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统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time-Series Analysis代考|Random effects and mixed effects models

如果你也在 怎样代写时间序列分析Time-Series Analysis 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。时间序列分析Time-Series Analysis是在数学中,是按时间顺序索引(或列出或绘制)的一系列数据点。最常见的是,一个时间序列是在连续的等距的时间点上的一个序列。因此,它是一个离散时间数据的序列。时间序列的例子有海洋潮汐的高度、太阳黑子的数量和道琼斯工业平均指数的每日收盘值。

时间序列分析Time-Series Analysis分析包括分析时间序列数据的方法,以提取有意义的统计数据和数据的其他特征。时间序列预测是使用一个模型来预测基于先前观察到的值的未来值。虽然经常采用回归分析的方式来测试一个或多个不同时间序列之间的关系,但这种类型的分析通常不被称为 “时间序列分析”,它特别指的是单一序列中不同时间点之间的关系。中断的时间序列分析是用来检测一个时间序列从之前到之后的演变变化,这种变化可能会影响基础变量。

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统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time-Series Analysis代考|Random effects and mixed effects models

统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time-Series Analysis代考|Random effects and mixed effects models

The model in Eq. (7.14) is a special case of the fixed effects model with two factors. When the levels of these factors are randomly selected, and we want to generalize the result from analysis to a much larger population, then the model becomes a random effects model. The model becomes a mixed effects model when some factors are random and some are fixed. For example, in Model (7.14), if treatments are randomly assigned, we have
Z_{i, j, t}=\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_t+\gamma_{i, t}+e_{i, j, t},
where $\alpha_i$ is random, i.i.d. $N\left(0, \sigma_a^2\right)$, independent of $e_{i, j, t}$ The analysis of variance table for the fixed effects model, the random effects model, and the mixed effects model are the same as Table 7.7, but when a model contains a random factor like Eq. (7.30), it is important to note the following:

  1. The variance of $Z_{i, j, t}$ is no longer equal to the variance of $e_{i, j, t}$. Instead, if we also assume that $\operatorname{Var}\left(\alpha_i\right)=\sigma_a^2$, we have
    \operatorname{Var}\left(Z_{i, j, t}\right)=\operatorname{Var}\left(\alpha_i\right)+\operatorname{Var}\left(e_{i, j, t}\right)=\sigma_\alpha^2+\sigma^2
  2. The model in (7.31) can also be written as
    Z_{i, j, t}=\mu+\beta_t+\gamma_{i, t}+\varepsilon_{i, j, t},
    where the $\varepsilon_{i, j, t}$ are now i.i.d. $N\left(0, \sigma_{\varepsilon}^2\right), \sigma_{\varepsilon}^2=\sigma_\alpha^2+\sigma^2$.
  3. The Expected Mean Squares (EMS) for treatment is $\sigma^2+n \sigma_\alpha^2$. Hence, we can estimate the variance of the random treatment term using
    \hat{\sigma}_\alpha^2=\frac{\text { Mean Squares for Treatment }-s^2}{n},
    where $s^2$ is the residual mean square error.
  4. The null and alternative hypotheses for the random treatment in Model (7.30) are now
    & H_0: \sigma_\alpha^2=0, \
    & H_a: \sigma_\alpha^2>0

统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time-Series Analysis代考|Nested random effects model

In some applications, subjects are randomly selected from a population. For example, in agricultural studies, where researchers want to compare the effects of three different fertilizers in terms of the yield of a certain product such as tomatoes. In this case, “subjects” refers to plots of land. By realizing the effects of land, and more importantly, being interested in the effects of fertilizers on a wide variety of plots, the researchers may randomly select a certain number of plots of land from a population of plots when assigning fertilizers within their experiments. In such a case, we will consider the following nested random effects model:
Z_{i, j, t}=\mu+\alpha_i+\theta_{j(i)}+\beta_t+\gamma_{i, t}+e_{i, j, t}
where $\alpha_i, \beta_t$, and $\gamma_{i, t}$ are fixed effects defined in Eq. (7.14), but $\theta_{j(i)}$ is a random effect for subject $j$ associated with treatment $i$. We assume that the $\theta_{j(i)}$ are i.i.d. $N\left(0, \sigma_\theta^2\right)$, which are independent of $e_{i, j, t}$. The variance of $Z_{i, j, t}$ is no longer equal to the variance of $e_{i, j, t}$ It becomes the sum of the variances of $\theta_{j(i)}$ and $e_{i, j, t}$. Hence, the variance-covariance matrix of $\mathbf{Z}{i, j}=\left[Z{i, j, 1}, \ldots, Z_{i, j, p}\right]^{\prime}$ becomes
\sigma_\theta^2 \mathbf{H}+\mathbf{\Sigma}
where $\mathbf{H}$ is a matrix of ones.

