如果你也在 怎样代写常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations MA26600这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations在数学中,常微分方程(ODE)是包含一个或多个独立变量的函数以及这些函数的导数的微分方程。术语普通是与术语偏微分方程相对应的,后者可能涉及一个以上的独立变量。
常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations在常微分方程中,线性微分方程起着突出的作用,原因有几个。在物理学和应用数学中遇到的大多数基本函数和特殊函数都是线性微分方程的解(见整体函数)。当用非线性方程对物理现象进行建模时,一般用线性微分方程来近似,以便于求解。少数可以显式求解的非线性ODE,一般是通过将方程转化为等效的线性ODE来解决的(见,例如Riccati方程)。
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数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|The Analytic Wave-Front Set of a Distribution
In the real-analytic context the next definition is central to the whole idea of lifting the analysis of distributions to phase-space, in other words, of microlocalization. We introduce the concept of analytic wave-front set of a distribution (cf. Definition 2.1.5) through the FBI transform. Later (in Ch. 7), we shall introduce the analytic wave-front set of a hyperfunction $u$ (called its essential singular support in [SatoKawai-Kashiwara, 1973] and numerous other texts) using the representation of $u$ as a sum of boundary values (Definition 7.4.7).
We use standard terminology: a set $\mathcal{U} \subset \mathbb{R}^n \times\left(\mathbb{R}^n \backslash{0}\right)$ is said to be conic when $(x, \xi) \in \mathcal{U} \Longrightarrow \forall \lambda>0,(x, \lambda \xi) \in \mathcal{U}$. The transform $F_\kappa$ is defined in (3.4.8).
Definition 3.5.1 We say that $v \in \mathcal{E}^{\prime}\left(\mathbb{R}^n\right)$ is microanalytic at a point $\left(x^{\circ}, \xi^{\circ}\right) \in$ $\mathbb{R}^n \times\left(\mathbb{R}^n \backslash{0}\right)$ if there is a conic neighborhood $\mathcal{U}$ of $\left(x^{\circ}, \xi^{\circ}\right)$ in $\mathbb{R}^n \times\left(\mathbb{R}^n \backslash{0}\right)$ such that $\left|F_\kappa v(x, \xi)\right| \lesssim \mathrm{e}^{-c|\xi|}$ for some positive numbers $\kappa, c$, and all $(x, \xi) \in \mathcal{U}$.
Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be an open set. We say that a distribution $u \in \mathcal{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$ is microanalytic at a point $\left(x^{\circ}, \xi^{\circ}\right) \in \Omega \times\left(\mathbb{R}^n \backslash{0}\right)$ if there is a $v \in \mathcal{E}^{\prime}\left(\mathbb{R}^n\right)$ equal to $u$ in some neighborhood of $x^{\circ}$ and microanalytic at $\left(x^{\circ}, \xi^{\circ}\right)$. The (closed) subset of $\Omega \times\left(\mathbb{R}^n \backslash{0}\right)$ consisting of the points $\left(x^{\circ}, \xi^{\circ}\right)$ at which $u$ is not microanalytic is called the analytic wave-front set of $u$ and shall be denoted by $W F_{\mathrm{a}}(u)$.
数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|Analytic wave-front sets and holomorphic extension
In this subsection we relate the representation of a distribution $u$ as the sum of boundary values of holomorphic functions in a wedge (Theorem 3.3.6) to the analytic wave-front set of $u$. If $\Gamma \subset \mathbb{R}^n \backslash{0}$ is a cone we denote by $\Gamma^{\circ}$ its polar (sometimes called its dual), i.e., the set $\left{\xi \in \mathbb{R}^n ; \forall y \in \Gamma, y \cdot \xi \geq 0\right} ; \Gamma^{\circ}$ is a closed and convex cone in $\mathbb{R}^n$ (with $0 \in \Gamma^{\circ}$, obviously); $\Gamma^{\circ}$ is also the polar of the convex hull of $\Gamma$, i.e., the intersection of all the convex cones containing $\Gamma$. We also recall the notation (3.3.1): $W_\delta(U, \Gamma)={z=x+i y \in U+i \Gamma ;|y|<\delta}$.
