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数学代写|超平面置换理论代写Hyperplane Arrangements代考|MATH4550 Exponential sequences of arrangements

如果你也在 怎样代写超平面置换理论Hyperplane Arrangements MATH4550这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。超平面置换理论Hyperplane Arrangements在几何学和组合学中,超平面排列是线性、仿生或投影空间S中的有限超平面集合A的排列。关于超平面排列A的问题通常涉及补集M(A)的几何学、拓扑学或其他属性,补集是将超平面从整个空间中移除后留下的集合。人们可能会问,这些属性与排列和它的交点半网格有什么关系。

超平面置换理论Hyperplane ArrangementsA的交点半格,写成L(A),是由一些超平面相交得到的所有子空间的集合;这些子空间中包括S本身、所有单独的超平面、所有超平面对的交点等等(在仿射情况下,不包括空集)。A的这些相交子空间也被称为A的平面。相交半网格L(A)是通过反向包容而部分排序的。如果整个空间S是二维的,那么超平面就是线;这样的排列通常被称为线的排列。历史上,线的实数排列是最早研究的排列。如果S是3维的,就有一个平面的排列。

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数学代写|超平面置换理论代写Hyperplane Arrangements代考|MATH4550 Exponential sequences of arrangements

数学代写|超平面置换理论代写Hyperplane Arrangements代考| Exponential sequences of arrangements

The braid arrangement (in fact, any Coxeter arrangement) is highly symmetrical; indeed, the group of linear transformations that preserves the arrangement acts transitively on the regions. Thus all regions “look the same.” The Shi arrangement lacks this symmetry, but it still possesses a kind of “combinatorial symmetry” that allows us to express the characteristic polynomials $\chi_{s_n}(t)$, for all $n \geq 1$, in terms of the number $r\left(\mathcal{S}_n\right)$ of regions.

Definition 5.14. A sequence $\mathfrak{A}=\left(\mathcal{A}_1, \mathcal{A}_2, \ldots\right)$ of arrangements is called an exponential sequence of arrangements (ESA) if it satisfies the following three conditions.
(1) $\mathcal{A}_n$ is in $K^n$ for some field $K$ (independent of $n$ ).
(2) Every $H \in \mathcal{A}_n$ is parallel to some hyperplane $H^{\prime}$ in the braid arrangement $\mathcal{B}_n($ over $K)$
(3) Let $S$ be a $k$-element subset of $[n]$, and define $\mathcal{A}_n^S=\left{H \in \mathcal{A}_n: H\right.$ is parallel to $x_i-x_j=0$ for some $\left.i, j \in S\right}$.
Then $L\left(\mathcal{A}_n^S\right) \cong L\left(\mathcal{A}_k\right)$.
Examples of ESA’s are given by $\mathcal{A}_n=\mathcal{B}_n$ or $\mathcal{A}_n=\mathcal{S}_n$. In fact, in these cases we have $\mathcal{A}_n^S \cong \mathcal{A}_k \times K^{n-k}$.

The combinatorial properties of ESA’s are related to the exponential formula in the theory of exponential generating functions $[\mathbf{3 2}, \S 5.1]$, which we now review. Informally, we are dealing with “structures” that can be put on a vertex set $V$ such that each structure is a disjoint union of its “connected components.” We obtain a structure on $V$ by partitioning $V$ and placing a connected structure on each block (independently). Examples of such structures are graphs, forests, and posets, but not trees or groups. Let $h(n)$ be the total number of structures on an $n$-set $V$ (with $h(0)=1$ ), and let $f(n)$ be the number that are connected. The exponential formula states that
\sum_{n \geq 0} h(n) \frac{x^n}{n !}=\exp \sum_{n \geq 1} f(n) \frac{x^n}{n !}

数学代写|超平面置换理论代写Hyperplane Arrangements代考|The Catalan arrangement

Define the Catalan arrangement $\mathcal{C}n$ in $K^n$, where $\operatorname{char}(K) \neq 2$, by $$ Q{\mathrm{e}n}(x)=\prod{1 \leq ix_{w(2)}>\cdots>x_{w(n)}$ of $\mathcal{B}_n$ is divided “in the same way” in $\mathcal{C}_n$. In particular, if $r_0\left(\mathcal{C}_n\right)$ denotes the number of regions of $\mathcal{C}_n$ contained in some fixed region of $\mathcal{B}_n$, then $r\left(\mathcal{C}_n\right)=n ! r_0\left(\mathcal{C}_n\right)$. See Figure 3 for $\mathcal{C}_3$ in the ambient space $\operatorname{ker}\left(x_1+x_2+x_3\right)$, where the hyperplanes of $\mathcal{B}_3$ are drawn as solid lines and the remaining hyperplanes as dashed lines. Each region of $\mathcal{B}_3$ contains five regions of $\mathcal{C}_3$, so $r\left(\mathcal{C}_3\right)=6 \cdot 5=30$.

