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物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|PHYS7810 The Asteroid Belt

如果你也在 怎样代写太阳系Solar System PHYS7810这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。太阳系Solar System是由太阳和围绕太阳运行的物体组成的引力约束系统。它在46亿年前由一个巨大的星际分子云的引力坍缩形成。该系统的绝大部分(99.86%)质量都在太阳中,其余大部分质量包含在木星中。内系统的四颗行星–水星、金星、地球和火星–是陆生行星,主要由岩石和金属组成。

太阳系Solar System系统的四颗巨行星比陆生行星大得多,质量也大得多。两个最大的行星,木星和土星,是气态巨行星,主要由氢和氦组成;接下来的两个行星,天王星和海王星,是冰态巨行星,主要由与氢和氦相比熔点较高的挥发性物质组成,如水、氨和甲烷。所有八颗行星都有近乎圆形的轨道,位于地球轨道的平面附近,称为黄道。

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物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|PHYS7810 The Asteroid Belt

物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|The Asteroid Belt

The Asteroid Belt currently contains only enough material to make a planet 2000 times less massive than Earth, even though the spatial extent of the belt is huge. It seems likely that this region once contained much more mass than it does today. A smooth interpolation of the amount of solid material needed to form the inner planets and the gas giants would place about 2 Earth-masses in the Asteroid Belt. Even if most of this mass was lost at an early stage, the surface density of solid material must have been at least 100 times higher than it is today in order to grow bodies the size of Ceres and Vesta (roughly 900 and $500 \mathrm{~km}$ in diameter, respectively) in only a few million years.

Several regions of the Asteroid Belt contain clusters of asteroids with similar orbits and similar spectral features, suggesting they are made of the same material. These clusters are fragments from the collisional breakup of larger asteroids. There are relatively few of these asteroid families, which implies that catastrophic collisions are quite rare. This suggests the Asteroid Belt has contained relatively little mass for most of its history. The spectrum of asteroid Vesta, located 2.4 AU from the Sun, shows that it has a basaltic crust. The HED meteorites, which probably come from Vesta, show this crust formed only a few million years after the solar system, according to several isotopic systems. The survival of Vesta’s crust suggests that the crust formed the impact rate in the belt has never been much higher than it is today. For these reasons, it is thought that most of the Asteroid Belt’s original mass was removed at a very early stage by a dynamical process rather than by collisional erosion.
The Asteroid Belt currently contains a number of orbital resonances associated with the giant planets. Resonances occur when either the orbital period or precession period of an asteroid has a simple ratio with the corresponding period for one of the planets. Many resonances induce large changes in orbital eccentricity, causing asteroids to fall into the Sun, or to come close to Jupiter, leading to close encounters and ejection from the solar system. For this reason, there are very few asteroids that orbit the Sun twice every time Jupiter orbits the Sun once, for example. When the nebular gas was still present, small asteroids moving on eccentric orbits would have drifted inward rapidly due to gas drag. After the giant planets had formed, a combination of resonances and gas drag may have transferred most objects smaller than a few hundred kilometers from the Asteroid Belt into the terrestrial-planet region. Larger planetary embryos would not have drifted very far. However, once oligarchic growth ceased, embryos began to gravitationally scatter one another across the belt. Numerical simulations show that most or all of these bodies would eventually enter a resonance and be removed, leaving an Asteroid Belt greatly depleted in mass and containing no objects bigger than Ceres. The timescale for the depletion of the belt depends sensitively on the orbital eccentricities of the giant planets at the time, which are poorly known. The belt may have been cleared in only a few million years, but it may have required as much as several hundred million years if the giant planets had nearly circular orbits.

