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统计代写|概率与统计代考Probability and Statistics代写|STA312 NECESSITY OF THE AXIOMS

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概率与统计Probability and Statistics概率是数学的一个分支,涉及到对一个事件发生的可能性的数字描述,或者一个命题是真的可能性有多大。一个事件的概率是一个介于0和1之间的数字,大致上说,0表示事件不可能发生,1表示肯定发生。一个简单的例子是抛出一枚公平(无偏见)的硬币。由于硬币是公平的,两种结果(”正面 “和 “反面”)的概率相同;”正面 “的概率等于 “反面 “的概率;由于没有其他结果,”正面 “或 “反面 “的概率是1/2(也可以写成0.5或50%)。

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统计代写|概率与统计代考Probability and Statistics代写|STA312 NECESSITY OF THE AXIOMS

统计代写|概率与统计代考Probability and Statistics代写|NECESSITY OF THE AXIOMS

Looking at Axiom 3, one may wonder why do we need it for the case of countable (and not just finite) sequences of events. Indeed, the necessity of all three axioms, with only finite additivity in Axiom 3, can be easily justified simply by using probability to represent the limiting relative frequency of occurrences of events. Recall the symbol $N(A)$ from Section $2.1$ for the number of occurrences of the event $A$ in the first $N$ experiments. The nonnegativity axiom is simply a reflection of the fact that the count $N(A)$ cannot be negative. The norming axiom reflects the fact that event $\mathcal{S}$ is certain and must occur in every experiment so that $N(\mathcal{S})=N$, and hence, $N(\mathcal{S}) / N=1$. Finally, (taking the case of two disjoint events $A$ and $B$ ), we have $N(A \cup B)=N(A)+N(B)$, since whenever $A$ occurs, $B$ does not, and conversely. Thus, if probability is to reflect the limiting relative frequency, then $P(A \cup B)$ should be equal to $P(A)+P(B)$, since the frequencies satisfy the analogous condition $N(A \cup B) / N=N(A) / N+N(B) / N$.

The need for countable additivity, however, cannot be explained so simply. This need is related to the fact that to build a sufficiently powerful theory, one needs to take limits. If $A_1, A_2, \ldots$ is a monotone sequence of events (increasing or decreasing, i.e., $A_1 \subset A_2 \subset \cdots$ or $\left.A_1 \supset A_2 \cdots\right)$ then $\lim P\left(A_n\right)=P\left(\lim A_n\right)$, where the event $\lim A_n$ has been defined in Section 1.4. Upon a little reflection, one can see that such continuity is a very natural requirement. In fact, the same requirement has been taken for granted for over 2,000 years in a somewhat different context: in computing the area of a circle, one uses a sequence of polygons with an increasing number of sides, all inscribed in the circle. This leads to an increasing sequence of sets “converging” to the circle, and therefore the area of the circle is taken to be the limit of the areas of approximating polygons. The validity of this idea (i.e., the assumption of the continuity of the function $f(A)=$ area of $A$ ) was not really questioned until the beginning of the twentieth century. Research on the subject culminated with the results of Lebesgue.

统计代写|概率与统计代考Probability and Statistics代写|SUBJECTIVE PROBABILITY

Let us finally consider briefly the third interpretation of probability, namely as a degree of certainty, or belief, about the occurrence of an event. Most often, this probability is associated not so much with an event as with the truth of a proposition asserting the occurrence of this event.

The material of this section assumes some degree of familiarity with the concept of expectation, formally defined only in later chapters. For the sake of completeness, in the simple form needed here, this concept is defined below. In the presentation, we follow more or less the historical development, refining gradually the conceptual structures introduced. The basic concept here is that of a lottery, defined by an event, say $A$, and two objects, say $a$ and $b$. Such a lottery, written simply $a A b$, will mean that the participant $(\mathrm{X})$ in the lottery receives object $a$ if the event $A$ occurs, and receives object $b$ if the event $A^c$ occurs.
The second concept is that of expectation associated with the lottery $a A b$, defined as
u(a) P(A)+u(b) P\left(A^c\right),
where $u(a)$ and $u(b)$ are measures of how much the objects $a$ and $b$ are “worth” to the participant. When $a$ and $b$ are sums of money (or prices of objects $a$ and $b$ ), and we put $u(x)=x$, the quantity (2.13) is sometimes called expected value. In cases where $u(a)$ and $u(b)$ are values that person $\mathrm{X}$ attaches to $a$ and $b$ (at a given moment), these values do not necessarily coincide with prices. We then refer to $u(a)$ and $u(b)$ as utilities of $a$ and $b$, and the quantity (2.13) is called expected utility $(E U)$. Finally, when in the latter case, the probability $P(A)$ is the subjective assessment of likelihood of the event $A$ by $\mathrm{X}$, the quantity (2.13) is called subjective expected utility $(S E U)$.

