如果你也在 怎样代写生存模型Survival Models这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。生存模型Survival Models在许多可用于分析事件时间数据的模型中,有4个是最突出的:Kaplan Meier模型、指数模型、Weibull模型和Cox比例风险模型。
生存模型Survival Models精算师和其他应用数学家使用预测人类或其他实体(有生命或无生命)生存模式的模型,并经常使用这些模型作为相当重要的财务计算的基础。具体来说,精算师使用这些模型来计算与个人人寿保险单、养老金计划和收入损失保险相关的财务价值。人口统计学家和其他社会科学家使用生存模型对该模型适用的人口的未来构成做出预测。
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统计代写|生存模型代考Survival Models代写|Anniversary-to-Anniversary Studies
When insuring ages are used, a natural choice for the observation period is one that opens on the policy anniversary in a designated year for each insured person involved in the study. Similarly, the observation period would close on the policy anniversary in a later year. For example, an observation period might be defined as running from policy anniversaries in 1994 to those in 1998. Note that each person involved in the study has his or her own observation period.
Observation periods that run from a fixed date to a later fixed date can be used with insuring ages, but there are definite advantages to the anniversary-to-anniversary study when insuring ages are used. In this text we emphasize anniversary-to-anniversary studies with insuring ages.
The major convenient consequence of anniversary-to-anniversary studies with insuring ages is that all persons enter the study at an integral age $y_i$. This is true whether the person enters the study by joining the group via policy issue during the O.P. (at an integral insuring age), or by already being in the group when the O.P. opens. In the latter case, entry is at a policy anniversary which is always the attainment of an integral (insuring) age. Since $y_i$ is an integer, it follows that $r_i=0$ for any estimation interval $(x, x+1)$, since $x$ is integral.
Similarly, with the O.P. ending on a policy anniversary, all scheduled ending ages $z_i$ are integers, from which it follows that $s_i=1$ for all estimation intervals $(x, x+1]$. Hence all vectors $\boldsymbol{u}_{i, x}$ are of the convenient form $\left[0,1, \iota_i, \kappa_i\right]$, and all anniversary-to-anniversary insuring age studies belong to our Special Case A.
If there are no withdrawals, then the estimate $\hat{q}x$ is found from (6.7) simply by counting the number of vectors $\mathbf{u}{i, x}$ with $r_i=0$, which gives $n_x$, and the number with $\iota_i \neq 0$, which gives $d_x$, for $(x, x+1]$. If there are withdrawals, the number of them in $(x, x+1], w_x$, is the number of vectors $u_{i, x}$ with $\kappa_i \neq 0$. With $n_x, d_x$ and $w_x$ available, $q_x^{\prime(d)}$ and $q_x^{\prime(w)}$ can be estimated by (6.34) or (6.37). Of course any of the exposure-based estimators could be used as well. Note that since all $s_i=1$, the moment estimator and the actuarial estimator are the same.
统计代写|生存模型代考Survival Models代写|Select Studies
For the purpose of estimating $S(t ; x)$, as defined in Section 1.2, we consider only those policies issued at $I A=x$. Again assuming an anniversary-toanniversary observation period, the data processing is quite similar to that described for insuring age studies, with the following parallel features:
(1) The vector $\boldsymbol{v}i$ now represents the policy durations at entry, scheduled exit, death or withdrawal, rather than the insuring ages of the insured at such events. Note that for policies issued during the O.P., the duration at entry to the study is 0 . (2) The vector $\mathbf{u}{i, t}$ represents the location of these events within estimation interval $(t, t+1]$.
(3) Withdrawals are grouped by calendar duration, instead of calendar insuring age. Note that calendar duration is defined by
C D=C Y W-C Y I .
An example will show the similarity of select studies to insuring age studies.
统计代写|生存模型代考Survival Models代写|Anniversary-to-Anniversary Studies
有年龄保障的周年对周年研究的主要方便结果是,所有人进入研究时都是一个积分年龄$y_i$。这是正确的,无论这个人是通过在op期间通过政策问题加入该小组(在法定保险年龄),还是在op开始时已经在该小组中。在后一种情况下,进入是在保单周年,这总是达到积分(保险)年龄。因为$y_i$是一个整数,所以对于任何估计区间$(x, x+1)$,可以得出$r_i=0$,因为$x$是一个整数。
类似地,对于在保单周年日结束的op,所有预定的结束年龄$z_i$都是整数,由此得出$s_i=1$对于所有估计间隔$(x, x+1]$。因此,所有向量$\boldsymbol{u}_{i, x}$都是方便的形式$\left[0,1, \iota_i, \kappa_i\right]$,所有周年到周年保险年龄研究都属于我们的特殊情况A。
如果没有提款,那么估计一下 $\hat{q}x$ 是由式(6.7)简单地通过计算向量的个数得到的吗 $\mathbf{u}{i, x}$ 有 $r_i=0$,即 $n_x$,和与的数字 $\iota_i \neq 0$,即 $d_x$,为 $(x, x+1]$. 如果有提款,他们的数量 $(x, x+1], w_x$,是向量的个数 $u_{i, x}$ 有 $\kappa_i \neq 0$. 与 $n_x, d_x$ 和 $w_x$ 可用的, $q_x^{\prime(d)}$ 和 $q_x^{\prime(w)}$ 可由式(6.34)或式(6.37)估算。当然,也可以使用任何基于暴露的估计器。请注意,既然所有 $s_i=1$,矩估计量和精算估计量是相同的。
统计代写|生存模型代考Survival Models代写|Select Studies
为了估算第1.2节中定义的$S(t ; x)$,我们只考虑在$I A=x$发布的保单。同样假设一个周年到周年的观察期,数据处理与保险年龄研究非常相似,具有以下相似特征:
(1)向量$\boldsymbol{v}i$现在表示进入、计划退出、死亡或退出时的保单期限,而不是被保险人在此类事件中的保险年龄。注意,对于在op期间发布的策略,进入研究的持续时间为0。(2)向量$\mathbf{u}{i, t}$表示这些事件在估计区间$(t, t+1]$内的位置。
C D=C Y W-C Y I .
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