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计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Measuring model attribution

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机器学习Machine Learning程序可以在没有明确编程的情况下执行任务。它涉及到计算机从提供的数据中学习,从而执行某些任务。对于分配给计算机的简单任务,有可能通过编程算法告诉机器如何执行解决手头问题所需的所有步骤;就计算机而言,不需要学习。对于更高级的任务,由人类手动创建所需的算法可能是一个挑战。在实践中,帮助机器开发自己的算法,而不是让人类程序员指定每一个需要的步骤,可能会变得更加有效 。

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计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Measuring model attribution

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Measuring model attribution

We’re moving on to ice cream. Specifically, we’re a group of DSs working at an ice cream company. A few months ago, the sales and marketing teams approached us, asking for a model that will help identify when to send coupons to customers to increase the chance of them seeing those coupons in their inboxes. The marketing group’s standard behavior is to send out a bulk mailing every Monday morning at $8 \mathrm{a} . \mathrm{m}$. Our project aims to generate a day-and-hour combination to send the emails out on an individualized (personalized) basis.

The top of figure 11.2 shows the components and examples of our prior state. The bottom of the figure shows what the model output fashions as part of an image component generator, personalized to each of our members.

We’ve built this MVP and have shown some promising results based on our shadow runs. Through tracking our pixel data (a $1 \times 1$ pixel embedded in our emailed coupon codes that show the open and click rates for our marketing ads), we’re finding shockingly accurate results from our model based on our monitoring of actual open and usage rates of our coupons.

While this news is exciting, the business isn’t convinced by our delta error in minutes from prediction to actual opening time of the emails. What they really want to know is this: “Does this increase sales?” To begin to answer that question, we should analyze that metric, shown in figure 11.3.

How can we determine whether a causal relationship exists between sending targeted coupons to customers at times that they are most likely to see the coupons, and the customers’ use of those coupons? It all begins with determining what to measure, who to measure it on, and what tools to utilize to determine if the model has a causal influence.

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Measuring prediction performance

The first step that we need to think about in measuring our model’s performance is the same as we would engage in for any design of experiments (DOE) exercise. We start by talking to the experts who engage in the email marketing campaigns (our internal customers for this project) well before the production release date of our solution. This team, after all, has a fundamentally deep understanding of both our customers and their interactions with our product line.

During these discussions, we’ll want to focus on the marketing team’s knowledge of our customer. That deep understanding of the customer base will aid us in determining which data that we collect about them can be used to limit the latent effects in order to minimize variance in our results. Table 11.1 shows the conjectures that the SME groups and the DS team have, along with the results of the analysis.

We know that we need to minimize the latent variable effects that are causing behavior imbalance. We can’t get the data that conclusively identifies the behaviors that we’re seeing (multimodality), but we certainly can improve our attribution if we control for it. But how can we do that? How do we group our users most effectively?

Based on our discussions with the SME group, we set about analyzing approaches that can reduce the inherent variability within our population. By listening to the marketing team, we find that its tried-and-true methodology for evaluating customer cohorts is the most optimal solution. By combining the recency of purchases, the number of historical purchases, and the total amount of spending sent our way by customers, we can define a standard metric to classify our cohorts (see the following sidebar regarding RFM for the power of this segmentation technique).

RFM: A great way to group humans if you’re selling things to them RFM, an acronym for recency, frequency, and monetary value, is a direct marketing term coined by Jan Roelf Bult and Tom Wansbeek. In their article “Optimal Selection for Direct Mail,” they postulated RFM as a significantly powerful means of assigning value to customers. The pair estimated that $80 \%$ of a company’s revenue actually comes from $20 \%$ of its customers.

While prescient in the extreme, the success of this methodology has been proven time and again in many industries (not relegated to only business-to-consumer companies, either). The principal concept is to define five quantile-based buckets of customers on each of these three observational variables. Customers with a high value in monetary value, for instance, would be the top $20 \%$ of spenders, receiving a value of 5 for M. Customers with a low value in frequency (the number of total purchases over the lifetime of the account), typically consisting of one-time purchasers, would have an $\mathrm{F}$ value of 1.

When combined, RFM values create a matrix of 125 elements ranging from the lowestvalue customer (111) to the highest-value (555) customer. Applying business-specific and industry-specific meta-groupings atop these raw 125 matrix entry values allows for a company (and a DS team) to have points of latent-variable-lessening stratification points for the purposes of hypothesis testing.

I once was a bit incredulous at this technique of grouping human behavior in such a simplistic way-until I analyzed it for a third time at a third company. I’m now a pretty firm believer in this seemingly simplistic but wondrously powerful technique.

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Measuring model attribution


计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Measuring model attribution

接下来是冰淇淋。具体来说,我们是一群在冰淇淋公司工作的DSs。几个月前,销售和市场团队找到我们,要求我们提供一个模型,帮助他们确定何时向客户发送优惠券,以增加他们在收件箱中看到这些优惠券的机会。营销组的标准行为是每个星期一早上以$8 \ mathm {a}的价格发送大量邮件。\ mathrm {m} $。我们的项目旨在生成一个日和小时的组合,以个性化的方式发送电子邮件。





计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Measuring prediction performance





RFM:如果你向他们销售产品,RFM是将人们分组的好方法。RFM是近时性、频率和货币价值的首字母缩略词,是由Jan Roelf Bult和Tom Wansbeek创造的一个直接营销术语。在他们的文章“直销邮件的最佳选择”中,他们假设RFM是为客户分配价值的一种非常强大的手段。两人估计,一家公司80%的收入实际上来自20%的客户。




计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考

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微观经济学是主流经济学的一个分支,研究个人和企业在做出有关稀缺资源分配的决策时的行为以及这些个人和企业之间的相互作用。my-assignmentexpert™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在数学Mathematics作业代写方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的数学Mathematics代写服务。我们的专家在图论代写Graph Theory代写方面经验极为丰富,各种图论代写Graph Theory相关的作业也就用不着 说。




现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。





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