如果你也在 怎样代写复杂网络Complex Network TSKS33这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。复杂网络Complex Network在网络理论的背景下,复杂网络是指具有非微观拓扑特征的图(网络)–这些特征在简单的网络(如格子或随机图)中不会出现,但在代表真实系统的网络中经常出现。复杂网络的研究是一个年轻而活跃的科学研究领域(自2000年以来),主要受到现实世界网络的经验发现的启发,如计算机网络、生物网络、技术网络、大脑网络、气候网络和社会网络。
复杂网络Complex Network大多数社会、生物和技术网络显示出实质性的非微观拓扑特征,其元素之间的连接模式既不是纯粹的规则也不是纯粹的随机。这些特征包括学位分布的重尾、高聚类系数、顶点之间的同态性或异态性、社区结构和层次结构。在有向网络的情况下,这些特征还包括互惠性、三联体重要性概况和其他特征。相比之下,过去研究的许多网络的数学模型,如格子和随机图,并没有显示这些特征。最复杂的结构可以由具有中等数量相互作用的网络实现。这与中等概率获得最大信息含量(熵)的事实相对应。
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数据科学代写|复杂网络代写Complex Network代考|Overlapping edges
The locally tree-like interdependent networks allow an easy analytical treatment, however neglecting correlations between layers, typical in real network. One simple type of such correlations, overlapping edges from different layers, still does not spoil the local tree-likeness and so it is treatable analytically (Cellai, López, Zhou, Gleeson, and Bianconi, 2013b; Hu, Zhou, Zhang, Han, Rozenblat, and Havlin, 2013). Let us, for instance, consider a 2-layer multiplex with some of edges in one layer overlapping with the edges in the other layer. In other words, two edges from different layers, can have the same pair of end vertices. We can treat the overlapping edges as a special type of edges in a such a multiplex. Hu, et al. noticed that the clusters of overlapping edges can be treated as supernodes connected with each other by non-overlapping edges. Therefore the presence of any concentration of overlapping edges, smaller than 1, does not change qualitatively the hybrid phase transition associated with the emergence of the giant mutually connected component, as was confirmed by Min, Lee, Lee, and Goh (2015). In a multiplex of this kind, each vertex has three degrees, $q_a, q_b$, and $\tilde{q}$, being, respectively, the number of connections only in layer $a$, only in layer $b$, and the number of overlapping connections. If other correlations are absent, then the multiplex is defined by the joint degree distribution $P\left(q_a, q_b, \tilde{q}\right)$ and it is locally tree-like. Figure $8.10$ shows the phase diagram for a symmetric 2-layer multiplex with the joint degree distribution $P\left(q_a, q_b, \tilde{q}\right)=P\left(q_a\right) P\left(q_b\right) \widetilde{P}(\tilde{q})$, where $P(q)$ and $\widetilde{P}(\tilde{q})$ are Poisson distributions with the first moments $\langle q\rangle$ and $\langle\tilde{q}\rangle$, respectively. In the case of $\langle q\rangle=0$, we get an ordinary Erdős-Rényi graph whose edges are overlapping edges of the multiplex, and a giant mutually connected component emerges at $\langle q\rangle_c=1$ without a discontinuity. For $\langle q\rangle>0$, the phase transition is hybrid. ${ }^6$
In $M$-layer multiplexes, the number of the possible types of overlaps equals $2^M-M-1$ (in particular, in a 3-layer multiplex with layers $a$, $b, c$, there are 4 combinations of overlapping edges: $a b, b c, a c$, and $a b c$ ), and for $M>2$ the situation becomes more complicated than for a 2-layer multiplex. Nonetheless, it was found by the message passing techniques that the qualitative conclusions are similar for all $M \geq 2$ (Cellai, Dorogovtsev, and Bianconi, 2016).
数据科学代写|复杂网络代写Complex Network代考|Finite multiplexes
In finite random multiplex networks, the size of the largest mutually connected component fluctuates in different members of a statistical ensemble of multiplexes. Coghi, Radicchi, and Bianconi (2018) observed that in finite multiplexes the size of this component in a single realization can strongly deviate from the average over the entire ensemble. These deviations are particularly strong near $p_c$, the critical point of the corresponding infinite multiplex, and below it. Notably, the distribution of the relative size of the largest mutually connected component, $\mathcal{P}(S)$, has two peaks near the critical point and in some subcritical region. One of the peaks is at small $S$ and the second one is near the value of $S$ immediately after the hybrid phase transition in the corresponding infinite multiplex. This bimodal distribution indicates the mixture of two phases: normal phase and the phase with a ‘giant’ component typical for finite systems with a hybrid phase transition. Compare this with a one-peak distribution $\mathcal{P}(S)$ for a continuous transition (recall Figure 6.33). We refer the reader to Lee, Choi, Stippinger, Kertész, and Kahng (2016a) for theory and measurements of finite-size scaling of a ‘giant’ component in multiplex networks and in other problems with a hybrid phase transition.
Relation between multiplexes and general interdependent networks
Up to now we mostly focused on multiplex networks and that was not only for demonstration purposes. Already Gao, Buldyrev, Stanley, and Havlin (2012b) noticed that, with respect to a giant mutually connected component, a large class of networks of networks is equivalent to multiplexes, and hence the case of multiplexes is particularly important among interdependent networks. Moreover, even a wider class of interdependent networks was found to have the same sets of mutually connected components as in corresponding multiplexes (Bianconi, Dorogovtsev, and Mendes, 2015). Imagine a multiplex in the multilayer representation. Each vertex in the multiplex together with the replicas of this vertex in other layers form a fully connected subgraph- $M$-clique – linked together by interlinks between layers, and no interlinks connect vertices from different $M$-cliques. Let us remove some of the interlinks in such a way that each of these $M$-graphs remain connected. This removal does not change any of paths within layers and keeps intact the connectivity of each of the $M$-graphs. This guarantees that any network generated in this way has the same set of mutually connected components as the original multiplex. On the other hand, interdependent networks with vertices non-separable into sets of replicas can show some peculiarities unseen in usual multiplexes, for example, multiple hybrid transitions (Bianconi and Dorogovtsev, 2014).
