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数学代写|数论代写Number Theory代考|MATH3170 Introduction

如果你也在 怎样代写数论Number theory MATH3170个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。数论Number theory(或旧时的算术或高等算术)是纯数学的一个分支,主要致力于研究整数和整数值的函数。德国数学家卡尔-弗里德里希-高斯(1777-1855)说:”数学是科学的女王–数论是数学的女王。”数论家研究素数以及由整数组成的数学对象(例如有理数)或定义为整数的概括(例如代数整数)的属性。

数论Number theory整数既可以被视为本身,也可以被视为方程的解(刁藩几何)。数论中的问题通常最好通过研究分析对象(例如黎曼Zeta函数)来理解,这些对象以某种方式编码整数、素数或其他数论对象的属性(分析数论)。人们也可以研究实数与有理数的关系,例如,由后者逼近的实数(Diophantine逼近)。

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数学代写|数论代写Number Theory代考|MATH3170 Introduction

数学代写|数论代写Number Theory代考|Introduction

In this final chapter, we hope to inspire students (and instructors) to continue and extend their interest in mathematics by considering and studying a number of open problems that are directly related to the material in this text. Often students of mathematics believe that “everything has been solved” and that they are simply learning about those solutions, but that is not the case. In particular, as we shall see, although there are various mysteries about prime numbers which mathematicians would love to unravel, thus far they have been unable to do so.

Before embarking on our brief exploration of open problems in number theory, we bring up two problems which are not open but which have very different histories. The first of these is, quite simply, Are there infinitely many primes? This one was answered in the affirmative long ago by Euclid (around $250 \mathrm{BC}$ ) when he gave the first known proof of this fact, as follows: Suppose the set of primes is finite, i.e., suppose $\left{2,3,5, \cdots, p_n\right}$ is the complete set of $n$ primes. Consider the number $N=\left(2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdots p_n\right)+1$. If $N$ were divisible by one of our primes $p_k$, then $1=N-\left(2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdots p_n\right)$ would also be divisible by $p_k$, which is impossible. Hence $N$ must be divisible some new prime, which contradicts the assertion that we had a list of all of the primes. We conclude then that the set of primes is infinite. There have been, in the ensuing centuries, many new proofs of this fact devised, but none as elegant as Euclid’s original proof.

On the other hand, an example of a problem which remained unsolved for a very long time before finally being resolved is Fermat’s Last Theorem, which we discussed in Chapter 9. The problem, first asked by Fermat in 1637, is, If $n$ is a positive integer greater than 2, are there are any solutions in positive integers of the Diophantine equation $x^n+y^n=z^n$ ? In the years since special cases of the problem were resolved (for example, in that chapter, and with significant effort, we showed that the case $x^4+y^4=z^4$ has no such solutions), but it was not until 1995, about 360 years after Fermat made his conjecture, that Andrew Wiles (1953 – ) was able to solve the general problem: For every $n>2, x^n+y^n=z^n$ has no non-trivial integer solutions. So mathematicians chipped away at that problem for a long time before there was finally full success. Will this be what happens with all the open problems we list below, or will some of them never be resolved? Time will tell.

数学代写|数论代写Number Theory代考|Open Problems

In 1644 Marin Mersenne (1588 – 1648) conjectured that there were infinitely many primes of the form $M_n=2^n-1$ where $n$ is a positive integer. Numbers of the form $2^n-1$ are called Mersenne numbers, and if for some $n$ this number $M_n$ is prime, then $M_n$ is called a Mersenne prime. Let’s look at the value of the first ten Mersenne numbers and see if any patterns emerge:

Since 511 is divisible by 7 and 1023 is divisible by 3 , we see that the numbers $M_1, M_4, M_6, M_8, M_9$, and $M_{10}$ are all composite (i.e., not prime). This could lead us to make the following conjecture: If $n$ is composite, then $M_n$ is also composite. This conjecture turns out to be true, and we ask you to prove this in Problem 11.1. On the other hand, once we check that 127 is prime, we see that $M_2, M_3$, $M_5$, and $M_7$ are prime, which tempts us to make this conjecture: If $n$ is prime, then $M_n$ is also prime. However, this conjecture is immediately proven to be false since $M_{11}=2047=23 \cdot 89$. It turns out, for example, that for the 15 primes $p$ up to 50 , eight of them satisfy that $M_p$ is a Mersenne prime (besides the four already listed, they are $M_{13}, M_{17}, M_{19}$, and $M_{31}$ ) and the other seven are not Mersenne primes.