Equivalently, we can rewrite the model in Eq. (7.34) as
Z_{i, j, t}=\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_t+\gamma_{i, t}+\varepsilon_{i, j, t},
where $\varepsilon_{i, j, t}=\theta_{j(i)}+e_{i, j, t}$. If the $e_{i, j, t}$ are i.i.d. $N\left(0, \sigma^2\right)$, then it can be shown that the variance and covariance of $\varepsilon_{i, j, t}$ and hence $Z_{i, j, t}$ will follow the structure of common symmetry given in Eq. (7.22) of Section 7.3.2.

The analysis of variance table for this nested random effects model is now modified as given in Table 7.8.

统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time-Series Analysis代考|Random effects and mixed effects models


间序列分析代写Time-Series Analysis代考|Random effects and mixed effects models

Z_{i, j, t}=\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_t+\gamma_{i, t}+e_{i, j, t},
式中$\alpha_i$为随机,i.i.d $N\left(0, \sigma_a^2\right)$,独立于$e_{i, j, t}$固定效应模型、随机效应模型和混合效应模型的方差分析表与表7.7相同,但当模型中含有像Eq.(7.30)这样的随机因素时,需要注意以下几点:

$Z_{i, j, t}$的方差不再等于$e_{i, j, t}$的方差。相反,如果我们也假设$\operatorname{Var}\left(\alpha_i\right)=\sigma_a^2$,我们有
\operatorname{Var}\left(Z_{i, j, t}\right)=\operatorname{Var}\left(\alpha_i\right)+\operatorname{Var}\left(e_{i, j, t}\right)=\sigma_\alpha^2+\sigma^2

Z_{i, j, t}=\mu+\beta_t+\gamma_{i, t}+\varepsilon_{i, j, t},
原来的$\varepsilon_{i, j, t}$现在变成了$N\left(0, \sigma_{\varepsilon}^2\right), \sigma_{\varepsilon}^2=\sigma_\alpha^2+\sigma^2$。

治疗的期望均方(EMS)为$\sigma^2+n \sigma_\alpha^2$。因此,我们可以估计随机处理项的方差使用
\hat{\sigma}_\alpha^2=\frac{\text { Mean Squares for Treatment }-s^2}{n},

& H_0: \sigma_\alpha^2=0, \
& H_a: \sigma_\alpha^2>0

统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time-Series Analysis代考|Nested random effects model

Z_{i, j, t}=\mu+\alpha_i+\theta_{j(i)}+\beta_t+\gamma_{i, t}+e_{i, j, t}
其中$\alpha_i, \beta_t$和$\gamma_{i, t}$是公式(7.14)中定义的固定效应,而$\theta_{j(i)}$是与治疗$i$相关的受试者$j$的随机效应。我们假设$\theta_{j(i)}$是i.i.d $N\left(0, \sigma_\theta^2\right)$,它们独立于$e_{i, j, t}$。$Z_{i, j, t}$的方差不再等于$e_{i, j, t}$的方差,它变成了$\theta_{j(i)}$和$e_{i, j, t}$的方差之和。因此,$\mathbf{Z}{i, j}=\left[Z{i, j, 1}, \ldots, Z_{i, j, p}\right]^{\prime}$的方差协方差矩阵为
\sigma_\theta^2 \mathbf{H}+\mathbf{\Sigma}

Z_{i, j, t}=\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_t+\gamma_{i, t}+\varepsilon_{i, j, t},
在哪里$\varepsilon_{i, j, t}=\theta_{j(i)}+e_{i, j, t}$。如果$e_{i, j, t}$是i.i.d $N\left(0, \sigma^2\right)$,那么可以表明,$\varepsilon_{i, j, t}$和$Z_{i, j, t}$的方差和协方差将遵循第7.3.2节Eq.(7.22)中给出的公共对称结构。


统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time-Series Analysis代考

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