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会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|MGB104 The Focus on p-Values and False Positives

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会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|MGB104 The Focus on p-Values and False Positives

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|The Focus on p-Values and False Positives

The null hypothesis significance testing practice was introduced by Fisher (1925) to distinguish between interesting relationships and noise. Null hypothesis significance testing has quickly become the norm in social sciences, including business studies. Before computers and software packages such as SPSS and STATA became widely available, the $p$-values associated with specific test statistics related to a particular relationship were looked up in a statistical table. As $p$-values were given for a limited set of cutoff values (particularly $p=0.10, p=0.05$, and $p=0.01$ ), a practice emerged to report $p$-values with respect to these benchmarks (e.g., $p=0.05)$, and to indicate the significant estimates with $$, $ $ or $ * *$. Fisher (1925) suggested, somewhat arbitrarily, using $p=0.05$ as the most appropriate cutoff level. With increased computing power, however, scholars became able to calculate exact $p$-values for even the most advanced statistical models. But due to path dependency, the old asterisks habit remained in place.

Despite the importance and influence of Fisher’s work, and the intuitive attractiveness of using a simple cutoff value, the focus on $p$-values is not without its negative external effects. Particularly, the focus on $p$-values leads to publication bias. It has always been the case that journals have an interest in publishing interesting results – i.e., significant estimates $-$ and not noise (to paraphrase Fisher), but the introduction of the publish-orperish culture appears to have increased the publication bias. It has been argued that this development is due to a counterproductive academic reward structure, arising from the combination of top-tier journals’ preference for ‘statistically significant results’ and a highly competitive tenuretrack system in many universities that relies disproportionately on top-tier journal publications (Bedeian et al. 2010; Pashler and Wagenmakers 2012).
This reward structure encourages practices inconsistent with statistical best practice (Wasserstein and Lazar 2016), specifically ex post writing of hypotheses supposedly ex ante tested, also referred to as HARKing (Kerr 1998), and of manipulating of empirical results to achieve threshold values, varyingly referred to as $p$-hacking (Head et al. 2015; Simmons et al. 2011) star wars (Brodeur et al. 2016), and searching for asterisks (Bettis 2012). The heavy focus on significant effects opens the door to a variety of questionable (and occasionally plain bad) practices, some of which we discuss below in greater detail. Most fundamentally, such approaches are inconsistent with Popper’s (1959) falsification criterion, which is the philosophical foundation for conducting hypothesis tests in the first place (van Witteloostuijn 2016). As a consequence, the reliability and validity of cumulative work are not as high as they could be without biases in the publication process.

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|The Biases and Misinterpretations of p-Logic Practices

The biases that cause inflated $p$-values (i.e., $p$-values that are lower than they “truly” are) ${ }^{3}$ are problematic because the final result is research reporting too many false positives, which, in turn, lead to misguided advice to practice (e.g., Aguinis et al. 2010). As a simple yet powerful illustration, we took the last two years (2015-2016) of JIBS, Organization Science, and $S M J$, and collected information on the $p$-values of all variables of interest in the estimated regression models. We followed the approach of Brodeur et al. (2016) and collected for all tests of a variable of interest in a hypothesis-testing paper information on the coefficient, reported $p$-values, and standard errors of the coefficient (or $t$-value when reported). The vast majority of the articles present the coefficient and the standard error; only few report $t$-values. We omit control variables.

For the three journals combined, this amounts to 313 articles and 5579 null hypothesis tests. This includes robustness tests (but excludes the ones published in online appendices). We do not round coefficients and standard errors, but use the full data as provided in the articles considered. Out of the 5579 hypothesis tests extracted from the three journals, 3897 are rejected at the $p<0.10$ level, 3461 at the $p<0.05$ level, and 2356 at $p<0.01$ level. To obtain a homogenous sample, we transform the $p$-values into the equivalent $z$-statistics. A $p$-value of $0.05$ becomes a $z$-statistic of 1.96. Following Brodeur et al. (2016), we simply construct the ratio of the reported coefficient and the standard error, assuming a standard normal distribution. ${ }^{4}$

The findings are visualized in Fig. 4.1. It shows the raw distribution of $z$-scores ( $p$-values) in a histogram as well as the kernel density plot,weighted for the number of hypotheses tested in an article. A kernel density plot is a nonparametric technique to visualize the underlying distribution of a continuous variable, in this case the distribution of $p$-values. It is nonparametric because it does not assume any underlying distribution such as a normal one. Intuitively, a kernel density plot can be seen as a sum of bumps. In plotting the kernel density plot, we weigh by number of hypotheses tests per article, because we want to give each article equal weight in the overall distribution. Some papers may have many hypotheses (e.g., Choi and Contractor 2016), whereas others may only have one or two (e.g., Husted et al. 2016). Separate graphs for JIBS, SMJ and Organization Science produce similar distributions and density plots (available upon request from the authors). Including or excluding robustness tests does not affect overall findings either. ${ }^{5}$

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|MGB104 The Focus on p-Values and False Positives


