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计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|COMP4702 Subset Search and Evaluation

如果你也在 怎样代写机器学习Machine Learning COMP4702这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。机器学习Machine Learning是一个致力于理解和建立 “学习 “方法的研究领域,也就是说,利用数据来提高某些任务的性能的方法。机器学习算法基于样本数据(称为训练数据)建立模型,以便在没有明确编程的情况下做出预测或决定。机器学习算法被广泛用于各种应用,如医学、电子邮件过滤、语音识别和计算机视觉,在这些应用中,开发传统算法来执行所需任务是困难的或不可行的。

机器学习Machine Learning程序可以在没有明确编程的情况下执行任务。它涉及到计算机从提供的数据中学习,从而执行某些任务。对于分配给计算机的简单任务,有可能通过编程算法告诉机器如何执行解决手头问题所需的所有步骤;就计算机而言,不需要学习。对于更高级的任务,由人类手动创建所需的算法可能是一个挑战。在实践中,帮助机器开发自己的算法,而不是让人类程序员指定每一个需要的步骤,可能会变得更加有效 。

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计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|COMP4702 Subset Search and Evaluation

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Subset Search and Evaluation

Watermelons can be described by many attributes, such as color, root, sound, texture, and surface, but experienced people can determine the ripeness with only the root and sound information. In other words, not all attributes are equally important for the learning task. In machine learning, attributes are also called features. Features that are useful for the current learning task are called relevant features, and those useless ones are called irrelevant features. The process of selecting relevant features from a given feature set is called feature selection.
Feature selection is an important step of data preprocessing that often needs to be done before training the learners. The reasons for feature selection are twofold. Firstly, the curse of dimensionality is a common issue in practical learning problems due to the large number of features. If we can identify the relevant features, then the subsequent learning process will deal with a much lower dimensionality, and hence the curse of dimensionality is alleviated. From this point of view, feature selection shares a similar motivation with dimensionality reduction, as discussed in Chap. 10. Secondly, eliminating irrelevant features often reduces the difficulty of learning because the learner is more likely to discover the truth without being distracted by irrelevant information.

It is worth noting that the feature selection process must not discard important features. Otherwise, the performance of subsequent learning will be hurt by information loss. Furthermore, for the same data set, the important features are often different for different learning tasks, and hence when we say some features are “irrelevant”, we refer to a specific learning task. There is another category of features called redundant features, whose information can be derived from other features. For example, considering a cubic object, if the features base length and base width are known, then base area is a redundant feature since it can be calculated from base length and base width. Since redundant features usually provide no additional information, removing them can reduce the workload of the learning process. However, in some cases, the redundant features can make the learning easier. For example, suppose the task is to estimate the volume of a cubic, then it will become easier if using the redundant feature base area. More specifically, if a redundant feature happens to be an intermediate concept of the learning task, then it is a helpful redundant feature. For ease of discussion, we assume all data sets in this chapter contain no redundant feature, and all essential information is available in the given features.

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Filter Methods

Filter methods select features without considering the subsequent learners, and hence they act like “filters” before the training process.

Relief (Relevant Features) (Kira and Rendell 1992) is a wellknown filter feature selection method, which incorporates a relevance statistic to measure feature importance. This statistic is a vector in which each component corresponds to the importance of an original feature, and thus the importance of a feature subset is determined by the sum of the corresponding components in the vector. To select a feature subset, we select features with a component greater than a user-specified thresh-

old $\tau$. Alternatively, we can specify the number of features $k$, and then select the features corresponding to the $k$ largest components.

The key of Relief is to determine the relevance statistics for a given training set $\left{\left(\boldsymbol{x}1, y_1\right),\left(\boldsymbol{x}_2, y_2\right), \ldots,\left(\boldsymbol{x}_m, y_m\right)\right}$. Relief starts by finding two nearest neighbors $\boldsymbol{x}{i, n h}$ and $\boldsymbol{x}{i, n m}$ for each sample $\boldsymbol{x}_i$, where the first one, known as a near-hit, has the same class label as $\boldsymbol{x}_i$, while the second one, known as a nearmiss, has a different class label. Then, the relevance statistics component of feature $j$ is $$ \delta^j=\sum_i-\operatorname{diff}\left(x_i^j, x{i, \mathrm{nh}}^j\right)^2+\operatorname{diff}\left(x_i^j, x_{i, \mathrm{~nm}}^j\right)^2,
where $x_a^j$ is the value of feature $j$ of sample $\boldsymbol{x}_a \cdot \operatorname{diff}\left(x_a^j, x_b^j\right)$ depends on the type of feature $j$ : when $j$ is discrete, $\operatorname{diff}\left(x_a^j, x_b^j\right)=$ 0 if $x_a^j=x_b^j$ and 1 otherwise; when $j$ is continuous, $\operatorname{diff}\left(x_a^j, x_b^j\right)=$ $\left|x_a^j-x_b^j\right|$ given that $x_a^j$ and $x_b^j$ are normalized to $[0,1]$

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|COMP4702 Subset Search and Evaluation


计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Individual and Ensemble

集成学习,也称为多分类器系统和其于委员会的学习,训牛和组合多个学习者来解决一个学习问题。 如图所示一图 8.1,集成学习的典型工作流程是首先训练一组个体学习器,然同通过一些策略将它们组合起来,其中个体学习习器 通
常由现有的学习算法训练,例如C4.5算法和BP神经网络算法。如果所有个体学习者都属于同一尖型,则称一个集成是同质的,例 如,”决策树集成”仅包含决策树,而“神经网絡集成”仅包含神经网絡。对于同构集成,个体学习器称为基学习器,相应的学习算法 称为基学习算法。相比之下,异构集成包含不同的个体学习器和学习算法,并且没有单一的基础学习器或基础学习算法。对于异构 集成,简单的个体学习者。
通过组合頨个学习器,一个集成的泛化能力往往比单个学习器的泛化能力强得多,对于弱学习器尤其如此。因此,集成学习的理论 研究往往集中在弱学习器上,因此其学习器有时被称为弱学习器。然而,在实践中,屈管弱学习器的集成理论上可以获得良好的性 能,但出于某些原因,人们仍然更喜欢强学习器,例如減少个体学习器的数量和重用关于强学习器的现有知识。

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Boosting

Boosting 是一系列将弱学习器转换为强学习器的算法。Boosting 算法从训练一个其学习器开始,然后根据基学习器的结果调整 训练样本的分布,使错误分类的样本受到后续基学习器的更多关注。训练完第一个基学习器后,用调整后的训练样本训练第二个基 学习器,结果再次用于调整川拣样本分布。重笣这样的过程,直到其础学习者的数量达到预定义的值 $T$ ,最后对这些其础学习器 进行加权和组合。
最著名的 Boosting 算法是 AdaBoost (Freund and Schapire 1997),如图所示-1算法 8.1,其中 $y_i \in-1,+1$ 和 $f$ 是真值函 数。
AdaBoost算法的推导方式有多种,但是比较容易理解的一种是基于additive模型的,即使用base learners的线性组合
H(\boldsymbol{x})=\sum_{t=1}^T \alpha_t h_t(\boldsymbol{x})
最小化指数损失函数 (Friedman et al. 2000)

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考

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微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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