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会计代写|初级财务会计代考Principles of Financial Accounting代写|ACCG6011 REVIEW OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES

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初级财务会计Principles of Financial Accounting是与企业相关的财务交易的总结、分析和报告有关的会计领域。这涉及到编制供公众使用的财务报表。股东、供应商、银行、雇员、政府机构、企业主和其他利益相关者都是有兴趣收到这些信息用于决策的例子。

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会计代写|初级财务会计代考Principles of Financial Accounting代写|ACCG6011 REVIEW OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES

会计代写|初级财务会计代考Principles of Financial Accounting代写|REVIEW OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES

Up to this point of the chapter, you’ve analyzed some transactions-nine actually-that involve operating activities. While this is a good introduction, it doesn’t quite prepare you for the variety of operating activities that most companies engage in. What you really need is a general summary of everything you’ve learned about revenues, expenses, and journal entries, and then lots of practice applying it to a broad range of activities. Let’s start with revenues.

Remember that revenues are recorded when the business fulfills its promise to provide goods or services to customers, which is not necessarily the same time that cash is received. Because of this, we look at three cases, where cash is received (1) at the same time as the promised acts are performed, (2) before the promised acts are performed, and (3) after the promised acts are performed. The journal entries for these situations are shown in middle, left, and right panels below (in that order).

These three panels correspond to the revenue transactions for Supercuts analyzed earlier in this chapter. We use a generic label “_ Revenue” with the expectation that you will fill in the blank with whatever type of revenue you are recording. That is, when accounting for revenue from cutting hair, you should use an account name like Haircut Revenue. If it’s revenue generated from sales of iPods, you could call it Sales Revenue.
Let’s look at a similar summary for expenses now. Under accrual accounting, expenses are recorded when incurred (either by acquiring items that do not have future economic benefits or by using up the economic benefits of assets that were acquired in previous periods). Expenses are not necessarily incurred at the same time that cash is paid. Because of this, we look at three cases, where cash is paid (1) at the same time the expense is incurred, (2) before the expense is incurred, and (3) after the expense is incurred. The corresponding journal entries are summarized in the middle, left, and right panels (in that order).

会计代写|初级财务会计代考Principles of Financial Accounting代写|INCOME STATEMENT LIMITATIONS

Although an income statement is useful for assessing a company’s performance, it does have some limitations that lead to common misconceptions. One of the most common is that some people think net income equals the amount of cash generated by the business during the period. While this is how many of us think about our own income, it’s not the way companies recognize revenues and expenses on the income statement. Following the rules of accrual accounting, revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when incurred, regardless of when cash is received or paid. This distinction between net income and cash receipts/payments means that net income shows whether the company’s operating activities are profitable, but it does not indicate whether the company is bringing in more cash than it is spending.

A second limitation is that net income does not measure the change in the value of a company during a period. While net income is something that analysts consider when valuing a company, it’s not a measure of it. Many other factors can cause the value of a company to change without affecting net income. A good example is the increase in the value of your Supercuts store that occurs as its reputation for great hairstyling grows. Because the enhanced reputation does not arise from an identifiable transaction, it is not accounted for. So, while net income measures many of the most important events that affect a business’s value, it does not include all events that potentially affect a company’s value.

A third common misconception is that measuring income just involves counting. (Bean counting, some people call it!) While it’s true that accounting involves some counting and precision, estimation also plays a key role when measuring income. For example, Supercuts’ equipment will not last forever. Instead, it will be used up over time to generate revenue for the company. The matching principle says equipment should be expensed over the period it is used. This will require estimating how many years the equipment will be used. We will discuss this particular example in Chapter 4 and discuss many other examples involving estimation of revenues and expenses in later chapters. For now, just note that net income is not always a precise measure.

会计代写|初级财务会计代考Principles of Financial Accounting代写|ACCG6011 REVIEW OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES





这三个面板对应于本章前面分析的Supercuts的收益交易。我们使用了一个通用标签“_ Revenue”,希望你能在空白中填上你所记录的任何类型的收入。也就是说,当计算理发收入时,你应该使用一个像理发收入这样的账户名。如果这是来自ipod销售的收入,你可以称之为销售收入。现在让我们看一份类似的费用汇总表。在权责发生制下,费用是在发生时记录的(要么是通过获取未来没有经济效益的项目,要么是通过使用前一期间获得的资产的经济效益)。费用不一定在支付现金的同时发生。因此,我们研究三种情况,其中现金支付(1)在费用发生的同时支付,(2)在费用发生之前支付,(3)在费用发生之后支付。相应的日志条目汇总在中间、左边和右边的面板中(按此顺序)





会计代写|初级财务会计代考Principles of Financial Accounting代写

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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