会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|The Focus on p-Values and False Positives

Fisher (1925) 引入了零假设显着性检验实践来区分有趣的关系和噪声。零假设显着性检验已迅速成为包括商业研究在内的社会科 学的规范。在 SPSS 和 STATA 等计算机和软件包广泛使用之前, $p$-在统计表中亶找与特定关系相关的特定测恜统计相关的值。作 为 $p$ – 给出了一组有限的截止值(特别是 $p=0.10, p=0.05 ,$ 和 $p=0.01$ ),出现了一种㑬去来报告 $p$-与这些基准相关的值 (例如, $p=0.05$ ), 并用 $\$$ 表示重大估计, or **. Fisher (1925) suggested, somewhatarbitrarily, using $\mathrm{p}=0.05$ asthemostappropriatecutof flevel. Withincreasedcomputingpower, however, scholarsbecameabletocalculateexact 即使是最先进的统计模型的 p\$-values。但是由于路径依赖性,旧的星昊刃惯仍然存在。
尽管费舍尔的工作具有重要性和影响力,并且使用简单的載止值具有直观的吸引力,但仍将重点放在 $p$ 价植观并非没有负面的外部 影响。特别是,重点 $p$-values 导致发表偏倚。期刊总是有兴㻓发表有趣的结果一一即重要的估计一而不是噪音 (用费舍尔的话 说),但出版或灭亡文化的引入似乎增加了出版偏见。有人认为,这种发展是由于一种适得其反的学术奖励结构,这是由于顺级期 刊对“具有统计意义的结果”的偏好以及许多大学不成比例地依赖肛级期刊的竞争激烈的终身制出版物(Bedeian 等人,2010 年; Pashler 和 Wagenmakers 2012 年)。
这种奖励结构鼓励与统计最佳实践不一致的实践 (Wasserstein 和 Lazar 2016),特别是事后編写假设是事前测试的假设,也称 为 HARKing(Kerr 1998),以及操纩经验结果以实现诃值,不同地称为是 $p$-黑客 (Head et al. 2015; Simmons et al. 2011) 星球大战 (Brodeur et al. 2016) 和搜率星号 (Bettis 2012) 。对显着影响的高度关注为各种有问题的 (有时甚至是粕糕的) 实 践开了大门,我们将在下面更详细地讨论其中的一些。最根本的是,这些方法与 Popper (1959) 的证伪标准不一致,后者是首 先进行假设检验的哲学基础 (van Witteloostuijn 2016)。因此,累积工作的可靠性和有效性决有出版过程中没有偏见的情况下那 么高。

会计代写国际商贸代考International Business代写|The Biases and Misinterpretations of p-Logic Practices

导致憉胀的偏见 $p$-值 (即, $p$ – 低于它们“真正”的值) ${ }^{3}$ 是有问题的,因为最终结果是研究报告了太多的误报,这反过来又会导致错 科学和 $S M J$, 并收集了关于 $p$-估计回归模型中所有感兴趣変量的值。我们邅循Brodeur 等人的方法。(2016 年) 并在假设检验 论文中收集了有关系数的所有寍兴诹変量检验的信息,报告 $p$-值和系数的标倠䢔差 (或 $t$-报告时的值)。绝大多数立章都哈出了 系数和标准误;只有少数报道 $t-$ 价值观。我们省略了控制変量。
对于这三种期刊的总和,这相当于 313 篇文章和 5579 次零假设检验。这包括稳健性测试 (但不包括在线附录中发布的测试)。我 们不对系数和标准误差进行四舍五入,而是使用所考慮文章中提供的完整数据。在从三个期刊中提取的 5579 个假设检验中,有 3897 个被拍绝 $p<0.10$ 水平, 3461 在 $p<0.05$ 水平,和 2356 在 $p<0.01$ 等级。为了获得同质样本,我们将 $p$-值转化为等价 物 $z$-统计数据。一个p-的价值 $0.05$ 变成一个 $z-1.96$ 的统计量。继Brodeur 等人之后。(2016),假设标准正态分布,我们简单 地构建报告系数与标准误差的比率。 4
结果在图 $4.1$ 中可视化。它显示了原始分布 $z$-分数 ( $p$-values) 在直方图中以及核密度图中,根据文章中测试的假设数量加权。 核密度图是一种非参数技术,用于可视化连续昗量的潛在分布,在这种情况下是 $p$-价值观。它是非参数的,因为它不假设任何基 础分布,例如正态分布。直观地说,核密度图可以看作是凹凸的总和。在绘制核密度图时,我们按每篇文章的假设恻试数来衡量, 因为我们希望在整体分布中赋予每篇文章相同的权重。一些论文可能有许多假设 (例如,Choi 和 Contractor 2016),而其他论 文可能只有一两个 (例如,Husted 等人 2016) 。JIBS、SMJ 和组织科学的单独图表产生类似的分布和密度图 (可应作者要求提 供) 。包括或排除稳健性检验也不影响总体结果。 ${ }^{5}$

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