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计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|KIT315 Dagu Magician Robot Control Algorithm

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机器学习Machine Learning程序可以在没有明确编程的情况下执行任务。它涉及到计算机从提供的数据中学习,从而执行某些任务。对于分配给计算机的简单任务,有可能通过编程算法告诉机器如何执行解决手头问题所需的所有步骤;就计算机而言,不需要学习。对于更高级的任务,由人类手动创建所需的算法可能是一个挑战。在实践中,帮助机器开发自己的算法,而不是让人类程序员指定每一个需要的步骤,可能会变得更加有效 。

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计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|KIT315 Dagu Magician Robot Control Algorithm

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Application: Bluetooth BLE Greenhouse Monitor

In this section, we provide the basic framework for the robot control algorithm. The control algorithm will read the IR sensors attached to the Arduino Nano 33 ANALOG IN (pins 0–2).
In response to the wall placement detected, the algorithm will render signals to turn the robot to avoid the maze walls. Provided in Fig. 3.16 is a truth table that shows all possibilities of maze placement that the robot might encounter. A detected wall is represented with a logic one. An asserted motor action is also represented with a logic one. As previously mentioned,due to the physical placement of the sensor array on the trailing edge of the robot, the sensor detecting maze walls to the right of the robot is physically located on the left side of the robot and vice versa.

Given the interface circuit used, the robot motors may only be moved in the forward direction. To render a left turn, the left motor is stopped and the right motor is asserted until the robot completes the turn. To render a right turn, the opposite action is required.
The task in writing the control algorithm is to take the UML activity diagram provided in Fig. 3.15 and the actions specified in the robot action truth table Fig. 3.16 and transform both into an Arduino sketch. This may seem formidable but we take it a step at a time.

The control algorithm begins with Arduino Nano 33 pin definitions. Variables are then declared for the readings from the three IR sensors. The two required Arduino functions follow: setup() and loop(). In the setup() function, Arduino Nano 33 pins are declared as output. The loop() begins by reading the current value of the three IR sensors. The 512 value corresponds to a particular IR sensor range. This value may be adjusted to change the range at which the maze wall is detected. The read of the IR sensors is followed by an eight part
if–else if statement. The statement contains a part for each row of the truth table provided in Fig. 3.16. For a given configuration of sensed walls, the appropriate wall detection LEDs are illuminated followed by commands to activate the motors (analogWrite) and illuminate the appropriate turn signals. The analogWrite command issues a signal from 0 to 3.3 VDC by sending a constant from 0 to 255 using pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques. The turn signal commands provide to actions: the appropriate turns signals are flashed and a 1.5 s total delay is provided. This provides the robot 1.5 s to render a turn. This delay may need to be adjusted during the testing phase.

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Overview

With the introduction to the Arduino IDE (Chap. 1), the Nano 33 BLE Sense (Chap. 2), and interface techniques (Chap. 3) complete; we concentrate on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) concepts and applications for microcontroller–based systems for the remainder of the book. In a recent release, the Arduino Team stated “Arduino is on a mission to make machine learning simple enough for everyone to use [].” Those acquainted with AI and ML concepts might counter these concepts are most appropriate for more powerful computing platforms. However, recent developments have allowed certain AI and ML applications to be executed on microcontrollers once they have been trained.

We will see the training task, in certain applications, may also be accomplished on a microcontroller. Furthermore, we explore applications that lend themselves to remote, battery operated microcontroller–based AI and ML applications [4]. In the remainder of the book we limit our discussions to AI and ML techniques specifically for microcontrollers. The intent is to introduce the concepts and allow you to practice on low cost, accessible Arduino hardware and software.Figure 4.1 illustrates the relationship between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. The goal of Artificial Intelligence is for computing machinery to imitate and mimic intelligent human behavior. Some trace the origins of AI back to 1300 BCE [4].We limit our historical review to AI developments within the 20th century and forward. Following a brief historical review, this chapter explores the concept of K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Decision Tree classification techniques.

Within the realm of AI, we explore Fuzzy Logic in Chap. 5. The overall goal of fuzzy logic is to control a system using a series of rule statements of the form “IF–THEN.” The input conditions of the “IF” statement, the antecedents, are obtained by taking precise, crisp input information from input sensors and transducers and mapping them to fuzzy input linguistic (word) variables. This is called the fuzzification step. The “THEN” portion of the rule, the consequences, are the control commands back to the system. Again, linguistic variables are used to describe the control output. The control output is defuzzified to obtain precise, crisp output control signals. The mapping of inputs to outputs via the “IF–THEN” statements are provided by the system designer.