数据科学代写|复杂网络代写Complex Network代考|Overlapping edges
局部树状相互依赖的网络允许简单的分析处理,但是忽略了层之间的相关性,这在实际网络中是典型的。这种 相关性的一种简单类型,来自不同层的重暈边缘,仍然不会破坏局部树的相似性,因此可以进行分析处理
(Cellai、López、Zhou、Gleeson 和 Bianconi,2013b; Hu、Zhou、Zhang、Han,罗森布拉特和哈夫 林,2013 年) 。例如,让我们考虑一个 2 层多路复用,其中一层中的一些边缘与另一层中的边缘重疍。换句话 说,来自不同层的两条边可以有相同的一对端点。我们可以将重胥边视为此类多路复用中的一种特殊类型的 边。胡等。注意到重疍边的簇可以被视为通过非重合边相互连接的超节点。因此,如 Min、Lee、Lee 和 Goh (2015 年) 所证实的那样,任何小于 1 的重再边缘浓度的存在都不会从质上改变与巨大的相互连接组件的出现 相关的混合相变。在这种多路复用中,每个顶点都有三个度数, $q_a, q_b$ ,和 $\tilde{q}$ ,分别是仅在层中的连接数 $a$ ,仅在 层 $b$ ,以及重胥连接的数量。如果不存在其他相关性,则多重性由联合度分布定义 $P\left(q_a, q_b, \tilde{q}\right)$ 它在局部是树状 的。数字 $8.10$ 显示具有联合度分布的对称 2 层多路复用的相图 $P\left(q_a, q_b, \tilde{q}\right)=P\left(q_a\right) P\left(q_b\right) \widetilde{P}(\tilde{q})$ ,在哪里 $P(q)$ 和 $\widetilde{P}(\tilde{q})$ 是具有一阶矩的泊松分布 $\langle q\rangle$ 和 $\langle\tilde{q}\rangle$ ,分别。如果是 $\langle q\rangle=0$ ,我们得到一个普通的 Erdős-Rényi 图,其边是多路复用的重苩边,并且一个巨大的相互连接的组件出现在 $\langle q\rangle_c=1$ 没有间断。为了 $\langle q\rangle>0 \mathrm{~ , 相 ~}$ 变是混合的。 ${ }^6$
在 $M$-层复用,可能的重冞类型的数量等于 $2^M-M-1$ (特别是,在具有层的 3 层多路复用中 $a, b, c$ ,有 4 种重臽边的组合: $a b, b c, a c$ ,和 $a b c)$ ,而对于 $M>2$ 情况变得比 2 层多路复用更复杂。尽管如此,通过消息 传递技术发现,所有的定性结论都是相似的 $M \geq 2$ (Cellai、Dorogovtsev 和 Bianconi,2016 年)。
数据科学代写|复杂网络代与Complex Network代考|Finite multiplexes
在有限随机多路网络中,最大的相互连接的组件的大小在多路统计集合的不同成员中波动。Coghi、Radicchi 和 Bianconi (2018) 观察到,在有限多路复用中,单个实现中该组件的大小可能会严重偏离整个整体的平均 值。这些偏差在附近特别强烈 $p_c$ ,相应的无限多路复用的临界点,并低于它。值得注意的是,最大相互连接组 件的相对大小分布, $\mathcal{P}(S)$ ,在临界点附近和一些亚临界区域有两个峰。其中一个峰很小 $S$ 第二个接近于 $S$ 在相 应的无限多路复用中的混合相变之后立即。这种双峰分布表示两个相的混合: 正常相和具有混合相变的有限系 统典型的“巨大”成分的相。将其与单峰分布进行比较 $\mathcal{P}(S)$ 对于连续转换 (回想一下图 6.33)。我们建议续者 参考 Lee、Choi、Stippinger、Kertész 和 Kahng (2016a),了解多重网络中“巨型”组件的有限尺寸缩放的 理论和测量以及混合相变的其他问题。
到目前为止,我们主要关注多路复用网络,这不仅仅是为了演示目的。Gao、Buldyrev、Stanley 和 Havlin (2012b) 已经注意到,对于一个巨大的相互连接的组件,一大类网络的网络相当于多路复用,因此多路复用 的情况在相互依赖的网络中尤为重要。此外,甚至更广泛的相互依赖网络被发现具有与相应多路复用相同的相 互连接的组件集 (Bianconi、Dorogovtsev 和 Mendes,2015 年)。想象一下多层表示中的多路筫用。多路 复用中的每个顶点与该顶点在其他层中的副本一起形成一个完全连接的子图 $-M$-clique – 通过层与层之间的 互连链接在一起,并且没有互连连接来自不同层的顶点 $M$-派系。让我们删除一些链接,这样每一个 $M$ – 图保 持连接。此删除不会更改层内的任何路径,并保持每个层的连接性完好无损 $M$-图表。这保证了以这种方式生 成的任何网络都具有与原始多路复用相同的一组相互连接的组件。另一方面,具有不可分离成副本集的顶点的 相互依赖的网络可以显示出一些在通常的多路复用中看不到的特性,例如,多个混合转换 (Bianconi 和 Dorogovtsev, 2014) 。
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