We can compute $r\left(\mathcal{C}_n\right)$ (or equivalently $r_0\left(\mathcal{C}_n\right)$ ) by a direct combinatorial argument. Let $R_0$ denote the region $x_1>x_2>\cdots>x_n$ of $\mathcal{B}_n$. The regions of $\mathcal{C}_n$ contained in $R_0$ are determined by those $i<j$ such that $x_i-x_j<1$. We need only specify the maximal intervals $[i, j]$ such that $x_i-x_j<1$, i.e., if $a \leq i<j \leq b$ and $x_a-x_b<1$, then $a=i$ and $b=j$. It is easy to see that any such specification of maximal intervals determines a region of $\mathcal{C}_n$ contained in $R_0$. Thus $r_0\left(\mathcal{C}_n\right)$ is equal to the number of antichains $A$ of strict intervals of $[n]$, i.e., sets $A$ of intervals $[i, j]$, where $1 \leq i<j \leq n$, such that no interval in $A$ is contained in another. (“Strict” means that $i=j$ is not allowed.) It is known (equivalent to [32, Exer. 6.19(bbb)]) that the number of such antichains is the Catalan number $C_n=\frac{1}{n+1}\left(\begin{array}{c}2 n \ n\end{array}\right)$. For the sake of completeness we give a bijection between these antichains and a standard combinatorial structure counted by Catalan numbers, viz., lattice paths from $(0,0)$ to $(n, n)$ with steps $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$, never rising above the line $y=x([\mathbf{3 2}$, Exer. $6.19(\mathrm{~h})]$ ). Given an antichain $A$ of intervals of $[n]$, there is a unique lattice path of the claimed type whose “outer corners” (a step $(1,0)$ followed by $(0,1))$ consist of the points $(j, i-1)$ where $[i, j] \in A$, together with the points $(i, i-1)$ where no interval in $A$ contains $i$. Figure 4 illustrates this bijection for $n=8$ and $A={[1,4],[3,5],[7,8]}$

数学代写|超平面置换理论代写Hyperplane Arrangements代考|MATH4550 Exponential sequences of arrangements


数学代写|超平面置换理论代写Hyperplane Arrangements代考| Exponential sequences of arrangements

编织排列(事实上,任何 Coxeter 排列) 是高度对称的; 实际上,保留排列的线性音䏽组可传递地作用于区域。因此所有区域”看 起来都一样”。Shi排列缺乏这种对称性,但它仍然具有一种“组合对称性”,使我们能哆表达特征多项式 $\chi_{s_n}(t)$ ,对所有人 $n \geq 1$ , 就数量而言 $r\left(\mathcal{S}n\right)$ 地区。 定义 5.14。一个序列 $\mathfrak{A}=\left(\mathcal{A}_1, \mathcal{A}_2, \ldots\right)$ 如果满足以下三个条件,则排列称为指数序列排列 (ESA)。 (1) $\mathcal{A}_n$ 在 $K^n$ 对于菒些领域 $K$ (独立于 $n$ ). (2) 每个 $H \in \mathcal{A}_n$ 平行于某个超平面 $H^{\prime}$ 在絟子排列中 $\mathcal{B}_n($ 超过 $K)$ (3) 让 $S$ 是一个 $k$ – 的元䋤子集 $[n]$, 并定义 left 缺少或无法识别的分隔符 然后 $L\left(\mathcal{A}_n^S\right) \cong L\left(\mathcal{A}_k\right)$. ESA 的示例由 $\mathcal{A}_n=\mathcal{B}_n$ 或者 $\mathcal{A}_n=\mathcal{S}_n$. 事实上,在这些情况下,我们有 $\mathcal{A}_n^S \cong \mathcal{A}_k \times K^{n-k}$. ESA的组合特性与指数生成函数理论中的指数公式有关 $[32, \delta 5.1]$ ,我们现在回顾一下。非正式地,我们正在处理可以放在顶点 集上的”结构” $V$ 这样每个结构都是其”连接组件”的不相交并集。我们得到一个结构 $V$ 通过分区 $V$ 并在每个块上放置一个连接结构 (独立) 。此灸结构的示例有图、森林和偏序集,但不包括树或组。让 $h(n)$ 是一个结构的总数 $n$-放 $V($ 和 $h(0)=1)$ ,然后让 $f(n)$ 是连接的数字。指数公式指出 $$ \sum{n \geq 0} h(n) \frac{x^n}{n !}=\exp \sum_{n \geq 1} f(n) \frac{x^n}{n !}

