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物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|FENG2021 The Origin of the Solar System

如果你也在 怎样代写太阳系Solar System FENG2021这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。太阳系Solar System是由太阳和围绕太阳运行的物体组成的引力约束系统。它在46亿年前由一个巨大的星际分子云的引力坍缩形成。该系统的绝大部分(99.86%)质量都在太阳中,其余大部分质量包含在木星中。内系统的四颗行星–水星、金星、地球和火星–是陆生行星,主要由岩石和金属组成。

太阳系Solar System系统的四颗巨行星比陆生行星大得多,质量也大得多。两个最大的行星,木星和土星,是气态巨行星,主要由氢和氦组成;接下来的两个行星,天王星和海王星,是冰态巨行星,主要由与氢和氦相比熔点较高的挥发性物质组成,如水、氨和甲烷。所有八颗行星都有近乎圆形的轨道,位于地球轨道的平面附近,称为黄道。

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物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|FENG2021 The Origin of the Solar System

物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|The Origin of the Solar System

The origin of the solar system has long been a fascinating subject posing difficult questions of deep significance. It takes one to the heart of the question of our origins, of how we came to be here and why our surroundings look the way they do. Unfortunately, we currently lack a self-consistent model for the origin of the solar system and other planetary systems. The early stages of planet formation are obscure, and we have only a modest understanding of how much the orbits of planets change during and after their formation. At present, we cannot say whether terrestrial planets similar to the Earth are commonplace or highly unusual. Nor do we know the source of the water that makes our planet habitable.

In the face of such uncertainty, one might ask whether we will ever understand how planetary systems form. In fact, the last 10 years have seen rapid progress in almost every area of planetary science, and our understanding of the origin of the solar system and other planetary systems has improved greatly as a result. Planetary science today is as exciting as it has been at any time since the Apollo landings on the Moon, and the coming decade looks set to continue this trend.

Some key recent developments follow:

  1. A decade ago, the first planet orbiting another Sunlike star was discovered. Since then, new planets have been found at an astounding rate, and roughly $200 \mathrm{ob}-$ jects are known today. Most of these planets appear to be gas giants similar to Jupiter and Saturn. Recently, several smaller planets have been found, and these may be akin to Uranus and Neptune, or possibly large analogs of terrestrial planets like Earth.
  2. In the last 10 years, there have been a number of highly successful space missions to other bodies in the solar system, including Mars, Saturn, Titan, and several asteroids and comets. Information and images returned from these missions have transformed our view of these objects and greatly enhanced our understanding of their origin and evolution.
  3. The discovery that one can physically separate and analyze star dust-presolar grains that can be extracted from meteorites and that formed in the envelopes of other stars-has meant that scientists can for the first time test decades of theory on how stars work. The parallel development of methods for extracting isotopic information at the submicron scale has opened up a new window to the information stored in such grains.
  1. The development of multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry has made it possible to use new isotopic systems for determining the mechanisms and timescales for the growth of bodies early in the solar system.
  2. Our theoretical understanding of planet formation has advanced substantially in several areas, including new models for the rapid growth of giant planets, a better understanding of the physical and chemical evolution of protoplanetary disks, and the growing realization that planets can migrate substantially during and after their formation.
  3. The recent development of powerful new computer codes and equations of state has facilitated realistic, high-resolution simulations of collisions between planet-sized bodies. Scientists are discovering that the resolution of their models significantly changes the outcome, and the race is on to find reliable solutions.

物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|Star Formation and Protoplanetary Disks

The solar system formed $4.5-4.6$ billion years $(\mathrm{Ga})$ ago by collapse of a portion of a molecular cloud of gas and dust rather like the Eagle or Orion Nebulae. Some of the star dust from that ancient Solar Nebula has now been isolated from primitive meteorites. Their isotopic compositions are vastly different from those of our own solar system and provide fingerprints of nearby stars that preceded our Sun. These include red giants, asymptotic giant branch stars, supernovae, and novae. It has also become clear from studying modern molecular clouds that stars like our Sun can form in significant numbers in close proximity to each other. Such observation also provide clues as to how own solar system formed because they have provided us with images of circumstellar disks-the environments in which planetary objects are born.

Observations from space-based infrared telescopes such as the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) have shown that many young stars give off more infrared radiation than would be expected for blackbodies of the same size. This infrared excess comes from micron-sized grains of dust orbiting the star in an optically thick (opaque) disk. Dark, dusty disks can be seen with the Hubble Space Telescope surrounding some young stars in the Orion Nebula (Fig. 1). These disks have been dubbed proplyds, short for protomostly composed of gas, and in a few cases this gas has been detected, although gas is generally much harder to see than dust. The fraction of stars having a massive disk declines with stellar age, and large infrared excesses are rarely seen in stars older than $10^7$ years. In some cases, such as the disk surrounding the star HR $4796 \mathrm{~A}$, there are signs that the inner portion of a disk has been cleared of dust (Fig. 2), perhaps due to the presence of one or more planets.

物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|FENG2021 The Origin of the Solar System






十年前,第一颗围绕另一颗类日恒星运行的行星被发现。从那时起,新的行星以惊人的速度被发现,今天已知的天体大约有$200 \mathrm{ob}-$颗。这些行星中的大多数似乎是类似木星和土星的气体巨星。最近,发现了几颗较小的行星,它们可能与天王星和海王星类似,也可能是类似地球的大型类地行星。在过去的10年里,有许多飞往太阳系其他天体的非常成功的太空任务,包括火星、土星、土卫六以及一些小行星和彗星。从这些任务中返回的信息和图像改变了我们对这些天体的看法,极大地增进了我们对它们的起源和演变的理解。人们可以从物理上分离和分析星尘——可以从陨石中提取的太阳系前颗粒,它们形成于其他恒星的外围——这一发现意味着科学家们第一次可以检验几十年来关于恒星如何运行的理论。在亚微米尺度提取同位素信息的方法的并行发展,为研究储存在这种颗粒中的信息打开了一扇新的窗口




来自诸如红外天文卫星(IRAS)等天基红外望远镜的观测表明,许多年轻恒星发出的红外辐射比同样大小的黑体所预期的要多。这些多余的红外线来自于微米大小的尘埃颗粒,它们在一个光学厚(不透明)的圆盘中绕着恒星运行。在猎户座星云(图1)中,通过哈勃太空望远镜可以看到围绕着一些年轻恒星的黑色尘埃盘。这些尘埃盘被称为原星系(原星系主要由气体组成的缩写),在少数情况下,这种气体已经被探测到,尽管气体通常比尘埃更难观测到。拥有大质量盘的恒星的比例随着恒星年龄的增长而下降,在年龄超过$10^7$年的恒星中很少看到大的红外过量。在某些情况下,例如围绕恒星HR $4796 \mathrm{~A}$的圆盘,有迹象表明,一个圆盘的内部部分已经被尘埃清除(图2),这可能是由于一个或多个行星的存在

物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考

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