如果你也在 怎样代写贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis ST308这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis一种统计推断方法(以英国数学家托马斯-贝叶斯命名),它允许人们将关于人口参数的先验信息与样本中包含的信息证据相结合,以指导统计推断过程。首先指定一个感兴趣的参数的先验概率分布。然后通过应用贝叶斯定理获得并结合证据,为参数提供一个后验概率分布。后验分布为有关该参数的统计推断提供了基础。
贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis自1763年以来,我们现在所知道的贝叶斯统计学并没有一个明确的运行。尽管贝叶斯的方法被拉普拉斯和当时其他领先的概率论者热情地接受,但在19世纪却陷入了不光彩的境地,因为他们还不知道如何正确处理先验概率。20世纪上半叶,一种完全不同的理论得到了发展,现在称为频繁主义统计学。但贝叶斯思想的火焰被少数思想家保持着,如意大利的布鲁诺-德-菲内蒂和英国的哈罗德-杰弗里斯。现代贝叶斯运动开始于20世纪下半叶,由美国的Jimmy Savage和英国的Dennis Lindley带头,但贝叶斯推断仍然极难实现,直到20世纪80年代末和90年代初,强大的计算机开始广泛使用,新的计算方法被开发出来。随后,人们对贝叶斯统计的兴趣大增,不仅导致了贝叶斯方法论的广泛研究,也导致了使用贝叶斯方法来解决天体物理学、天气预报、医疗保健政策和刑事司法等不同应用领域的迫切问题。
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统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|INDEPENDENCE ASSUMPTIONS IN MODELS
How do we actually construct a generative model given a phenomeon we want to model? We first have to decide which random variables compose the model. Clearly, the observed data need to be associated with a random variable, and so do the predicted values. We can add latent variables as we wish, if we believe there are hidden factors that link between the observed and predicted values.
Often, the next step is deciding exactly how these random variables relate to each other with respect to their conditional independence. At this point, we are not yet assigning distributions to the various random variables, but just hypothesizing about the information flow between them. These independence assumptions need to balance various trade-offs. On one hand, the weaker they are (i.e., the more dependence there is), the more expressive the model family isin other words, the model family includes more distributions. On the other hand, if they are too expressive, we might run into problems such as overfitting with small amounts of data, or technical problems such as computationally expensive inference.
Looking at various models in NLP, we see that the independence assumptions we make are rather strong-it is usually the case that a given random variable depends on a small number of other random variables. In that sense, the model has “local factors” in its joint distribution.
统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|DIRECTED GRAPHICAL MODELS
As mentioned above, detailing the full generative story or joint distribution is necessary to fully comprehend the inner workings of a given statistical model. However, in cases where we are just interested in describing the independence assumptions that exist in the model, graphical representations can help to elucidate these assumptions.
Given that Bayesian models are often generative, the most important type of graphical representation for them is “directed graphical models” (or “Bayesian networks”). See Murphy (2012) for an introduction to other types of graphical models (GMs), such as undirected graphical models. In a Bayesian network, each random variable in the joint distribution is represented as a vertex in a graph. There are incoming edges to each vertex $X$ from all random variables that $X$ conditions on, when writing down the joint distribution and inspecting the factor that describes the distribution over $X$.
The basic type of independence assumption a Bayesian network describes is the following. A random variable $X$ is conditionally independent of all its ancestors when conditioned on its immediate parents. This type of property leads to an extensive calculus and a set of graphtheoretic decision rules that can assist in determining whether one set of random variables in the model is independent of another set when conditioned on a third set (i.e., the random variables in the third set are assumed to be observed for that conditional independence test). The calculus includes a few logical relations, including symmetry: if $X$ and $Y$ are conditionally independent given $Z$, then $Y$ and $X$ are conditionally independent given $Z$; decomposition: if $X$ and $Y \cup W$ are conditionally independent given $Z$, then $X$ and $Y$ are conditionally independent given $Z$; contraction: if $X$ and $Y$ are conditionally independent given $Z$, and $X$ and $Y$ are conditionally independent given $Y \cup Z$, then $X$ is conditionally independent of $W \cup Y$ given $Z$; weak union:
if $X$ and $Y \cup Z$ are conditionally independent given $W$, then $X$ and $Y$ are conditionally independent given $Z \cup W$. Here, $X, Y, Z$ and $W$ are subsets of random variables in a probability distribution. See Pearl (1988) for more information.