数学代写|超平面置换理论代写Hyperplane Arrangements代考|The Catalan arrangement

定义加泰罗尼亚排列 $\mathcal{C} n$ 在 $K^n$ ,在哪里 $\operatorname{char}(K) \neq 2$, 通过 $\$ \$ Q{\backslash \operatorname{mathrm}{\mathrm{e}} \mathrm{n}}(\mathrm{x})=\backslash \operatorname{prod}{1 \backslash$ leq $\mathrm{ix}{-}{\mathrm{w}(2)}>\mid \mathrm{cdots}>\mathrm{x}{-}{\mathrm{w}(\mathrm{n})}$ of $\backslash$ 数学 ${\mathrm{B}}$ nisdivided inthesameway’In $\backslash$ 数学 ${\mathrm{C}}$ _n. Inparticular, if $r{-}$\left( $\backslash$ mathcal ${\mathrm{c}}_{-} \mathrm{n} \backslash$ right)denotesthenumberofregionsof $\backslash$ 数学 ${\mathrm{C}}$ ncontainedinsomefixedregionof ${\mathrm{c}}{-}$3intheambientspace \operatorname ${\mathrm{ker}} \backslash$ left $\left(\mathrm{x}{-}{ }^{1+\mathrm{x}}{ }^{2+\mathrm{x}{-}} 3 \backslash\right.$ |right $)$, wherethehyperplanesof $\backslash$ 数学 ${\mathrm{B}}_{-} 3$ aredrawnassolidlinesandtheremaininghyperplanesasdashedlines. Eachregionof $\backslash$ 数学 ${\mathrm{B}}_{-}{ }^3$
我们可以计算 $r\left(\mathcal{C}_n\right)$ (或等同于 $r_0\left(\mathcal{C}_n\right)$ ) 通过直接组合论证。让 $R_0$ 表示区域 $x_1>x_2>\cdots>x_n$ 的 $\mathcal{B}_n$. 的地区 $\mathcal{C}_n$ 包含在 $R_0$ 由 那些决定 $i<j$ 这样 $x_i-x_j<1$. 我们只需要指定最大间隔 $[i, j]$ 这样 $x_i-x_j<1$ , 即如果 $a \leq i<j \leq b$ 和 $x_a-x_b<1$ , 然后 $a=i$ 和 $b=j$. 很容易看出,任何此矢最大间隔的规范都确定了一个区域 $\mathcal{C}_n$ 包含在 $R_0$. 因此 $r_0\left(\mathcal{C}_n\right)$ 等于反链的数量 $A$ 的严格 间隔 $[n]$ ,即集合 $A$ 间隔的 $[i, j]$ ,在哪里 $1 \leq i<j \leq n$ ,使得没有区间 $A$ 包含在另一个。(”严格”意味着 $i=j$ 是不允许的。) 已知 (等同于 $\left[32\right.$, Exer. 6.19(bbb) ]) 这种反链的数量是加泰罗尼亚数 $C_n=\frac{1}{n+1}(2 n n)$. 为了完整起见,我们给出了这些反梿 和标准组合结构之间的双射,该组合结构由加泰罗尼亚数计算,即来自 $(0,0)$ 至 $(n, n)$ 有步骤 $(1,0)$ 和 $(0,1)$ ,永远不会超讨线 $y=x([32$, 铅炼者。 $6.19(\mathrm{~h})])$. 给定一个反链 $A$ 的间隔 $[n]$ ,有一个独特的格子路径,其”外角” $($ 一步 $(1,0)$ 其次是 $(0,1))$ 由点 组成 $(j, i-1)$ 在郆里 $[i, j] \in A$, 连同点 $(i, i-1)$ 没有间隔的地方 $A$ 包含 $i$. 图 4 说明了这种双射 $n=8$ 和 $A=[1,4],[3,5],[7,8]$

数学代写|超平面置换理论代写Hyperplane Arrangements代考

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