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图论Graph Theory在数学和计算机科学领域,图论是对图的研究,涉及边和顶点之间的关系。它是一门热门学科,在计算机科学、信息技术、生物科学、数学和语言学中都有应用。近年来,图论已经成为各种学科的重要数学工具,从运筹学和化学到遗传学和语言学,从电气工程和地理到社会学和建筑。同时,它本身也作为一门有价值的数学学科出现。
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数学代写|图论代写GRAPH THEORY代考|List colouring
In this section, we take a look at a relatively recent generalization of the concepts of colouring studied so far. This generalization may seem a little far-fetched at first glance, but it turns out to supply a fundamental link between the classical (vertex and edge) chromatic numbers of a graph and its other invariants.
Suppose we are given a graph $G=(V, E)$, and for each vertex of $G$ a list of colours permitted at that particular vertex: when can we colour $G$ (in the usual sense) so that each vertex receives a colour from its list? More formally, let $\left(S_v\right){v \in V}$ be a family of sets. We call a vertex colouring $c$ of $G$ with $c(v) \in S_v$ for all $v \in V$ a colouring from the lists $S_v$. The graph $G$ is called $k$-list-colourable, or $k$-choosable, if, for every family $\left(S_v\right){v \in V}$ with $\left|S_v\right|=k$ for all $v$, there is a vertex colouring of $G$ from the lists $S_v$. The least integer $k$ for which $G$ is $k$-choosable is the list-chromatic number, or choice number $\operatorname{ch}(G)$ of $G$.
List-colourings of edges are defined analogously. The least integer $k$ such that $G$ has an edge colouring from any family of lists of size $k$ is the list-chromatic index $\operatorname{ch}^{\prime}(G)$ of $G$; formally, we just set $\operatorname{ch}^{\prime}(G):=$ $\operatorname{ch}(L(G))$, where $L(G)$ is the line graph of $G$.
In principle, showing that a given graph is $k$-choosable is more difficult than proving it to be $k$-colourable: the latter is just the special case of the former where all lists are equal to ${1, \ldots, k}$. Thus,
\operatorname{ch}(G) \geqslant \chi(G) \text { and } \operatorname{ch}^{\prime}(G) \geqslant \chi^{\prime}(G)
for all graphs $G$.
In spite of these inequalities, many of the known upper bounds for the chromatic number have turned out to be valid for the choice number, too. Examples for this phenomenon include Brooks’s theorem and Proposition 5.2.2; in particular, graphs of large choice number still have subgraphs of large minimum degree. On the other hand, it is easy to construct graphs for which the two invariants are wide apart (Exercise 25). Taken together, these two facts indicate a little how far those general upper bounds on the chromatic number may be from the truth.
数学代写|图论代写GRAPH THEORY代考|Plane graphs
A plane graph is a pair $(V, E)$ of finite sets with the following properties (the elements of $V$ are again called vertices, those of $E$ edges):
(i) $V \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$
(ii) every edge is an arc between two vertices;
(iii) different edges have different sets of endpoints;
(iv) the interior of an edge contains no vertex and no point of any other edge.
A plane graph $(V, E)$ defines a graph $G$ on $V$ in a natural way. As long as no confusion can arise, we shall use the name $G$ of this abstract graph also for the plane graph $(V, E)$, or for the point set $V \cup \cup E$; similar notational conventions will be used for abstract versus plane edges, for subgraphs, and so on. ${ }^1$
For every plane graph $G$, the set $\mathbb{R}^2 \backslash G$ is open; its regions are the faces of $G$. Since $G$ is bounded-i.e., lies inside some sufficiently large disc $D$-exactly one of its faces is unbounded: the face that contains $\mathbb{R}^2 \backslash D$. This face is the outer face of $G$; the other faces are its inner faces. We denote the set of faces of $G$ by $F(G)$.
数学代写|图论代写GRAPH THEORY代考|Topological prerequisites
欧几里得平面上的直线段是$\mathbb{R}^2$的一个子集,对于不同的点$p, q \in \mathbb{R}^2$,其形式为${p+\lambda(q-p) \mid 0 \leqslant \lambda \leqslant 1}$。多边形是$\mathbb{R}^2$的一个子集,它是有限多个直线段的并集,并且同胚于单位圆$S^1$,即$\mathbb{R}^2$中距离原点1处的点的集合。这里,和后面一样,假设拓扑空间的任何子集都携带子空间拓扑。多边形弧是$\mathbb{R}^2$的一个子集,它是有限个直线段的并,并且同胚于闭单位区间$[0,1]$。在这种同胚下,0和1的像是这条多边形弧的端点,这条弧将它们连接起来并在它们之间运行。在本章中,我们将不使用“多边形弧”,而简单地说为“弧”。如果$P$是$x$和$y$之间的弧,我们用$\stackrel{\circ}{P}$表示点集$P \backslash{x, y}$,即$P$的内部。
设$O \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$为开放集。通过$O$中的弧链接在$O$上定义了等价关系。相应的等价类再次打开;它们是$O$的区域。如果$O \backslash X$有多个区域,则称封闭集$X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$分隔$O$。集合$X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$的边界是所有点$y \in \mathbb{R}^2$的集合$Y$,使得$y$的每个邻域同时满足$X$和$\mathbb{R}^2 \backslash X$。注意,如果$X$是开放的,那么它的边界位于$\mathbb{R}^2 \backslash X$。
数学代写|图论代写GRAPH THEORY代考|Plane graphs
平面图是一对$(V, E)$有限集合,具有以下属性($V$的元素再次称为顶点,$E$边的元素):
(i) $V \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$
平面图形$(V, E)$以自然的方式在$V$上定义图形$G$。只要不引起混淆,我们也将这个抽象图的名称$G$用于平面图$(V, E)$或点集$V \cup \cup E$;类似的符号约定将用于抽象边与平面边、子图等。 ${ }^1$
对于每一个平面图$G$,集合$\mathbb{R}^2 \backslash G$是开放的;它的区域是$G$的面。因为$G$是有界的。它位于某个足够大的圆盘$D$中——它的一个面是无界的:包含$\mathbb{R}^2 \backslash D$的面。这个面是$G$的外面;其他的面是它的内面。我们用$F(G)$表示$G$的面集。
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