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|KIT315 Dagu Magician Robot Control Algorithm


计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Application: Bluetooth BLE Greenhouse Monitor

在本节中,我们提供了机器人控制算法的基本框架。控制算法将读取连接到 Arduino Nano 33 ANALOG IN(引脚 0-2)的红外传感器。
作为对检测到的墙放置的响应,该算法将呈现信号以转动机器人以避开迷宫墙。图 3.16 提供了一个真值表,显示了机器人可能遇到的迷宫放置的所有可能性。检测到的墙用逻辑一表示。断言的电机动作也用逻辑 1 表示。如前所述,由于传感器阵列在机器人后缘的物理位置,机器人右侧的传感器检测迷宫墙实际上位于机器人的左侧,反之亦然。

编写控制算法的任务是采用图 3.15 中提供的 UML 活动图和图 3.16 机器人动作真值表中指定的动作,并将两者转换为 Arduino 草图。这可能看起来很艰巨,但我们一次又一次地迈出了一步。

控制算法从 Arduino Nano 33 引脚定义开始。然后为三个红外传感器的读数声明变量。两个必需的 Arduino 函数如下:setup() 和 loop()。在 setup() 函数中,Arduino Nano 33 引脚被声明为输出。loop() 首先读取三个红外传感器的当前值。512 值对应于特定的 IR 传感器范围。可以调整此值以更改检测到迷宫墙的范围。红外传感器的读取之后是八个部分
if-else if 语句。该语句包含图 3.16 中提供的真值表的每一行的一部分。对于感应墙壁的给定配置,相应的墙壁检测 LED 会亮起,然后发出命令以激活电机 (analogWrite) 并点亮相应的转向信号灯。analogWrite 命令通过使用脉冲宽度调制 (PWM) 技术发送 0 到 255 之间的常数来发出 0 到 3.3 VDC 的信号。转向信号命令提供动作:闪烁适当的转向信号并提供 1.5 秒的总延迟。这为机器人提供了 1.5 秒的转弯时间。在测试阶段可能需要调整此延迟。

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Overview

随着 Arduino IDE(第 1 章)、Nano 33 BLE Sense(第 2 章)和接口技术(第 3 章)的介绍完成;在本书的其余部分,我们将重点介绍人工智能 (AI) 和机器学习 (ML) 的概念以及基于微控制器的系统的应用。在最近的一次发布中,Arduino 团队表示“Arduino 的使命是让机器学习变得足够简单,让每个人都能使用 []。” 那些熟悉 AI 和 ML 概念的人可能会反驳这些概念最适合更强大的计算平台。然而,最近的发展允许某些 AI 和 ML 应用程序在经过训练后可以在微控制器上执行。

我们将看到训练任务,在某些应用中,也可能在微控制器上完成。此外,我们探索了适合远程、电池供电的基于微控制器的 AI 和 ML 应用程序的应用程序 [4]。在本书的其余部分,我们将讨论限制在专用于微控制器的 AI 和 ML 技术上。目的是介绍概念并允许您在低成本、易于访问的 Arduino 硬件和软件上进行练习。图 4.1 说明了人工智能、机器学习和深度学习之间的关系。人工智能的目标是让计算机器模仿和模仿人类的智能行为。有些人将 AI 的起源追溯到公元前 1300 年 [4]。我们将历史回顾限制在 20 世纪及以后的 AI 发展。

在人工智能领域,我们在第 1 章探讨了模糊逻辑。5. 模糊逻辑的总体目标是使用一系列“IF-THEN”形式的规则语句来控制系统。“IF”语句的输入条件,即前提,是通过从输入传感器和转换器获取精确、清晰的输入信息并将它们映射到模糊输入语言(单词)变量而获得的。这称为模糊化步骤。规则的“THEN”部分,即结果,是返回系统的控制命令。同样,语言变量用于描述控制输出。控制输出经过去模糊处理以获得精确、清晰的输出控制信号。通过“IF–THEN”语句将输入映射到输出由系统设计人员提供。

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考

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