如果你也在 怎样代写回归分析Regression Analysis 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。回归分析Regression Analysis被广泛用于预测和预报,其使用与机器学习领域有很大的重叠。在某些情况下,回归分析可以用来推断自变量和因变量之间的因果关系。重要的是,回归本身只揭示了固定数据集中因变量和自变量集合之间的关系。为了分别使用回归进行预测或推断因果关系,研究者必须仔细论证为什么现有的关系对新的环境具有预测能力,或者为什么两个变量之间的关系具有因果解释。当研究者希望使用观察数据来估计因果关系时,后者尤其重要。
回归分析Regression Analysis在统计建模中,回归分析是一组统计过程,用于估计因变量(通常称为 “结果 “或 “响应 “变量,或机器学习术语中的 “标签”)与一个或多个自变量(通常称为 “预测因子”、”协变量”、”解释变量 “或 “特征”)之间的关系。回归分析最常见的形式是线性回归,即根据特定的数学标准找到最适合数据的直线(或更复杂的线性组合)。例如,普通最小二乘法计算唯一的直线(或超平面),使真实数据与该直线(或超平面)之间的平方差之和最小。由于特定的数学原因(见线性回归),这使得研究者能够在自变量具有一组给定值时估计因变量的条件期望值(或人口平均值)。不太常见的回归形式使用稍微不同的程序来估计替代位置参数(例如,量化回归或必要条件分析),或在更广泛的非线性模型集合中估计条件期望值(例如,非参数回归)。
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统计代写|回归分析代写Regression Analysis代考|Practical Versus Statistical Significance
While the Car Sales example above is a case where statistically significant $(p<0.05)$ curvature corresponds to practically significant (which means practically important) curvature, it is not always the case that statistical significance corresponds to practical significance. This can easily happen in data sets where $n$ is large (e.g., with “big data”), because with large data sets you have the ability to estimate even slight curvature very precisely, with small standard error.
The following simulation illustrates this situation: There is statistically significant ( $p=0.000166$ ) curvature, as shown by the hypothesis test for the quadratic term. However, the curvature is practically insignificant, as can be seen by graphing the linear and quadratic fitted functions. The sample size in this simulation is large, $n=1,000,000$, but not unusually large for “big data” applications.
4.5.1 Simulation Study to Demonstrate Practical vs. Statistical Significance
set.seed(54321) # For perfect replicability of the random simulation.
$\mathrm{x}=10+2 * \operatorname{rnorm}(1000000) ; \mathrm{xsq}=\mathrm{x}^{\wedge} 2$
$\mathrm{y}=2+.6 * \mathrm{x}+.003 * x$ sq $+4 * \operatorname{rnorm}(1000000)$ #beta2 $=.003$ does not equal 0 !
fit. quad $=\operatorname{lm}(\mathrm{y} \sim \mathrm{x}+\mathrm{xsq})$
summary(fit.quad) # Significant curvature: p-value $=0.000166$
## A . 1\% random sample from the data set is selected to make the scatterplot
## more legible. Otherwise, the points are too dense to view.
select $=\operatorname{runif}(1000000) ; \mathrm{x} 1=\mathrm{x}$ [select<.001] ; $\mathrm{y} 1=\mathrm{y}[$ select<.001]
plot (x1, y1, main = “Scatterplot of a $0.1 \%$ Subsample”)
abline(lsfit( $x, y)$, col=”gray”)
lines (spline(x, predict(fit.quad)), lty=3)
Figure 4.5 shows that the linear fit (solid line) is adequate, even though the true model is quadratic, and not linear.
统计代写|回归分析代写Regression Analysis代考|Evaluating the Constant Variance (Homoscedasticity) Assumption Using Graphical Methods
The first graph you should use to evaluate the constant variance assumption is the $\left(\hat{y}_i, e_i\right)$ scatterplot. Look for changes in the pattern of vertical variability of the $e_i$ for different $\hat{y}_i$. The most common indications of constant variance assumption violation are shapes that indicate either increasing variability of $Y$ for larger $\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$, or shapes that indicate decreasing variability of $Y$ for larger $\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$. Increasing variability of $Y$ for larger $\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$ is indicated by greater variability in the vertical ranges of the $e_i$ when $\hat{y}_i$ is larger.
Recall again that the constant variance assumption (like all assumptions) refers to the data-generating process, not the data. The statement “the data are homoscedastic” makes no sense. By the same logic, the statements “the data are linear” and “the data are normally distributed” also are nonsense. Thus, whichever pattern of variability that you decide to claim based on the $\left(\hat{y}_i, e_i\right)$ scatterplot, you should try to make sense of it in the context of the subject matter that determines the data-generating process. As one example, physical boundaries on data force smaller variance when the data are closer to the boundary. As another, when income increases, people have more choice as to whether or not they choose to purchase an item. Thus, there should be more variability in expenditures among people with more money than among people with less money. Whatever pattern you see in the $\left(\hat{y}_i, e_i\right)$ scatterplot should make sense to you from a subject matter standpoint.