First, it has been shown by Ramsey (1926) that the degree of certainty about the occurrence of an event (of a given person) can be measured. Consider an event $A$, and the following choice suggested to $\mathrm{X}$ (whose subjective probability we want to determine). $\mathrm{X}$ is namely given a choice between the following two options:

  1. Sure option: receive some fixed amount $\$ u$, which is the same as lottery $(\$ u) B(\$ u)$, for any event $B$.
  2. A lottery option. Receive some fixed amount, say $\$ 100$, if $A$ occurs, and receive nothing if $A$ does not occur, which is lottery $(\$ 100) A(\$ 0)$. One should expect that if $u$ is very small, $\mathrm{X}$ will probably prefer the lottery. On the other hand, if $u$ is close to $\$ 100, \mathrm{X}$ may prefer the sure option.
    Therefore, there should exist an amount $u^$ such that $\mathrm{X}$ will be indifferent between the sure option with $u^$ and the lottery option. With the amount of money as a representation of its value (or utility), the expected return from the lottery equals
    0(1-P(A))+100 P(A)=100 P(A),
    which, in turn, equals $u^$. Consequently, we have $P(A)=u^ / 100$. Obviously, under the stated assumption that utility of money is proportional to the dollar amount, the choice of $\$ 100$ is not relevant here, and the same value for $P(A)$ would be obtained if we choose another “base value” in the lottery option (this can be tested empirically).
统计代写|概率与统计代考Probability and Statistics代写|CSE544 AXIOMS OF PROBABILITY



查看Axiom 3,有人可能会想,为什么我们需要它用于可数(而不仅仅是有限)事件序列的情况。事实上,所有三个公理(公理3中只有有限的可加性)的必要性都可以通过简单地使用概率来表示事件发生的有限相对频率来很容易地证明。回忆一下$2.1$节中的符号$N(A)$,表示在第一个$N$实验中事件$A$的出现次数。非负性公理仅仅反映了计数$N(A)$不能为负的事实。规范公理反映了这样一个事实:事件$\mathcal{S}$是确定的,并且必须在每个实验中发生,因此$N(\mathcal{S})=N$,以及$N(\mathcal{S}) / N=1$。最后,(以两个不相关的事件$A$和$B$为例),我们有$N(A \cup B)=N(A)+N(B)$,因为只要$A$发生,$B$就不会发生,反之亦然。因此,如果概率反映的是极限相对频率,那么$P(A \cup B)$应该等于$P(A)+P(B)$,因为频率满足类似条件$N(A \cup B) / N=N(A) / N+N(B) / N$。

然而,对可数可加性的需要不能如此简单地解释。这种需要与这样一个事实有关:要建立一个足够强大的理论,就需要有限度。如果$A_1, A_2, \ldots$是事件的单调序列(递增或递减,即$A_1 \subset A_2 \subset \cdots$或$\left.A_1 \supset A_2 \cdots\right)$,则$\lim P\left(A_n\right)=P\left(\lim A_n\right)$,其中事件$\lim A_n$已在第1.4节中定义。稍加思考,就会发现这种连续性是一种非常自然的需求。事实上,2000多年来,在不同的背景下,同样的要求一直被认为是理所当然的:在计算圆的面积时,我们使用一系列边数不断增加的多边形,所有的边都在圆内。这导致越来越多的集合序列“收敛”到圆,因此圆的面积被认为是近似多边形的面积的极限。这个想法(即假设$A$的$f(A)=$职能领域是连续性的)的有效性直到20世纪初才真正受到质疑。关于这个问题的研究以勒贝格的结果而告终



本节的材料假设读者对期望的概念有一定程度的熟悉,期望的概念只在后面的章节中有正式的定义。为了完整起见,下面以这里需要的简单形式对这个概念进行定义。在介绍中,我们或多或少地跟随历史的发展,逐步完善引入的概念结构。这里的基本概念是彩票,由一个事件(比如$A$)和两个对象(比如$a$和$b$)定义。这样的抽签,简单地写为$a A b$,意味着抽签中的参与者$(\mathrm{X})$如果事件$A$发生,就接收对象$a$,如果事件$A^c$发生,就接收对象$b$。
第二个概念是与彩票相关的期望$a A b$,定义为
u(a) P(A)+u(b) P\left(A^c\right),
,其中$u(a)$和$u(b)$是衡量对象$a$和$b$对参与者的“价值”有多少。当$a$和$b$是钱的总和(或物品的价格$a$和$b$),我们写上$u(x)=x$,数量(2.13)有时被称为期望值。如果$u(a)$和$u(b)$是$\mathrm{X}$附加在$a$和$b$上的值(在给定时刻),这些值不一定与价格一致。然后我们将$u(a)$和$u(b)$称为$a$和$b$的效用,数量(2.13)称为期望效用$(E U)$。最后,当在后一种情况下,概率$P(A)$是$\mathrm{X}$对事件$A$的可能性的主观评价时,这个量(2.13)称为主观期望效用$(S E U)$。


  1. 确定选项:接收一定的固定金额$\$ u$,相当于彩票$(\$ u) B(\$ u)$,任何事件$B$
  2. 抽奖选项。如果$A$出现,就收到固定的金额,比如$\$ 100$,如果$A$没有出现,就什么也得不到,这就是彩票$(\$ 100) A(\$ 0)$。人们应该预料到,如果$u$非常小,$\mathrm{X}$可能更喜欢抽签。另一方面,如果$u$接近$\$ 100, \mathrm{X}$可能更喜欢确定的选项。
    0(1-P(A))+100 P(A)=100 P(A),
    ,反过来等于$u^$。因此,我们有$P(A)=u^ / 100$。显然,在假定货币效用与美元金额成正比的前提下,选择$\$ 100$在这里是无关的,如果我们在抽签选项中选择另一个“基础值”(这可以通过经验检验),将获得相同的$P(A)$值。
统计代写|概率与统计代考Probability and Statistics代写

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微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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