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物理代写|广义相对论代写General Relativity代考|The need for a theory of gravity

如果你也在 怎样代写广义相对论General Relativity 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。广义相对论General Relativity又称广义相对论和爱因斯坦引力理论,是爱因斯坦在1915年发表的引力几何理论,是目前现代物理学中对引力的描述。广义相对论概括了狭义相对论并完善了牛顿的万有引力定律,将引力统一描述为空间和时间或四维时空的几何属性。特别是,时空的曲率与任何物质和辐射的能量和动量直接相关。这种关系是由爱因斯坦场方程规定的,这是一个二阶偏微分方程系统。

广义相对论General Relativity描述经典引力的牛顿万有引力定律,可以看作是广义相对论对静止质量分布周围几乎平坦的时空几何的预测。然而,广义相对论的一些预言却超出了经典物理学中牛顿的万有引力定律。这些预言涉及时间的流逝、空间的几何、自由落体的运动和光的传播,包括引力时间膨胀、引力透镜、光的引力红移、夏皮罗时间延迟和奇点/黑洞。到目前为止,对广义相对论的所有测试都被证明与该理论一致。广义相对论的时间相关解使我们能够谈论宇宙的历史,并为宇宙学提供了现代框架,从而导致了大爆炸和宇宙微波背景辐射的发现。尽管引入了一些替代理论,广义相对论仍然是与实验数据一致的最简单的理论。然而,广义相对论与量子物理学定律的协调仍然是一个问题,因为缺乏一个自洽的量子引力理论;以及引力如何与三种非引力–强、弱和电磁力统一起来。

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物理代写|广义相对论代写General Relativity代考|The need for a theory of gravity

物理代写|广义相对论代写General Relativity代考|The need for a theory of gravity

Newton’s theory of gravitation is a spectacularly successful theory. For centuries it has been used by astronomers to calculate the motions of the planets, with a staggering success rate. It has, however, the fatal flaw that it is inconsistent with Special Relativity. We begin by showing this.

As every reader of this book knows, Newton’s law of gravitation states that the force exerted on a mass $m$ by a mass $M$ is
\mathbf{F}=-\frac{M m G}{r^3} \mathbf{r}
Here $M$ and $m$ are not necessarily point masses; $r$ is the distance between their centres of mass. The vector $\mathbf{r}$ has a direction from $M$ to $m$. Now suppose that the mass $M$ depends on time. The above formula will then become
\mathbf{F}(t)=-\frac{M(t) m G}{r^3} \mathbf{r}
This means that the force felt by the mass $m$ at a time $t$ depends on the value of the mass $M$ at the same time t. There is no allowance for time delay, as Special Relativity would require. From our experience of advanced and retarded potentials in electrodynamics, we can say that Special Relativity would be satisfied if, in the above equation, $M(t)$ were modified to $M(t \quad r / c)$. This would reflect the fact that the force felt by the small mass at time $t$ depended on the value of the large mass at an earlier time $t \quad r / c$; assuming, that is, that the relevant gravitational ‘information’ travelled at the speed of light. But this would then not be Newton’s law. Newton’s law is Equation (1.2) which allows for no time delay, and therefore implicitly suggests that the information that the mass $M$ is changing travels with infinite velocity, since the effect of a changing $M$ is felt at the same instant by the mass $m$. Since Special Relativity implies that nothing can travel faster than light, Equations (1.1) and (1.2) are incompatible with it. If two theories are incompatible, at least one of them must be wrong. The only possible attitude to adopt is that Special Relativity must be kept intact, so Newton’s law has to be changed.