Bayesian networks also include a graphical mechanism to describe a variable or unfixed number of random variables, using so-called “plate notation.” With plate notation, a set of random variables is placed inside plates. A plate represents a set of random variables with some count. For example, a plate could be used to describe a set of words in a document. Figure 1.1 provides an example of a use of the graphical plate language. Random variables, denoted by circles, are the basic building blocks in this graphical language; the plates are composed of such random variables (or other plates) and denote a “larger object.” For example, the random variable $W$ stands for a word in a document, and the random variable $Z$ is a topic variable associated with that word. As such, the plate as a whole denotes a document, which is indeed a larger object composed from $N$ random variables from the type of $Z$ and $W$.
统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|INDEPENDENCE ASSUMPTIONS IN MODELS
看看 NLP 中的各种模型,我们看到我们所做的独立性假设是相当强的——通常情况是给定的随机变量依赖于少量其他随机变量。从这个意义上说,该模型在其联合分布中具有“局部因素”。
统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|DIRECTED GRAPHICAL MODELS
如上所述,详细说明完整的生成故事或联合分布对于完全理解给定统计模型的内部运作是必要的。然而,在我 们只对描述模型中存在的独立性假设感兴趣的情况下,图形表示可以帮助阐明这些假设。
鉴于贝叶斯模型通常是生成式的,对它们来说最重要的图形表示类型是“有向图形模型” (或“贝叶斯网络”)。请 参阅 Murphy (2012) 以了解其他类型的图模型 (GM),例如无向图模型。在贝叶斯网络中,联合分布中的每个 随机变量都表示为图中的一个顶点。每个顶点都有传入边 $X$ 来自所有随机变量 $X$ 条件,当写下联合分布并检查 描述分布的因子时 $X$.
贝叶斯网络描述的基本独立性假设类型如下。随机变量 $X$ 当以其直接父母为条件时,有条件地独立于其所有祖 先。这种类型的属性导致广泛的微积分和一组图论决策规则,这些规则可以帮助确定模型中的一组随机变量在 以第三组为条件时是否独立于另一组(即,第三组中的随机变量对于该条件独立性测试,假设集合被观察
到)。微积分包括一些逻辑关系,包括对称性:如果 $X$ 和 $Y$ 条件独立给定 $Z$ ,然后 $Y$ 和 $X$ 条件独立给定 $Z$; 分 解: 如果 $X$ 和 $Y \cup W$ 条件独立给定 $Z$ ,然后 $X$ 和 $Y$ 条件独立给定 $Z$; 收缩: 如果 $X$ 和 $Y$ 条件独立给定 $Z$ ,和 $X$ 和 $Y$ 条件独立给定 $Y \cup Z$ ,然后 $X$ 有条件地独立于 $W \cup Y$ 给予 $Z$; 弱联合:
如果 $X$ 和 $Y \cup Z$ 条件独立给定 $W$ ,然后 $X$ 和 $Y$ 条件独立给定 $Z \cup W$. 这里, $X, Y, Z$ 和 $W$ 是概率分布中随机 变量的子集。有关更多信息,请参见 Pearl (1988)。
贝叶斯网络还包括一种图形机制,使用所谓的“板式表示法”来描述变量或不固定数量的随机变量。使用板符 号,一组随机变量被放置在板内。盘子代表一组具有一定计数的随机变量。例如,一个板块可以用来描述文档 中的一组单词。图 1.1 提供了一个使用图形板语言的示例。用圆圈表示的随机变量是这种图形语言的基本构建 块;这些盘子由这样的随机变量(或其他盘子) 组成,表示一个“更大的物体”。例如,随机变量 $W$ 代表文档中 的一个词,随机变量 $Z$ 是与该词关联的主题变量。因此,整个盘子表示一个文件,它确实是一个更大的物体, 由 $N$ 来自类型的随机变量 $Z$ 和 $W$.
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