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经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|What is the Price Elasticity of Supply?

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宏观经济学Macroeconomics(来自希腊语前缀makro-,意思是 “大 “+经济学)是经济学的一个分支,处理整个经济体的表现、结构、行为和决策。例如,使用利率、税收和政府支出来调节经济的增长和稳定。这包括区域、国家和全球经济。根据经济学家Emi Nakamura和Jón Steinsson在2018年的评估,经济 “关于不同宏观经济政策的后果的证据仍然非常不完善,并受到严重批评。宏观经济学家研究的主题包括GDP(国内生产总值)、失业(包括失业率)、国民收入、价格指数、产出、消费、通货膨胀、储蓄、投资、能源、国际贸易和国际金融。

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经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|What is the Price Elasticity of Supply?

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|What is the Price Elasticity of Supply?

According to the law of supply, there is a positive relationship between price and quantity supplied, ceteris paribus. But by how much does quantity supplied change as price changes? It is often helpful to know the degree to which a change in price changes the quantity supplied. The price elasticity of supply measures how responsive the quantity sellers are willing and able to sell is to changes in price. In other words, it measures the relative change in the quantity supplied that results from a change in price. Specifically, the price elasticity of supply $\left(E_5\right)$ is defined as the percentage change in the quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price, or
E_{\mathrm{s}}=\frac{\% \Delta \text { in the quantity supplied }}{\% \Delta \text { in price }}

Calculating the Price Elasticity of Supply
The price elasticity of supply is calculated in much the same manner as the price elasticity of demand. Consider, for example, the case in which it is determined that a 10 percent increase in the price of artichokes results in a 25 percent increase in the quantity of artichokes supplied after, say, a few harvest seasons. In this case, the price elasticity is $+2.5(+25 \% \div+10 \%=+2.5)$. This coefficient indicates that each 1 percent increase in the price of artichokes induces a 2.5 percent increase in the quantity of artichokes supplied.
Types of Supply Curves
As with the elasticity of demand, the ranges of the price elasticity of supply center on whether the elasticity coefficient is greater than or less than 1 . Goods with a supply elasticity that is greater than $1\left(E_{\mathrm{S}}>1\right)$ are said to be relatively elastic in supply. With that, a 1 percent change in price will result in a greater than 1 percent change in quantity supplied. In our example, artichokes were elastic in supply because a 1 percent price increase resulted in a 2.5 percent increase in quantity supplied. An example of an elastic supply curve is shown in Exhibit 1(a).

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|How Does Time Affect Supply Elasticities?

Time is usually critical in supply elasticities (as well as in demand elasticities) because it is more costly for sellers to bring forth and release products in a shorter period. For example, higher wheat prices may cause farmers to grow more wheat, but big changes cannot occur until the next growing season. That is, immediately after harvest season, the supply of wheat is relatively inelastic, but over a longer time extending over the next growing period, the supply curve becomes much more elastic. Thus, supply tends to be more elastic in the long run than in the short run, as shown in Exhibit 2.

In the short run, firms can increase output by using their existing facilities to a greater capacity, paying workers to work overtime, and hiring additional workers. However, firms will be able to change output much more in the long run when firms can build new factories or close existing ones. In addition, some firms can enter as others exit. In other words, the quantity supplied will be much more elastic in the long run than in the short run.
Elasticities and Taxes: Combining Supply and Demand Elasticities
Who pays the tax? Someone may be legally required to send the check to the government but that is not necessarily the party that bears the burden of the tax.

The relative elasticity of supply and demand determines the distribution of the tax burden for a good. As we will see, if demand is relatively less elastic than supply in the relevant tax region, the largest portion of the tax is paid by the consumer. However, if demand is relatively more elastic than supply in the relevant tax region, the largest portion of the tax is paid by the producer.

In Exhibit 3(a), the pretax equilibrium price is $\$ 1.00$ and the pretax equilibrium quantity is $Q_{\mathrm{BT}}$-the quantity before tax. If the government imposes a $\$ 0.50$ tax on the seller, the supply curve shifts vertically by the amount of the tax (just as if an input price rose $\$ 0.50$ ).
When demand is relatively less elastic than supply in the relevant region, the consumer bears more of the burden of the tax. For example, in Exhibit 3(a), the demand curve is relatively less elastic than the supply curve. In response to the tax, the consumer pays $\$ 1.40$ per unit, $\$ 0.40$ more than the consumer paid before the tax increase. The producer, however, receives $\$ 0.90$ per unit, which is $\$ 0.10$ less than the producer received before the tax.

In Exhibit 3(b), demand is relatively more elastic than the supply in the relevant region. Here we see that the greater burden of the same $\$ 0.50$ tax falls on the producer. That is, the producer is now responsible for $\$ 0.40$ of the tax, while the consumer only pays $\$ 0.10$. In general, then, the tax burden falls on the side of the market that is relatively less elastic.

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|What is the Price Elasticity of Supply?


经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|What is the Price Elasticity of Supply?

E_{\mathrm{s}}=\frac{\% \Delta \text { in the quantity supplied }}{\% \Delta \text { in price }}

供给价格弹性的计算方法与需求价格弹性的计算方法大致相同。例如,考虑这样一种情况,其中确定洋蓟价格上涨10%会导致在几个收获季节之后洋蓟供应量增加25%。在这种情况下,价格弹性是$+2.5(+25 \% \div+10 \%=+2.5)$。这个系数表明,洋蓟的价格每上涨1%,洋蓟的供给量就会增加2.5%。

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|How Does Time Affect Supply Elasticities?




在表3(a)中,税前均衡价格为$\$ 1.00$,税前均衡数量为$Q_{\mathrm{BT}}$——税前数量。如果政府对卖方征收$\$ 0.50$税,供给曲线就会随着税额的多少而垂直移动(就像投入价格上涨$\$ 0.50$一样)。
当相关地区的需求弹性相对小于供给弹性时,消费者承担的税收负担更大。例如,在图3(a)中,需求曲线的弹性相对小于供给曲线。作为对税收的回应,消费者每单位支付$\$ 1.40$, $\$ 0.40$比增税前的消费者多支付。然而,生产者每单位收到$\$ 0.90$,比税前生产者收到的$\$ 0.10$少。

在表3(b)中,相关地区的需求相对于供给更具弹性。这里我们看到,同样的$\$ 0.50$税的更大负担落在了生产者身上。也就是说,生产者现在负责$\$ 0.40$的税收,而消费者只支付$\$ 0.10$。因此,一般来说,税收负担落在市场弹性相对较弱的一方。


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微观经济学是主流经济学的一个分支,研究个人和企业在做出有关稀缺资源分配的决策时的行为以及这些个人和企业之间的相互作用。my-assignmentexpert™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在数学Mathematics作业代写方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的数学Mathematics代写服务。我们的专家在图论代写Graph Theory代写方面经验极为丰富,各种图论代写Graph Theory相关的作业也就用不着 说。




现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。





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