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会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|MBA2022 Robustness Tests

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国际商贸International Business涉及两个或多个国家之间的货物和服务的跨境交易。经济资源的交易包括资本、技能和人员,目的是在国际上生产实物产品和服务,如金融、银行、保险和建筑。国际商业也被称为全球化。为了在海外开展业务,跨国公司需要将独立的国家市场连接成一个全球市场。有两个宏观规模的因素强调了更大的全球化趋势。第一个因素包括消除障碍,使跨境贸易更加容易(例如,货物和服务以及资本的自由流动,被称为 “自由贸易”)。第二是技术变革,特别是通信、信息处理和运输技术的发展。

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会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|MBA2022 Robustness Tests

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|Robustness Tests

In view of the challenges that may arise from using a single test statistic from a single regression equation to test a hypothesis, it is important that authors assess the evidence comprehensively. In particular, by conducting a variety of robustness tests, authors can show that a significant finding is not due to an idiosyncrasy of the chosen empirical model and/or estimation strategy. Evidence from empirical tests becomes more convincing when it is supported by appropriate robustness tests.

The discussion section of a paper provides opportunities for a comprehensive assessment of the evidence, beyond the statistical properties of the specific tests used in the focal regression analysis. What tests are appropriate varies with the design of the study and the nature of the data. It is a normal part of the reviewing process that reviewers suggest some additional robustness tests, and authors are expected to seriously engage with such suggestions. ${ }^{7}$ If this additional work were to result in an excessive number of tables, an additional file with these tables and short explanation of them can be included in a supplement to the paper that will be made available on the JIBS website. Robustness tests may include, for example, additional analyses with

  • alternative proxies of focal constructs (i.e., variables mentioned in the hypotheses as independent or explanatory variables), especially for those that involve abstract concepts that cannot be measured directly;
  • alternative sets of control variables, especially when correlation is present in the dataset between a focal explanatory variable and a control variable; and/or
  • alternative functional forms of the regression models, especially for the hypotheses that suggest nonlinear effects (Haans et al. 2016; Meyer 2009), or moderating or mediating effects (Andersson et al. 2014; Cortina et al. 2015).

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|From HARKing to Developing Theory

Hypothesizing After the Results are Known (HARKing) in search of hypotheses for already known positive results is causing great harm to scientific progress (Bosco et al. 2016). We would like to note that HARKing is not the same as “playing with your data” to explore the nature of relationships and get better feeling for possibly interesting patterns in a dataset. HARKing refers to the practice of datamining and, after significant results are established, developing or adjusting theoretical arguments ex post, but presenting the theory as if already in place ex ante. The issue with HARKing is that we have no knowledge of the many nulls and negatives that were found but not reported along the way, and therefore readers cannot be sure as to the true power of the statistical evidence. While papers in business studies journals appear to confirm groundbreaking hypotheses, we rarely see reports about falsification outcomes. ${ }^{8}$ As indicated in our opening paragraph, about $89 \%$ of all hypoth- eses in JIBS $(82 \%), S M J(90 \%)$ and Organization Science $(92 \%)$ were confirmed in the 2016 volumes. ${ }^{9}$ Yet no information is provided about the many “interventions” applied to produce this abundance of positive results.

To tackle this problem, no journal can operate a policing force to monitor and sanction what is happening behind the closed doors of our authors’ offices. Eliminating HARKing requires an orchestrated effort to seriously change deeply embedded practices in the scholarly community (Ioannidis 2005, 2012). What we can do, for now, is firstly to reduce the focus on single test statistics when assessing results in favour of comprehensive assessments, and thereby to reduce the incentives to engage in HARKing (hence our guidelines $1-9)$, and secondly to mentor and train a new generation of scholars to intrinsically dislike HARKing practices. Here, key is that established scholars lead by example. Of course, this also requires broader institutional change to remove some of the incentives that disproportionately reward scholars finding statistically significant results (Ioannidis 2012; van Witteloostuijn 2016). What journals can do boils down to, basically, two alternatives (or a combination of both).

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|MBA2022 Robustness Tests


会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写| Robustness Tests


论文的讨论部分提供了对证据进行全面评估的机会,超出了焦点回归分析中使用的特定测试的统计属性。哪些测试是合适的,因研究的设计和数据的性质而异。审稿人建议一些额外的稳健性测试,这是审稿过程的正常部分,作者应该认真参与这些建议。${ }^{7}$ 如果这个额外的工作导致表格数量过多,则可以在JIBS网站上提供的论文补充中包含这些表格的附加文件和对它们的简短解释。例如,稳健性测试可能包括附加分析

  • 焦点结构的替代代理(即假设中提到的作为独立或解释变量的变量),特别是那些涉及无法直接测量的抽象概念的变量;
  • 控制变量的替代集合,特别是当数据集中存在焦点解释变量和控制变量之间的相关性时;和/或
  • 回归模型的替代功能形式,特别是对于建议非线性效应的假设(Haans等人,2016;Meyer 2009),或调节或中介效应(Andersson et al. 2014;Cortina et al. 2015)。

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写| From HARKing to Developing Theory

在结果已知之后(HARKing)寻找已知阳性结果的假设对科学进步造成了巨大损害(Bosco et al. 2016)。我们想指出的是,HARKing与“玩弄你的数据”不同,它探索了关系的本质,并更好地感受数据集中可能有趣的模式。HARKing指的是数据挖掘的实践,在建立重大成果后,事后发展或调整理论论证,但将理论呈现为似乎已经到位。HARKing的问题在于,我们不了解在此过程中发现但未报告的许多零和否定,因此读者无法确定统计证据的真正力量。虽然商业研究期刊上的论文似乎证实了突破性的假设,但我们很少看到关于伪造结果的报道。${ }^{8}$ 如我们的开篇段落所示,JIBS $(82 \%),S M J(90 \%)$和组织科学$(92 \%)$中所有假设的约$ 89 \%$在2016年卷中得到确认。${ }^{9}$ 然而,没有提供关于为产生大量积极结果而应用的许多“干预措施”的信息。

为了解决这个问题,没有一家期刊可以运作一支警务部队来监控和制裁我们作者办公室闭门造车后发生的事情。消除HARKing需要精心策划的努力,以认真改变学术界根深蒂固的实践(Ioannidis 2005,2012)。就目前而言,我们能做的首先是在评估结果时减少对单一测试统计数据的关注,转而支持全面评估,从而减少参与HARKing的动机(因此我们的指导方针为1-9美元),其次是指导和培训新一代学者本质上不喜欢HARKing实践。在这里,关键是老牌学者以身作则。当然,这也需要更广泛的制度变革,以消除一些不成比例地奖励学者发现具有统计意义的结果的激励措施(Ioannidis 2012; van Witteloostuijn 2016)。期刊可以做的事情基本上可以归结为两种选择(或两者的组合)。

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写

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微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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