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我们在经济Economy代写方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的经济Economy代写服务。我们的专家在金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics 代写方面经验极为丰富,各种金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics 相关的作业也就用不着 说。
经济代写|计量经济学代写Introduction to Econometrics代考|The choice of clusters
The choice of the appropriate level of clustering is often ambiguous. In general, clusters should be defined sufficiently broad so that correlations between error terms from observations in different clusters are zero, or negligibly small. This condition becomes more plausible when there are more observations within each cluster. However, if we choose too few clusters, our standard errors may become very inaccurate. On the other hand, if we choose too many clusters and therefore allow for insufficient correlations among observations, standard errors will be biased. This is the usual biasvariance trade off that characterises many approaches in econometrics. Standard errors can thus be very different depending on whether and how observations are clustered (MacKinnon, 2019). With this in mind, Thompson (2011) argues that doubleclustering across time and firms can do more harm than good if either $T$ or $N$ is small. In particular, he advises to have at least 25 firms and 25 periods. Cameron and Miller (2015) essentially advice to cluster within any group if there is reason to believe that there is some correlation within these groups. “The consensus is to be conservative and avoid bias and to use bigger and more aggregate clusters when possible”. They also suggest to compare the cluster-robust standard errors with the default standard errors (or with clustered standard errors based on a lower level of aggregation), in the spirit of the White (1980) test. If there is a large difference, the first standard errors should be chosen. However, Abadie et al. (2017) demonstrate that clustering can substantially affect standard errors even in cases where correlations are essentially zero. They argue that “a researcher should decide whether to cluster the standard errors based on substantive information, not solely based on whether it makes a difference”. They advocate that the number of clusters in the sample should be small, relative to the number of clusters in the population, a condition that is hard to satisfy in many finance applications (using, for example, clustering across industries or countries). Along these lines, Conley et al. (2018) recommend the use of a limited number of clusters consisting of many observations, so as to accommodate the rich types of dependence encountered in real-world finance data. Ideally, this is combined with modifications to improve the small sample performance. Recently, some literature has developed deriving statistical tests to determine the optimal level of clustering. For example, Ibragimov and Müller (2016) develop a test for one-way clustering against no clustering (or a low level of clustering). More recent results are developed in MacKinnon et al. (2020).
经济代写|计量经济学代写Introduction to Econometrics代考|Correlation structures
To better appreciate the alternative ways of clustering, let us consider some specific examples of cross-correlations among the error terms. First, consider the case where the correlation with a cluster, say a firm, is attributable to a time-invariant firm-specific effect, that is,
\varepsilon_{i t}=\alpha_i+u_{i t},
where $u_{i t}$ is not correlated over time. Both $\alpha_i$ and $u_{i t}$ are allowed to be heteroskedastic. In this case, clustering standard errors across firms adjusts for the correlation over time due to $\alpha_i$. Standard errors will typically increase, because an additional observation on firm $i$ does not provide completely new independent information. However, the clustering across firms allows for more general forms or correlation, for example, we could have
u_{i t}=\rho u_{i t}+v_{i t},
with $\rho \neq 0$ and $v_{i t}$ uncorrelated over time. In this case, the errors are not only correlated over time due to a time-invariant component $\alpha_i$ but – decaying over time – also due to the autoregressive structure in (2.57).
经济代写|计量经济学代写Introduction to Econometrics代考|The choice of clusters
适当的聚类级别的选择通常是模棱两可的。一般来说,聚类的定义应该足够广泛,以便来自不同聚类中观察结果的误差项之间的相关性为零,或者小到可以忽略不计。当每个集群中有更多的观察结果时,这种情况变得更加合理。但是,如果我们选择的集群太少,我们的标准误差可能会变得非常不准确。另一方面,如果我们选择了太多的聚类,因此允许观察之间的相关性不足,标准误差就会有偏差。这是计量经济学中许多方法的典型偏差方差权衡。因此,标准误差可能会非常不同,具体取决于观察结果是否聚类以及如何聚类(MacKinnon,2019)。考虑到这一点,要么是小。他特别建议至少有 25 个公司和 25 个时期。Cameron 和 Miller (2015) 基本上建议在任何组内进行聚类,如果有理由相信这些组内存在某种相关性的话。“共识是保守并避免偏见,并尽可能使用更大、更聚合的集群”。他们还建议本着 White (1980) 检验的精神,将聚类稳健标准误差与默认标准误差(或基于较低聚合水平的聚类标准误差)进行比较。如果差异较大,则应选择第一个标准误。然而,阿巴迪等人。(2017) 表明,即使在相关性基本为零的情况下,聚类也会显着影响标准误差。他们认为“研究人员应该根据实质性信息来决定是否对标准误差进行聚类,而不仅仅是根据它是否有所作为”。他们提倡相对于总体中的集群数量,样本中的集群数量应该较少,这是许多金融应用程序中难以满足的条件(例如,使用跨行业或国家的集群)。沿着这些思路,Conley 等人。(2018) 建议使用由许多观测值组成的有限数量的集群,以适应现实世界金融数据中遇到的丰富类型的依赖。理想情况下,这与修改相结合以提高小样本性能。最近,一些文献开发了推导统计检验以确定聚类的最佳水平。例如,Ibragimov 和 Müller (2016) 开发了一项针对无聚类(或低水平聚类)的单向聚类测试。最近的结果由 MacKinnon 等人开发。(2020)。
经济代写|计量经济学代写Introduction to Econometrics代考|Correlation structures
为了更好地理解聚类的替代方法,让我们考虑一些误差项之间互相关的具体示例。首先,考虑与集群 (例如公司) 的相关性可归因 于时不拉的公司特定效应的情况,即,
\varepsilon_{i t}=\alpha_i+u_{i t},
在哪里 $u_{i t}$ 随时间不相关。两个都 $\alpha_i$ 和 $u_{i t}$ 被允许是异方差的。在这种情况下,由于 $\alpha_i$. 标准误差通常会增加,因为对公司的额外观 察 $i$ 不提供全新的独立信息。然而,跨公司的債群允许更一般的形式或相关性,例如,我们可以有
u_{i t}=\rho u_{i t}+v_{i t},
和 $\rho \neq 0$ 和 $v_{i t}$ 随着时间的推移不相关。在这种情况下,由于时不变分量,误差不仅随时间相关 $\alpha_i$ 但是一-随时间言减一-也是由于 (2.57) 中的自回归结构。
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