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金融衍生品Financial Derivatives在金融领域,衍生品是一种合同,其价值来自于一个基础实体的表现。衍生品可用于多种目的,包括对价格变动进行保险(套期保值),为投机增加价格变动的风险,或进入其他难以交易的资产或市场。一些更常见的衍生品包括远期、期货、期权、掉期,以及这些的变体,如合成抵押债务和信用违约掉期。大多数衍生品在场外(场外)或芝加哥商品交易所等交易所进行交易,而大多数保险合同已经发展成为一个独立的行业。在美国,在2007-2009年的金融危机之后,将衍生品转移到交易所进行交易的压力越来越大。

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金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|FM360

金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|Theory of Normal Backwardation

According to the theory of normal backwardation, speculators in commodity futures will receive a positive return as compensation for the price risk transferred to them by the hedger. Keynes’s (1930) original theory assumed that the hedger, as a producer, would sell futures. The risk premium would be paid to the long speculator by setting the futures price below the expected future spot price: The futures prices would, on average, rise through time, resulting in a positive rate of return for the long speculator.

Note that this use of the term backwardation differs from that used in describing the basis or futures curve. Backwardation occurs when the current spot price is greater than a futures price. Normal backwardation, however, describes the relationship between the forward price and the expected spot price: The forward price is set below the expected spot price, and this persistent downward bias in the forward price rewards the long speculator with positive returns.

A modification of the normal backwardation model argues that not all markets will return a risk premium to the speculator (Telser 1958). Competition between speculators normally will drive the risk premium to zero, so only markets in which there are too few speculators willing to take on hedger risk will pay a risk premium to a long position. Such a thin market would be characterized by low liquidity, with few transactions, a low volume of trade in the commodity relative to its production, and consequently large price fluctuations.

Keynes’s original model has been modified to recognize that not all hedging interest will be short. Hedgers can be producers or consumers, and speculators will garner positive returns if they take a position opposite to the majority of hedgers in the market. If hedgers are net short, then a long speculative position should result in a positive return, as in the original backwardation model. If hedgers are net long in a particular market, then speculators are paid to go short, and a short position will reap positive returns. Thus, to reap consistently positive returns, speculators must be able to tell where hedging net interest will be in a particular market.
It is important to recognize that the risk premium on commodity futures contracts can be linked to convenience yield. We have seen that if futures prices are at less than full carry because of inadequate inventories, then convenience yield will be relatively large; this implies increased uncertainty and a demand for risk transference. If speculators are to be rewarded for providing a risk transfer function, then periods of high convenience yield (when futures are driven below the current spot price- the traditional definition of backwardation) may also be periods in which long futures positions exhibit positive returns. The size of the risk premium will depend on inventory levels, which drive the convenience yield, and the relative risk sensitivities of inventory holders (hedgers) and investors (speculators).

金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|COMMODITY INVESTMENT STRATEGIES

Commodity indexes are used to track commodity prices and to represent a portfolio of commodity positions. Since commodities are extremely heterogeneous, the behavior of a particular index, and comparisons of index performance, can be very sensitive to how a given index is constructed. Indexes vary by the selection and weighting of constituent components, and how components are rebalanced.

The Standard \& Poor’s Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (SP-GSCI) and the Dow Jones-AIG Commodity Index (DJ-AIGCI) are the most widely used in structuring tradable commodity index products, and futures are traded on these indexes at the CMEG. Other indexes include the Reuters/Jeffries Commodity Research Bureau (CRB) and the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Index (DBLCI).

All the indexes just mentioned include a range of commodity sectors, but specific commodities and their weights differ. Component selection involves a trade-off between the index’s ability to represent commodities as an asset class and the ease with which the index can be replicated. For instance, the CRB gives a broad picture of overall commodity price movements while the DJ-AIG selects components based on the liquidity of the futures contract. TheSP-GSCI contains the largest number of commodities (25), while the DJ-AIG constrains the weighting that any individual sector can have in the index. Many indexes use only nearby prices, but others (CRB) include other delivery months. A different index approach is taken by the Nasdaq/OMX Global Agriculture Index, which tracks the performance of shares in companies with activity in agriculture or farming. Since a commodity index cannot use market capitalization for a weighting scheme (all futures involve an equal long and short position), weights are determined by other means. The CRB uses equal weighting, but other indexes use world production or consumption data to reflect relative economic importance.

Changes in relative prices can alter the original weighting scheme over time, so an index may be rebalanced periodically. However, how an index is rebalanced can affect its performance since rebalancing can imply a particular investment strategy for the index portfolio. Rebalancing an equally weighted portfolio, for instance, necessitates selling appreciating commodities and buying depreciating commodities. Similarly, infrequent rebalancing can mimic a momentum investment strategy.

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金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|Theory of Normal Backwardation



对常规现货溢价模型的修正认为,并非所有市场都会给投机者带来风险溢价(Telser 1958)。投机者之间的竞争通常会将风险溢价推至零,因此只有那些愿意承担对冲风险的投机者太少的市场才会为多头头寸支付风险溢价。这种稀薄的市场的特点是流动性低,交易少,商品的贸易量相对于其产量来说很低,因此价格波动很大。


金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|COMMODITY INVESTMENT STRATEGIES


标准普尔高盛商品指数(SP-GSCI)和道琼斯- aig商品指数(DJ-AIGCI)是构建可交易的商品指数产品时最广泛使用的,期货是在CMEG根据这些指数进行交易的。其他指数包括路透/杰富瑞商品研究局(CRB)和德意志银行流动性商品指数(DBLCI)。

上述所有指数都包括一系列商品部门,但具体的商品及其权重有所不同。成分股的选择需要在指数将大宗商品作为一种资产类别的能力与指数的可复制性之间进行权衡。例如,CRB给出了大宗商品整体价格走势的概貌,而DJ-AIG则根据期货合约的流动性选择组成部分。标普- gsci包含的大宗商品数量最多(25种),而道琼斯- aig则限制了任何单个行业在指数中的权重。许多指数只使用近期价格,但其他指数(CRB)包括其他交割月份。纳斯达克/OMX全球农业指数(Nasdaq/OMX Global Agriculture index)采用了一种不同的指数方法,该指数追踪从事农业或农业活动的公司的股票表现。由于商品指数不能使用市值作为加权方案(所有期货都涉及相等的多头和空头头寸),权重由其他方式确定。CRB使用相同的权重,但其他指数使用全球生产或消费数据来反映经济的相对重要性。


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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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