Theorem 3.5.5 Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be an open set and $\Gamma \subset \mathbb{R}^n \backslash{0}$ a convex open cone. The following properties of a distribution $u \in \mathcal{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$ are equivalent:
(a) whatever the open set $U \subset \subset \Omega$ and the open cone $\Gamma_* \subset \Gamma$ in $\mathbb{R}^n \backslash{0}$ such that $\Gamma_* \cap \mathbb{S}^{n-1} \subset \subset \Gamma$ the restriction of $u$ to $U$ is the boundary value of a function $h \in O_{\text {temp }}\left(\mathcal{W}\delta\left(U, \Gamma*\right)\right)$;
(b) $W F_a(u) \subset \Omega \times \Gamma^{\circ}$.
Proof I. (a) $\Longrightarrow$ (b). Let $\xi^{\circ} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ be such that $y^{\circ} \cdot \xi^{\circ}<0$ for some $y^{\circ} \in \Gamma$. Let $x^{\circ} \in U$ be arbitrary and select $\varphi \in C_{\mathrm{c}}^{\infty}(U), \varphi(x)=1$ if $\left|x-x^{\circ}\right|<\rho, \rho>0$. By Lemma $3.4 .5$ it suffices to show that $\left(x^{\circ}, \xi^{\circ}\right) \notin W F_{\mathrm{a}}(\varphi u)$. We have
F_K(\varphi u)(x, \xi) & =\int \mathrm{e}^{i \xi \cdot\left(x-x^{\prime}\right)-\left|\xi | x-x^{\prime}\right|^2} \varphi\left(x^{\prime}\right) u\left(x^{\prime}\right) \mathrm{d} x^{\prime} \
& =\lim {0{\mathbb{R}^n} \mathrm{e}^{i \xi \cdot\left(x-x^{\prime}\right)-\left|\xi | x-x^{\prime}\right|^2} \varphi\left(x^{\prime}\right) h\left(x^{\prime}+i t y^{\circ}\right) \mathrm{d} x^{\prime} .
数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|The Analytic
Wave-Front Set of a Distribution 的解折波前焦的概念 (参见定义 2.1.5) 。稍后 (在第 7 章),我们将介络超函数的解析波前集 $u$ (在 [satoKawai-Kashiwara, 1973] 和许多其他文本中称为它的璐本单数支持) 使用表示 $u$ 作为边界值的总和(定义 7.4.7)。 义
定义 3.5.1 我㐰说 $v \in \mathcal{E}^{\prime}\left(\mathbb{R}^n\right)$ 在某一点上是微观分析 $\left(x^0, \xi^0\right) \in \mathbb{R}^n \times\left(\mathbb{R}^n \backslash 0\right)$ 如果有一个圆雉邻域 $U$ 的 $\left(x^0, \xi^0\right)$ 在 $\mathbb{R}^n \times\left(\mathbb{R}^n \backslash 0\right)$ 这样 $\left|F_\kappa v(x, \xi)\right| \lesssim \mathbf{e}^{-|| \xi \mid} \mid$ 对于一些正数 $\kappa, c ,$ 和所有 $(x, \xi) \in \mathcal{U}$.
让 $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ 是一个开集。我们说一个分布 $u \in \mathcal{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$ 在桌一点上是微扮析 $\left(x^0, \xi^0\right) \in \Omega \times\left(\mathbb{R}^n \backslash 0\right)$ 如果有 $v \in \mathcal{E}^{\prime}\left(\mathbb{R}^n\right)$ 等于 $u$ 在某个街区 $x^0$ 和微量分析 $\left(x^0, \xi^0\right)$. 的 (封闭) 子集 $\Omega \times\left(\mathbb{R}^n \backslash 0\right)$ 由点组成 $\left(x^0, \xi^{\circ}\right)$ 在㑚个 $u$ 不是微扮析的称为分析波前集 $u$ 并应 表示为 $W F_{\mathrm{a}}(u)$.