Mersenne’s conjecture remains unsettled. As of the time of this writing there are only 51 Mersenne primes known, the largest being $2^{82,589,933}-1$, which has $24,862,048$ decimal digits. These very large Mersenne primes, quite obviously, have been discovered using computers. If you enjoy computer programming and might be interested in helping with the search for other Mersenne primes, you can do so by joining GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search) online. However, finding larger and larger Mersenne primes cannot settle our conjecture; that can be done only through a mathematical proof, and such a proof has not been discovered as of yet.

数学代写|数论代写Number Theory代考|MATH3170 Introduction


数学代写|数论代写Number Theory代考|Introduction

在这最后一章中,我们希望通过思考和研究与本文材料直接相关的一些开放性问题来激发学生 (和教师) 继续并扩大他们对数学的 兴趣。数学学生通常认为“一切都已解决”,他们只是在学习这些解决方宴,但事实并非如此。特别是,正如我们将要看到的,屈管 数学家们很想解开关于责数的各种谜团,但到目前为止他们还无法解开。
在开始我们对数论中开放问题的简要探索之前,我们提出了两个不开放但历史截然不同的问题。其中第一个很简单,是否存在无限 多个挈数? 这个问题很久以前就被欧几里得(大约 $250 \mathrm{BC}$ ) 当他给出这个事实的第一个已知证明时,如下:假设侏数集合是有限 的,即假设《left 的分隔符缺失或无法识别 是完整的集合 $n$ 筙数。考虑数字 $N=\left(2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdots p_n\right)+1$. 如果 $N$ 被我们的俦数之一整除 $p_k$ ,然后 $1=N-\left(2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdots p_n\right)$ 也可以被 $p_k$ ,这是不可能的。因此 $N$ 必须是可整除某个新挈数, 这与我们拥有所有俦数列表的断言相矛盾。然后我们得出结论,转数集是无限的。在随后的几个世纪里,人们设计了许多关于这一 事实的新证明,但没有一个像欧几里得最初的证明那样优雅。
另一方面,费马大定理是我们在第 9 章中讨论过的一个在很长一段时间内仍末解决的问题的例子。这个问题是费马在 1637 年首次 提出的,如果 $n$ 是大于 2 的正整数,丟番图方程有正整数的解吗 $x^n+y^n=z^n$ ? 在问题的特殊宴例得到解决后的几年中(例如, 在那一章中,我们付出了巨大的努力,证明了案例 $x^4+y^4=z^4$ 没有这样的解决方案),但直到 1995 年,也就是费马提出猜想 大约 360 年后,安德鲁.怀尔斯 (1953 – ) 才能够解决一般问题: 对于每个 $n>2, x^n+y^n=z^n$ 没有非平凡整数解。所以数学 家们在这个问题上解决了很长时间,才最终获得了完全的成功。我们在下面列出的所有末解决的问题都会发生这种情况,还是其中 一些问题永远无法解决? 时间会证明一切。

数学代写|数论代与Number Theory代考|Open Problems

1644 年,马林梅秫 (Marin Mersenne) (1588-1648) 猜想有无穷多个质数的形式 $M_n=2^n-1$ 在棴里 $n$ 是一个正整数。表格 否出现了任何模式:
由于 511 可被 7 整除,而 1023 可被 3 整除,我们看到数字 $M_1, M_4, M_6, M_8, M_9$ ,和 $M_{10}$ 都是复合的(即,不是筰数)。这可 能导致我们做出以下猜想: 如果 $n$ 是复合的,那么 $M_n$ 也是复合的。这个猜想被证明是正确的,我们要求你在问题 $11.1$ 中证明这一 数,那么 $M_n$ 也是售数。然而,这个猜想立即被证明是错误的,因为 $M_{11}=2047=23 \cdot 89$. 例如,事实证明,对于 15 个雔数 $p$ 多达 50 个,其中 8 个满足 $M_p$ 是梅菻筙数 (除了已经列出的四个之外,它们是 $M_{13}, M_{17}, M_{19}$ ,和 $M_{31}$ ) 和其他七个不是梅森 龶数。
梅森的猜想仍然县而末决。截至撰写本文时,已知的梅森挈数只有 51 个,其中最大的是 $2^{82,589,933}-1$ ,其中有 $24,862,048+$ 您可以在线加入 GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search)。然而,找到越来越大的梅森筙数并不能解决我们的猜 想; 这只能通过数学证明来完成,而目前还没有发现这样的证明。

数学代写|数论代写Number Theory代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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