物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|Growth of Gas and Ice Giant Planets

Jupiter and Saturn are mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. These elements do not condense at temperatures and pressures found in protoplanetary disks, so they must have been gravitationally captured from the gaseous component of the solar nebula. Observations of young stars indicate that protoplanetary disks survive for only a few million years, and this sets an upper limit for the amount of time required to form giant planets. Uranus and Neptune also contain significant amounts of hydrogen and helium (somewhere in the range 3-25\%), and so they probably also formed quickly, before the solar nebula dispersed.
Jupiter and Saturn also contain elements heavier than helium and they are enriched in these elements compared to the Sun. The gravitational field of Saturn strongly suggests it has a core of dense material at its center, containing roughly one fifth of the planet’s total mass. Jupiter may also have a dense core containing a few Earth masses of material. The interior structure of Jupiter remains quite uncertain because we lack adequate equations of state for the behavior of hydrogen at the very high pressures found in the planet’s interior. The upper atmospheres of both planets are enriched in elements such as carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and argon, compared to the Sun. It is thought likely that these enrichments extend deep into the planets’ interiors, but this remains uncertain.

Giant planets may form directly by the contraction and collapse of gravitationally unstable regions of a protoplanetary disk. This disk instability is analogous to the gravitational instabilities that may have formed planetesimals, but instead the instability takes place in nebula gas rather than the solid component of the disk. Instabilities will occur if the Toomre stability criterion $Q$ becomes close to or lower than 1 , where
Q=\frac{M_{\mathrm{sun}} c_{\mathrm{s}}}{\sum \pi a^2 v_{\mathrm{kep}}}
where $v_{\mathrm{kep}}$ is the Keplerian velocity, $c_{\mathrm{s}}$ is the sound speed, and $\Sigma$ is the local surface density of gas in the disk. Gas in an unstable region quickly becomes much denser than the surrounding material. Disk instability requires high surface densities and low sound speeds (cold gas), so it is most likely to occur in the outer regions of a massive protoplanetary disk. Numerical calculations suggest instabilities will occur beyond about $5 \mathrm{AU}$ in a nebula a few times more massive than the minimum-mass solar nebula. What happens to an unstable region depends on how quickly the gas cools as it contracts, and this is the subject of much debate. If the gas remains hot, the dense regions will quickly become sheared out and destroyed by the differential rotation of the disk. If cooling is efficient, simulations show that gravitationally bound clumps will form in a few hundred years, and these may ultimately contract to form giant planets. Initially, such planets would be homogeneous and have the same composition as the nebula. Their structure and composition may change subsequently due to gravitational settling of heavier elements to the center and capture of rocky or icy bodies such as comets.

物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考|PHYS7810 The Asteroid Belt



尽管小行星带的空间范围很大,但目前小行星带所含的物质只够制造一颗质量比地球小2000倍的行星。这片区域曾经的质量可能比现在大得多。如果将形成内行星和气体巨星所需的固体物质的数量进行平滑插值,将在小行星带中放置大约2个地球质量的物质。即使大部分质量在早期就消失了,固体物质的表面密度也必须至少比今天高100倍,才能在短短几百万年里生长出谷神星和灶神星这样大小的天体(直径分别约为900和$500 \mathrm{~km}$)




Q=\frac{M_{\mathrm{sun}} c_{\mathrm{s}}}{\sum \pi a^2 v_{\mathrm{kep}}}
,其中$v_{\mathrm{kep}}$是开普勒速度,$c_{\mathrm{s}}$是声速,$\Sigma$是圆盘内气体的局部表面密度,则会发生不稳定。不稳定区域的气体密度很快就会比周围的物质大得多。盘的不稳定性需要较高的表面密度和较低的声速(冷气体),所以它最有可能发生在一个大质量原行星盘的外部区域。数值计算表明,在质量比最小质量太阳星云大几倍的星云中,不稳定现象将在大约$5 \mathrm{AU}$以外的地方发生。不稳定区域会发生什么取决于气体收缩时的冷却速度,这是一个备受争议的话题。如果气体保持高温,密集区域将很快被剪切出来,并被圆盘的差动旋转破坏。如果冷却是有效的,模拟表明受引力束缚的团块将在几百年内形成,这些团块可能最终收缩形成巨大的行星。最初,这样的行星应该是均匀的,具有与星云相同的成分。它们的结构和组成可能随后发生变化,这是由于较重元素的引力沉降到中心,以及彗星等岩石或冰体的捕获

物理代写|太阳系代写Solar System代考

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