数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|Analytic wavefront sets and holomorphic extension
在本小节中,我们涉及分布的表示 $u$ 作为楔形中全纯函数边界值的总和(定理 3.3.6)到解析波前集 $u$. 如果 $\Gamma \subset \mathbb{R}^n \backslash 0$ 是一个圆锥 (和 $0 \in \Gamma^{\circ}$ ,明显地) ; $\Gamma^{\circ}$ 也是凸包的极坐标 $\Gamma$ ,即所有包含的凸锥的交集 $\Gamma$. 我们还记得符号 (3.3.1): $W_\delta(U, \Gamma)=z=x+i y \in U+i \Gamma ;|y|<\delta$. 定理 3.5.5 让 $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n{ }^{\text {是一个开集并且 }} \subset \mathbb{R}^n \backslash 0$ 一个凸开的圆锥体。分布的以下属性 $u \in \mathcal{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$ 是等价的: (a) 无论开集 $U \subset \subset \Omega$ 和开锥 $\Gamma_* \subset \Gamma$ 在 $\mathbb{R}^n \backslash 0$ 这样 $\Gamma_* \cap \mathbb{S}^{n-1} \subset \subset \Gamma$ 的限制 $u$ 到 $U$ 是函数的边界值 $h \in O_{\text {temp }}(\mathcal{W} \delta(U, \Gamma *))$ (二) $W F_a(u) \subset \Omega \times \Gamma^{\circ}$. 证明 I.(a) $\Longrightarrow\left(\right.$ 二). 让 $\xi^{\circ} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ 是这样的 $y^{\circ} \cdot \xi^{\circ}<0$ 对于一些 $y^{\circ} \in \Gamma$. 让 $x^{\circ} \in U$ 任意选择 $\varphi \in C_{\mathrm{c}}^{\infty}(U), \varphi(x)=1$ 如果 $\left|x-x^{\circ}\right|<\rho, \rho>0$. 通过引理3.4.5足以说明 $\left(x^{\circ}, \xi^{\circ}\right) \notin W F_{\mathrm{a}}(\varphi u)$. 我们有
$\$ \$$
\begin {aligned }
$F_{-} \mathrm{K}(\backslash$ varphi u $)(\mathrm{x}, \backslash \mathrm{xi}) \&=\backslash$ int $\backslash \operatorname{mathrm}{\mathrm{e}} \wedge{\mathrm{i} \backslash \mathrm{xi} \backslash \mathrm{cdot} \backslash$ left $(\mathrm{xx} \wedge{\backslash$ prime $} \backslash$ right $)-\backslash \sqrt{1}|\backslash \mathrm{xi}|$
$\mathrm{xx} \wedge{\backslash$ prime $} \backslash$ right $\mid \wedge 2} \backslash$ varphi $\backslash$ left $(\mathrm{x} \wedge{\backslash$ prime $} \backslash$ right $)$ u $\backslash$ left $(\mathrm{x} \wedge{\backslash$ prime $} \backslash$ right $) \backslash$ mathrm ${\mathrm{d}} \mathrm{x} \wedge{\backslash$ prime $} \backslash$
$\&=\backslash \lim {0{\backslash \operatorname{mathbb}{\mathrm{R}} \wedge \mathrm{n}} \backslash \operatorname{mathrm}{\mathrm{e}} \wedge{\mathrm{i} \backslash \mathrm{xi} \backslash \mathrm{cdot} \backslash$ left $(\mathrm{xx} \wedge{\backslash$ prime $} \backslash$ right $)-\backslash$ left $\backslash \backslash \mathrm{xi} \mid$
$\mathrm{xx} \wedge{\backslash$ prime $} \backslash$ right $\mid \wedge 2} \backslash$ varphi $\backslash$ left $(x \wedge{\backslash$ prime $} \backslash$ right $) h \backslash$ left $(x \wedge{\backslash$ prime $}+i t y \wedge{\backslash$ circ $} \backslash$ right $) \backslash \operatorname{mathrm}{\mathrm{d}}$
$x \wedge{\backslash$ prime $}$ 。
$\backslash$ 结束 ${$ 对㐎 $}$
$\$ \$$
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