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金融代写|投资组合代写Investment Portfolio代考|Goals-Based Reporting

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投资组合Portfolio Theory是资产的集合,可以包括股票、债券、共同基金和交易所交易基金等投资。投资组合更像是一个概念,而不是一个物理空间,特别是在数字投资的时代,但把你的所有资产放在一个比喻的屋顶下可能会有帮助。

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金融代写|投资组合代写Investment Portfolio代考|Goals-Based Reporting

金融代写|投资组合代写Portfolio Theory代考|Goals-Based Reporting

I remember, early in my career, I was excited to show a client what a good job we had done in the recovery post-2008. Through some effective stock picks, we had generated substantial alpha relative to the market as a whole. During the meeting, I pointed out the alpha figure and, much to my disappointment, my client responded, “What does that mean?” Unfortunately, rather than take the hint, I dove headlong into an explanation, equations and all, of how important alpha was as a risk-adjusted measure of returns. It did not help. My client did not care about his risk-adjusted performance relative to a benchmark. My client cared about achieving his goals! Alpha, to him, was a meaningless statistic.
So much of our current client reporting paradigm is consistent with the quip at the top of the chapter. We, as an industry, spend inordinate time and ink presenting metrics and data that we care about, and quite little on what it is the client cares about. Financial plans are a staple, of course, and that is good. But when it comes to monthly or quarterly performance reporting, the financial plan is drawered, and the meaningless metrics come back in force.
I want to explore how we might update our reporting to be consistent with a goals-based framework, to move away from the myriad meaningless metrics toward the metrics real people actually care about. I do not claim that this is the only way reporting should be done; by contrast, I am a bit of a neophyte when it comes to the challenges of client reporting. Like most practitioners, I rely on my technology services to generate and deliver reports without much second thought. This discussion is my attempt at a second thought on the matter, and it is my sincere hope that this discussion prompts others to add their wisdom and experience to the conversation. Hopefully, then, the industry can coalesce around a new and more meaningful norm for client reporting.
Rather than walk through the deficiencies of existing reports and how we might fix them, let’s begin this discussion with a blank slate. Given the goals-based framework, what information is relevant and meaningful to the investor? As we have discussed, goals-based investing sits at the intersection of the “big world” and the investor’s world. It stands to reason, then, that we need some reporting on both. First and foremost, an investor cares about her world-the world of her dreams, wants, wishes, and needs. Is the portfolio manager helping her achieve those objectives or not? But those objectives can only be achieved with the help from the big world of capital markets because the big world represents the opportunity set from which our investor can draw. If, for instance, the opportunity set only offered below-average returns, it is important our investor understands that the firm’s sub-par performance relative to her need is not necessarily due to insufficient skill on the part of the portfolio manager, but rather due to a poor opportunity set (and the inverse is also true, so this cuts both ways!). Good goals-based reporting should strike the right balance between the two (Figure 9.1 ).

金融代写|投资组合代写Portfolio Theory代考|Fragility Analysis of Goals-Based Inputs

I really had no way of effectively answering this question, so I sat on it for years-until I came upon Nassim Taleb’s theory of fragility. Most practitioners are familiar with Taleb’s iconoclastic style and more laymen-oriented work, such as The Black Swan. His book Antifragility is a must-read, but it was his technical work on the topic of system fragility that triggered a possible path to answer this latent question of mine. In 2012, with some coauthors, Taleb published a paper for the International Monetary Fund offering a simple heuristic for detecting fragility in any modellable system. ${ }^1$ These ideas were later expanded into more technical definitions, ${ }^2$ but the heuristic is sufficient for our needs.
In a nutshell, Taleb argues that linear increases in event significance often result in exponential increases in harm to the system. As an example: running a stop sign at 15 miles per hour is a fender-bender-likely a few thousand dollars in damage. Running a stop sign at 45 miles per hour is a hospital visit-likely tens of thousands of dollars in bodily damage, not to mention the possible loss of life. A $3 \mathrm{x}$ increase in event size (speed) resulted in a $10 x$ to $20 \mathrm{x}$ increase in harm (financial cost and bodily risk). In derivatives trading, this is known as gamma risk, or convexity.
Taleb uses this starting point to suggest a simple rule. Take a model of the system. Perturb the inputs, one at a time, equally to the upside and downside. Take the average of the output and subtract it from the baseline. If the result is negative, then negative convexity is present and the system is fragile with respect to that input. If the result is positive, then positive convexity is present and the system is antifragile (that is, it gains from extreme movements). If the result is 0 , then the system is robust (immune to movements). What is more exciting is that the accuracy of the system model is of secondary importance. As Taleb and Douady put it, “A wrong ruler will not measure the height of a child, but it will certainly tell us if he is growing.” It is not the absolute result with which we are concerned-that is, we are not concerned whether 8 comes out if 4.5 goes in. Rather, we are concerned with the drama associated with the changes-if 8 comes out when 4.5 goes in and 25 comes out when 5 goes in, we have some ground to say that getting this input right is very important.
More formally: Let $f(\cdot)$ be your model of a system and let $\alpha$ be an input to your model (since we are perturbing the model one variable at a time, $\alpha$ represents any input to the model). From here, we perturb $f(\cdot)$ by $\pm \Delta$, or some constant amount, and subtract the baseline from the average result:

金融代写|投资组合代写Investment Portfolio代考|Goals-Based Reporting


金融代写|投资组合代写Portfolio Theory代考|Goals-Based Reporting


金融代写|投资组合代写Portfolio Theory代考|Fragility Analysis of Goals-Based Inputs

我真的没有办法有效地回答这个问题,所以我把它搁置了很多年,直到我看到纳西姆·塔勒布(Nassim Taleb)的脆弱性理论。大多数从业者都熟悉塔勒布的反传统风格和更面向外行人的作品,比如《黑天鹅》。他的书《反脆弱性》是一本必读的书,但正是他在系统脆弱性主题上的技术工作,引发了回答我这个潜在问题的可能途径。2012年,塔勒布与一些合著者为国际货币基金组织(imf)发表了一篇论文,提供了一种简单的启发式方法,用于检测任何可建模系统的脆弱性。${ }^1$这些想法后来被扩展成更技术性的定义,${ }^2$但是启发式已经足够满足我们的需要了。
简而言之,塔勒布认为,事件重要性的线性增长往往导致对系统的危害呈指数增长。举个例子:以每小时15英里的速度闯红灯是一次小车祸——可能造成几千美元的损失。以每小时45英里的速度闯红灯是要去医院的——可能造成数万美元的身体损失,更不用说可能的生命损失了。事件规模(速度)$3 \mathrm{x}$的增加导致危害(经济成本和人身风险)$10 x$到$20 \mathrm{x}$的增加。在衍生品交易中,这被称为伽马风险或凸性。
更正式地说:让$f(\cdot)$作为系统的模型,让$\alpha$作为模型的输入(因为我们每次对模型进行一个变量的扰动,$\alpha$代表模型的任何输入)。从这里,我们用$\pm \Delta$或某个常量来扰动$f(\cdot)$,并从平均结果中减去基线:

金融代写|投资组合代写Portfolio Theory代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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