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金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|Swap Contracts

如果你也在 怎样代写金融衍生品Financial Derivatives 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。金融衍生品Financial Derivatives是金融工具的三大类之一,另外两类是股权(即股票或股份)和债权(即债券和抵押贷款)。历史上最古老的衍生品例子,由亚里士多德证明,被认为是古希腊哲学家泰勒斯签订的橄榄合同交易,他在交换中获利。1936年被取缔的桶装水商店是一个较近的历史例子。

金融衍生品Financial Derivatives在金融领域,衍生品是一种合同,其价值来自于一个基础实体的表现。衍生品可用于多种目的,包括对价格变动进行保险(套期保值),为投机增加价格变动的风险,或进入其他难以交易的资产或市场。一些更常见的衍生品包括远期、期货、期权、掉期,以及这些的变体,如合成抵押债务和信用违约掉期。大多数衍生品在场外(场外)或芝加哥商品交易所等交易所进行交易,而大多数保险合同已经发展成为一个独立的行业。在美国,在2007-2009年的金融危机之后,将衍生品转移到交易所进行交易的压力越来越大。

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金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|Swap Contracts

金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|Swap Contracts

A swap contract is a contract in which two counterparties agree to make periodic payments that differ in a fundamental way from each other until some future date. The terms of a swap contract, besides the maturity and notional value of the contract, can include the currencies to be exchanged (foreign currency swap), the rate of interest applicable to each counterparty (interest rate swap), and the timetable by which payments are made. Swap contracts are an over-the-counter, negotiated derivative contract like a forward contract rather than an exchangetraded instrument like a futures contract. The swap contract counterparties must be classified as Eligible Contract Participants, as defined by the Commodity Exchange Act. $^3$ Although foreign currency swaps predate interest rate swaps, interest rate swaps are economically most important today.

Consider the uses for an interest rate swap. Suppose the swap contract specifies the exchange of floating rate cash flows for fixed rate cash flows. That is, a counterparty agrees to pay a fixed cash flow (based on a fixed rate) to another counterparty and in return receive a variable cash flow (based on a floating rate). The exchange of cash flows occurs periodically, say every six months; the cash flows are netted against each other so that whichever counterparty’s cash flow is larger, that counterparty pays the difference to the other. A swap of fixed rate for floating rate cash flows reduces the fixed rate payer’s exposure to unexpected rate increases, which is an important commercial risk for the holder of existing fixed-income securities or firms that anticipate the issuance of debt in the future. If rates rise during the contract’s life, the fixed rate payer will receive cash flows that offset the loss of value in existing securities or the increase in debt issuance cost. Similarly, the swap of floating rate for fixed rate cash flows reduces the floating-rate payer’s exposure to unexpected rate decreases.

Suppose in 1999, Maytag issues a three-year, \$100 million par floating rate note with semiannual interest payments at 80 basis points over the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), which is at 3.2 percent per annum. Maytag’s interest expense floats with LIBOR but at the current rate, Maytag will pay \$2.0 million as interest to the debt holders every six months, in March and September. Maytag is exposed to the commercial risk of unexpected increases in LIBOR. To transfer the risk, Maytag enters into a swap agreement with a U.S. commercial bank to pay a fixed 5 percent per annum on the $\$ 100$ million until maturity. In return, the bank agrees to pay Maytag a variable amount based on LIBOR plus 80 basis points. Only the cash flow differential is exchanged in the agreement. Exhibit 1.10 is a table of the swap cash flows as LIBOR rises. Maytag makes increasing cash payments to debt holders as the rate floats higher; completely offsetting the interest expense are equivalent cash inflows from the U.S. commercial bank. Maytag still pays a fixed rate cash flow to the U.S. commercial bank of $\$ 2.5$ million every six months. Note that Maytag has credit risk exposure from the bank only when the value of the interest rate swap is positive (last column of Exhibit 1.10).

金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|Option Contracts

Option contracts fall into one of two basic categories: calls or puts. In a call (put) option contract the contract buyer has the right but not the obligation to purchase (sell) a fixed quantity from (to) the seller at a fixed price before a certain date. Every option contract has both a buyer and a seller. The contract buyer has a right but not an obligation to initiate an exchange; the seller is obligated to perform, however, should the buyer exercise the contract rights. The fixed price in an option contract is the exercise or strike price-the price at which the contract buyer either purchases from the contract seller (call option) or sells to the contract seller (put option). The contract maturity date is also called the contract expiration date. Finally, the option buyer makes a nonrefundable payment to the option seller, called the option premium, to obtain the rights of the option contract. The purpose of an option pricing model, such as the Black-Scholes model or the binomial model, is to estimate a “fair” option contract premium.

In general, a call option buyer (seller) expects the price of the underlying security to increase (decrease or stay steady) above the option exercise price. If not, the call option seller keeps the nonrefundable payment, the call option premium. A put option buyer (seller) expects the price of the underlying security to decrease (increase or stay steady) below the option exercise price. If so, the put option buyer can exercise the right to sell the underlying instrument to the put option seller at the relatively high exercise price. If an option contract is held to expiration, the option may expire worthless, be exercised by the contract buyer, or be sold for the difference between the contract exercise price and the market price of the underlying.

Consider the call option risk profile in Exhibit 1.12. The buyer of an option contract, call or put option, is called the option long; the option seller is called the option short. In Exhibit 1.12, if the unexpected change in the underlying instrument’s price, $\Delta P$, at option expiration is negative (or prices fall), the long call position is worthless and the call option buyer forfeits the call premium. At the same time, the short call option position is profitable by the amount of the premium. The horizontal, dashed lines to the left of the vertical axis illustrate the returns. If the unexpected change in the underlying instrument’s price, $\Delta P$, at option expiration is positive (or prices rise), the long call position increases the value of the option buyer, $\Delta V$. Before the option buyer can break even, however, the price must rise sufficiently to cover the nonrefundable option premium paid to the option short. At the same time, the short call position keeps part of the premium paid by the call long until prices rise sufficiently. The sloping, dashed lines to the right of the vertical axis illustrate the returns. Exhibit 1.12 shows that the risk profile of a long call position is similar to a long forward or long futures contract position. The risk profile of a short call option position is similar to a short forward or futures contract position but only if underlying prices rise.

金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|Swap Contracts


金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|Swap Contracts




金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|Option Contracts



考虑见表1.12的看涨期权风险概况。期权合约(看涨或看跌期权)的买方称为期权多头;期权卖方称为期权空头。在表1.12中,如果期权到期时标的工具价格$\Delta P$的意外变化为负(或价格下跌),则多头看涨头寸毫无价值,看涨期权买方丧失看涨期权溢价。与此同时,空头看涨期权头寸通过期权金的数额获利。纵轴左侧的水平虚线表示返回值。如果期权到期时标的工具价格$\Delta P$的意外变化为正值(或价格上涨),则看涨头寸会增加期权买方$\Delta V$的价值。然而,在期权买方实现收支平衡之前,价格必须上涨到足以覆盖支付给期权空头的不可退还的期权溢价。与此同时,空头看涨头寸将看涨期权支付的部分溢价长期持有,直到价格充分上涨。垂直轴右侧倾斜的虚线表示回报。表1.12显示,多头看涨头寸的风险状况与多头远期或多头期货合约头寸相似。空头看涨期权头寸的风险状况与空头远期或期货合约头寸类似,但前提是标的价格上涨。

数学代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。





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