节点。从数学上讲,每个新节点都将附加到 $m \leq m_{0}$ 现有节点和附着既率与现有节 点的边数成正比。这里, $m_{0}$ 是初始节点数。这种优先依恋类型产生的网络称为 BarabásiAlbert 网絡,其度数分布为 $P(k) \propto k^{-3}$. 我们在图 $2.44$ 中展示了一个Barabási-Albert 网络的例子。
由随机过程生成的网络也称为随机图模型 $[94,95]$ 。随机图模型的另一个例是Erdös-Rényi 网络 [96]。为了生成它们,我们 从 $N$ 孤立节点并在两个均匀随机选译的节点之间以概率添加新边 $p$. 得到的度分布是二项式的:
P(k)=(N-1 k) p^{k}(1-p)^{N-1-k},
在哪里 $N$ 是节点数。
Watts-Strogatz 网络 [97] 也属于随机图模型类,是通过将节点排列成一个环并将每个节点连接到它的 $K$ 最近的邻居。这 $K / 2$ 然后以概率重新连接 (即重新连接) 每个节点的最右边的边缬 $p$ (见图 2.45)。Watts-Strogatz网絡的度数分布为 [98]
P(k)=\sum_{l=0}^{f(k, K)}(K / 2 l)(1-p)^{l} p^{K / 2-l} \frac{(p K / 2)^{k-K / 2-l}}{(k-K / 2-l) !} e^{-p K / 2}
在哪里 $f(k, K)=\min (k-K / 2, K / 2)$.

物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考|Dijkstra’s Algorithm

在上一节中,我们定义了任意网络上两点之间的最短路径 $G(V, E)$ ,在哪里 $V$ 是一组节点和 $E$ 是一组边。使用垁挠方法 (参见第 Edsger Dijkstra(见图 2.46) 提出了一种念心算法 ${ }^{7}$ 在 1959 .
Dijkstra 算法

  1. 我们为每个节点分配一个临时距离值(初始节点为零,所有其他节点为无穷大)。
  2. 我们将初始节点设置为“已烧毁”,并将所有其他节点标记为“末烧录”。所有末销毁的节点都存储在相应的集合中。
  3. 对于当前节点的所有末肤峣邻居,我们计算相应的距离。如果计算的距离小于当前距离,我们分配较小的值。否则,我们保 留当前值。 的节点。
  4. 如果我们到达目标节点或者末访问集中的节点之间的最小暂定距离为无穷大,我们将停止算法。
    当与其他优化技术结合使用时,Dijkstra 算法的运行时间与 $|E|+|V| \log |V|$. 除了 Dijkstra 算法之外,还有可以处理负权重的 Bellman-Ford-Moore 算法[104]。
物理代写|统计物理代写Statistical Physics of Matter代考

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