物理代写|广义相对论代写General Relativity代考|Gravitation and inertia: the Equivalence Principle in mechanics

Einstein’s new approach to gravity sprang from the work of Galileo (1564-1642; he was born in the same year as Shakespeare and died the year Newton was born). Galileo conducted a series of experiments rolling spheres down ramps. He varied the angle of inclination of the ramp and timed the spheres with a water clock. Physicists commonly portray Galileo as dropping masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa and timing their descent to the ground. Historians cast doubt on whether this happened, but for our purposes it hardly matters whether it did or didn’t; what matters is the conclusion Galileo drew. By extrapolating to the limit in which the ramps down which the spheres rolled became vertical, and therefore that the spheres fell freely, he concluded that all bodies fall at the same rate in a gravitational field. This, for Einstein, was a crucially important finding. To investigate it further consider the following ‘thought-experiment’, which I refer to as ‘Einstein’s box’. A box is placed in a gravitational field, say on the Earth’s surface (Fig. 1.1(a)). An experimenter in the box releases two objects, made of different materials, from the same height, and measures the times of their fall in the gravitational field g. He finds, as Galileo found, that they reach the floor of the box at the same time. Now consider the box in free space, completely out of the reach of any gravitational influences of planets or stars, but subject to an acceleration a (Fig. 1.1(b)). Suppose an experimenter in this box also releases two objects at the same time and measures the time which elapses before they reach the floor. He will find, of course, that they take the same time to reach the floor; he must find this, because when the two objects are released, they are then subject to no force, because no acceleration, and it is the floor of the box that accelerates up to meet them. It clearly reaches them at the same time. We conclude that this experimenter, by releasing objects and timing their fall, will not be able to tell whether he is in a gravitational field or being accelerated through empty space. The experiments will give identical results. A gravitational field is therefore equivalent to an accelerating frame of reference – at least, as measured in this experiment. This, according to Einstein, is the significance of Galileo’s experiments, and it is known as the Equivalence Principle. Stated in a more general way, the Equivalence Principle says that no experiment in mechanics can distinguish between a gravitational field and an accel erating frame of reference. This formulation, the reader will note, already goes beyond Galileo’s experiments; the claim is made that all experiments in mechanics will yield the same results in an accelerating frame and in a gravitational field. Let us now analyse the consequences of this.

We begin by considering a particle subject to an acceleration a. According to Newton’s second law of motion, in order to make a particle accelerate it is necessary to apply a force to it. We write
\mathbf{F}=m_{\mathrm{i}} \mathbf{a}
Here $m_{\mathrm{i}}$ is the inertial mass of the particle. The above law states that the reason a particle needs a force to accelerate it is that the particles possesses inertia. A very closely related idea is that acceleration is absolute; (constant) velocity, on the other hand, is relative. Now consider a particle falling in a gravitational field g. It will experience a force (see (1.2) and (1.3) above) given by
\mathbf{F}=m_{\mathrm{g}} \mathbf{g} .

物理代写|广义相对论代写General Relativity代考|The need for a theory of gravity


物理代写|广义相对论代写General Relativity代考|The need for a theory of gravity


\mathbf{F}=-\frac{M m G}{r^3} \mathbf{r}
\mathbf{F}(t)=-\frac{M(t) m G}{r^3} \mathbf{r}
这意味着质量$m$在某一时刻感受到的力$t$取决于质量$M$在同一时刻t的值。不考虑时间延迟,正如狭义相对论所要求的那样。根据我们在电动力学中关于先进势和迟滞势的经验,我们可以说,如果把上式中的$M(t)$修改为$M(t \quad r / c)$,则狭义相对论是满足的。这将反映一个事实,即时间$t$的小质量所感受到的力取决于时间$t \quad r / c$的大质量的值;也就是说,假设相关的引力“信息”以光速传播。但这就不是牛顿定律了。牛顿定律是方程(1.2),它不考虑时间延迟,因此隐含地表明,质量$M$变化的信息以无限大的速度传播,因为变化的$M$的影响在同一时刻被质量$m$感受到。由于狭义相对论暗示没有任何东西可以比光传播得更快,公式(1.1)和式(1.2)与之不相容。如果两个理论不相容,那么至少有一个是错的。唯一可能采取的态度是,狭义相对论必须保持不变,因此牛顿定律必须改变。

物理代写|广义相对论代写General Relativity代考|Gravitation and inertia: the Equivalence Principle in mechanics


\mathbf{F}=m_{\mathrm{i}} \mathbf{a}
\mathbf{F}=m_{\mathrm{g}} \mathbf{g} .

物理代写|广义相对论代写General Relativity代考

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