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金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics的一个基本工具是多元线性回归模型。计量经济学理论使用统计理论和数理统计来评估和发展计量经济学方法。计量经济学家试图找到具有理想统计特性的估计器,包括无偏性、效率和一致性。应用计量经济学使用理论计量经济学和现实世界的数据来评估经济理论,开发计量经济学模型,分析经济历史和预测。
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经济代写|计量经济学代写Introduction to Econometrics代考|How to Measure Financialization
Few datasets are available to study the evolution of the share of financial commodity investors in the markets. The semi-annual BIS dataset on OTC derivative commodity contracts does not provide a breakdown by types of investors.
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on the contrary provides on a weekly basis reports that contribute to identifying different categories of investors. The Disaggregated Commitments of Traders (COT) covers 22 major physical commodity markets and reports the open interest positions by separating traders into the following four categories of traders: producer/merchant/processor/user; swap dealers; managed money; and other reportables. There are mainly two limits to these data. First, the breakdown does not inform on whether positions are taken on a speculation or hedging basis (Fattouh et al. 2013). Second, the rising role of institutional investors is not visible directly as such investors are split into the swap dealers, managed money, and other reportables categories.
As a response, the CFTC provides a report since January 2009 called the COT Supplement that covers 13 selected agriculturals with a breakdown now identifying explicitly the so-called Commodity Index Traders (CIT). This dataset has been widely used in the empirical literature and used to infer CIT positions on other commodities (Singleton 2013), despite the critics on the validity and representativeness of such inferred positions (Irwin and Sanders 2011).
Other papers go more granular by relying on specific proprietary data, such as Brunetti et al. (2016) who used individual daily positions of large market participants data from CFTC’s large trader reporting system.
Finally, few papers rely on alternative data providers, as Henderson et al. (2015) that used commodity-linked notes issued by, and obligations of, financial institutions. Such notes are filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and made publicly available through the EDGAR database. These notes are typically purchased by non-informed traders and hedged via long positions on futures markets.
经济代写|计量经济学代写Introduction to Econometrics代考|Indirect Measures
Although financialization relies on the inflow of financial investors, some studies do not use explicit dataset on investors’ positions, but rather take 2003/2004 as an implicit break date where financialization takes effect. These papers provide evidence supporting a rise in comovement within commodity markets and with equity markets by relying on rolling window correlation (Bhardwaj et al. 2015), on variants of dynamic conditional correlation model (Silvennoinen and Thorp 2013; Zhang et al. 2017) or on the time-varying explanatory power of multifactor models (Christoffersen et al. 2019).
Whether direct measures dominate indirect measure remains an open question. The direct measures have a richer information set on the time-varying intensity of financial investor pressure. The indirect ones instead isolate from discussions on the relevant direct measures (CIT, swap dealers, and/or money managers) capturing financial investors’ pressure and by taking the simple, clear, but arbitrary, view of a break in 2004.
Financial investors are mainly active on the paper market. Most empirical studies therefore assess the impact of financialization on the futures prices. However, as discussed in Cheng and Xiong (2014), measuring the impact of financialization on futures is an intermediate step, as what ultimately matters is its impact on the spot market. There is then a second strand of literature that studies the mechanisms whereby the paper market (futures prices) impacts the real market (spot prices).
According to Cheng and Xiong (2014), futures prices are related to spot prices via three mechanisms. First, the theory of storage relates the futures and spot prices via an equilibrium relationship, as documented in Basak and Pavolva (2016). Second, the risk-sharing mechanism relates the futures and the expected future spot price via risk premia depending on the hedging pressure, as documented Acharya et al. (2013). Third, the informational role of futures markets takes futures prices as signals to guide commodity demand and thus spot prices, as documented in Dimpfl et al. 2017.
What the data providers call spot prices are not always spot prices, but often the nearest maturity futures contracts. Indeed, most spot trades occur over the counter and are not reported in harmonized datasets. Moreover, commodity spot prices are subject to substantial heterogeneity in data quality and commodity grades. Spot prices also reflect locations and specific transportation costs.
经济代写|计量经济学代写Introduction to Econometrics代考|How to Measure Financialization
相反,美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)每周提供报告,有助于识别不同类别的投资者。交易商分类承诺(COT)涵盖22个主要的实物商品市场,并通过将交易商分为以下四类交易商来报告未平仓头寸:生产商/交易商/加工商/用户;掉期交易商;管理资金;还有其他可报告的。这些数据主要有两个限制。首先,分类并没有说明持仓是基于投机还是对冲(fattouth et al. 2013)。其次,机构投资者的作用日益增强,并不直接可见,因为这类投资者分为掉期交易商、管理基金和其他可报告类别。
作为回应,CFTC自2009年1月以来提供了一份名为COT补充的报告,该报告涵盖了13种选定的农业产品,现在明确指出了所谓的商品指数交易商(CIT)。该数据集已被广泛用于实证文献,并用于推断其他商品的CIT头寸(Singleton 2013),尽管对这种推断头寸的有效性和代表性提出了批评(Irwin和Sanders 2011)。
经济代写|计量经济学代写Introduction to Econometrics代考|Indirect Measures
虽然金融化依赖于金融投资者的流入,但一些研究没有使用投资者仓位的明确数据集,而是将2003/2004年作为金融化生效的隐含中断日期。这些论文提供了证据,支持商品市场和股票市场的共同运动的增加,依赖于滚动窗口相关性(Bhardwaj等人,2015),动态条件相关模型的变体(Silvennoinen和Thorp 2013;Zhang et al. 2017)或多因素模型的时变解释能力(Christoffersen et al. 2019)。
Cheng and Xiong(2014)认为,期货价格与现货价格通过三种机制相互关联。首先,存储理论通过均衡关系将期货和现货价格联系起来,如Basak和Pavolva(2016)所述。其次,风险分担机制通过风险溢价将期货和预期的未来现货价格联系起来,这取决于对冲压力,如Acharya等人(2013)所述。第三,期货市场的信息作用将期货价格作为引导商品需求的信号,从而引导现货价格,如Dimpfl等人2017年所述。
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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。
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