While the LOESS smooth to the $\left(\hat{y}_i, e_i\right)$ scatterplot is useful for checking the linearity assumption, it is not useful for checking the constant variance assumption. Instead, you should use the LOESS smooth over the plot of $\left(\hat{y}_i,\left|e_i\right|\right)$. When the variability in the residuals is larger, they will tend to be farther from zero, giving larger mean absolute residuals $\left|e_i\right|$. An increasing trend in the $\left(\hat{y}_i,\left|e_i\right|\right)$ plot suggests larger variability in $Y$ for larger $\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$, and a flat trend line for the $\left(\hat{y}_i,\left|e_i\right|\right)$ plot suggests that the variability in $Y$ is nearly unrelated to $\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$. However, as always, do not over-interpret. Data are idiosyncratic (random), so even if homoscedasticity is true in reality, the LOESS fit to the $\left(\hat{y}_i,\left|e_i\right|\right)$ graph will not be a perfectly flat line, due to chance alone. To understand “chance alone” in this case you can simulate data from a homoscedastic model, construct the $\left(\hat{y}_i, \mid e_i\right)$ graph, and add the LOESS smooth. You will see that the LOESS smooth is not a perfect flat line, and you will know that such deviations are explained by chance alone.
The hypothesis test for homoscedasticity will help you to decide whether the observed deviation from a flat line is explainable by chance alone, but recall that the test does not answer the real question of interest, which is “Is the heteroscedasticity so bad that we cannot use the homoscedastic model?” (That question is best answered by simulating data sets having the type of heteroscedasticity you expect with your real data, then by performing the types of analyses you plan to perform on your real data, then by evaluating the performance of those analyses.)
统计代写|回归分析代写Regression Analysis代考|Practical Versus Statistical Significance
set.seed(54321) #用于随机模拟的完美可复制性。
$\mathrm{x}=10+2 * \operatorname{rnorm}(1000000) ; \mathrm{xsq}=\mathrm{x}^{\wedge} 2$
$\mathrm{y}=2+.6 * \mathrm{x}+.003 * x$平方$+4 * \operatorname{rnorm}(1000000)$ #beta2 $=.003$不等于0 !
适合。Quad $=\operatorname{lm}(\mathrm{y} \sim \mathrm{x}+\mathrm{xsq})$
summary(fit.quad) #显著曲率:p值$=0.000166$
## a。从数据集中随机抽取1%的样本制作散点图
选择$=\operatorname{runif}(1000000) ; \mathrm{x} 1=\mathrm{x}$[选择<。[00];$\mathrm{y} 1=\mathrm{y}[$ select<.001]
plot (x1, y1, main =“$0.1 \%$子样本的散点图”)
Abline (lsfit($x, y)$, col=”gray”)
Lines (spline(x, predict(fit.quad)), lty=3)
统计代写|回归分析代写Regression Analysis代考|Evaluating the Constant Variance (Homoscedasticity) Assumption Using Graphical Methods
用于评估恒定方差假设的第一个图是$\left(\hat{y}_i, e_i\right)$散点图。寻找垂直变化模式$e_i$对于不同$\hat{y}_i$的变化。对于较大的$\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$,最常见的不变方差假设违反的指示是形状表明$Y$的可变性增加,或者形状表明$Y$的可变性减少,对于较大的$\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$。当$\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$较大时,$Y$的变异性增大,这表明当$\hat{y}_i$较大时,$e_i$的垂直范围变异性增大。
再次回忆一下,常数方差假设(像所有假设一样)指的是数据生成过程,而不是数据。“数据均方差”的说法毫无意义。按照同样的逻辑,“数据是线性的”和“数据是正态分布的”也都是无稽之谈。因此,无论您决定基于$\left(\hat{y}_i, e_i\right)$散点图声明哪种可变性模式,您都应该尝试在决定数据生成过程的主题上下文中理解它。例如,当数据靠近物理边界时,数据上的物理边界所产生的方差较小。另一方面,当收入增加时,人们有更多的选择是否购买物品。因此,有钱的人的支出应该比钱少的人有更多的可变性。无论您在$\left(\hat{y}_i, e_i\right)$散点图中看到什么模式,从主题的角度来看都应该是有意义的。
虽然对$\left(\hat{y}_i, e_i\right)$散点图的黄土平滑对检验线性假设有用,但对检验常方差假设没用。相反,您应该在$\left(\hat{y}_i,\left|e_i\right|\right)$的地块上使用黄土平滑。当残差的可变性较大时,它们将趋向于远离零,从而给出较大的平均绝对残差$\left|e_i\right|$。$\left(\hat{y}_i,\left|e_i\right|\right)$图的增加趋势表明,对于较大的$\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$, $Y$的变异性较大,而$\left(\hat{y}_i,\left|e_i\right|\right)$图的平坦趋势线表明,$Y$的变异性几乎与$\mathrm{E}(Y \mid X=x)$无关。然而,一如既往,不要过度解读。数据是特殊的(随机的),所以即使同方差在现实中是真实的,$\left(\hat{y}_i,\left|e_i\right|\right)$图的黄土拟合也不会是一条完全平坦的线,这仅仅是偶然的。为了理解这种情况下的“偶然性”,您可以模拟来自同方差模型的数据,构造$\left(\hat{y}_i, \mid e_i\right)$图,并添加黄土平滑。你会看到黄土平滑不是一条完美的平坦线,你会知道这样的偏差仅仅是偶然的。
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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。
微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。
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