如果你也在 怎样代写贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis一种统计推断方法(以英国数学家托马斯-贝叶斯命名),它允许人们将关于人口参数的先验信息与样本中包含的信息证据相结合,以指导统计推断过程。首先指定一个感兴趣的参数的先验概率分布。然后通过应用贝叶斯定理获得并结合证据,为参数提供一个后验概率分布。后验分布为有关该参数的统计推断提供了基础。
贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis自1763年以来,我们现在所知道的贝叶斯统计学并没有一个明确的运行。尽管贝叶斯的方法被拉普拉斯和当时其他领先的概率论者热情地接受,但在19世纪却陷入了不光彩的境地,因为他们还不知道如何正确处理先验概率。20世纪上半叶,一种完全不同的理论得到了发展,现在称为频繁主义统计学。但贝叶斯思想的火焰被少数思想家保持着,如意大利的布鲁诺-德-菲内蒂和英国的哈罗德-杰弗里斯。现代贝叶斯运动开始于20世纪下半叶,由美国的Jimmy Savage和英国的Dennis Lindley带头,但贝叶斯推断仍然极难实现,直到20世纪80年代末和90年代初,强大的计算机开始广泛使用,新的计算方法被开发出来。随后,人们对贝叶斯统计的兴趣大增,不仅导致了贝叶斯方法论的广泛研究,也导致了使用贝叶斯方法来解决天体物理学、天气预报、医疗保健政策和刑事司法等不同应用领域的迫切问题。
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统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|Estimating a probability from binomial data
In the simple binomial model, the aim is to estimate an unknown population proportion from the results of a sequence of ‘Bernoulli trials’; that is, data $y_1, \ldots, y_n$, each of which is either 0 or 1 . This problem provides a relatively simple but important starting point for the discussion of Bayesian inference. By starting with the binomial model, our discussion also parallels the very first published Bayesian analysis by Thomas Bayes in 1763, and his seminal contribution is still of interest.
The binomial distribution provides a natural model for data that arise from a sequence of $n$ exchangeable trials or draws from a large population where each trial gives rise to one of two possible outcomes, conventionally labeled ‘success’ and ‘failure.’ Because of the exchangeability, the data can be summarized by the total number of successes in the $n$ trials, which we denote here by $y$. Converting from a formulation in terms of exchangeable trials to one using independent and identically distributed random variables is achieved naturally by letting the parameter $\theta$ represent the proportion of successes in the population or, equivalently, the probability of success in each trial. The binomial sampling model is,
p(y \mid \theta)=\operatorname{Bin}(y \mid n, \theta)=\left(\begin{array}{l}
n \
\end{array}\right) \theta^y(1-\theta)^{n-y},
where on the left side we suppress the dependence on $n$ because it is regarded as part of the experimental design that is considered fixed; all the probabilities discussed for this problem are assumed to be conditional on $n$.
统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|Example. Estimating the probability of a female birth
As a specific application of the binomial model, we consider the estimation of the sex ratio within a population of human births. The proportion of births that are female has long been a topic of interest both scientifically and to the lay public. Two hundred years ago it was established that the proportion of female births in European populations was less than 0.5 (see Historical Note below), while in this century interest has focused on factors that may influence the sex ratio. The currently accepted value of the proportion of female births in large European-race populations is 0.485 . For this example we define the parameter $\theta$ to be the proportion of female births, but an alternative way of reporting this parameter is as a ratio of male to female birth rates, $\phi=(1-\theta) / \theta$.
Let $y$ be the number of girls in $n$ recorded births. By applying the binomial model (2.1), we are assuming that the $n$ births are conditionally independent given $\theta$, with the probability of a female birth equal to $\theta$ for all cases. This modeling assumption is motivated by the exchangeability that may be judged to arise when we have no explanatory information (for example, distinguishing multiple births or births within the same family) that might affect the sex of the baby.
To perform Bayesian inference in the binomial model, we must specify a prior distribution for $\theta$. We will discuss issues associated with specifying prior distributions many times throughout this book, but for simplicity at this point, we assume that the prior distribution for $\theta$ is uniform on the interval $[0,1]$.
Elementary application of Bayes’ rule as displayed in (1.2), applied to (2.1), then gives the posterior density for $\theta$ as
p(\theta \mid y) \propto \theta^y(1-\theta)^{n-y}
With fixed $n$ and $y$, the factor $\left(\begin{array}{l}n \ y\end{array}\right)$ does not depend on the unknown parameter $\theta$, and so it can be treated as a constant when calculating the posterior distribution of $\theta$. As is typical of many examples, the posterior density can be written immediately in closed form, up to a constant of proportionality. In single-parameter problems, this allows immediate graphical presentation of the posterior distribution. For example, in Figure 2.1, the unnormalized density (2.2) is displayed for several different experiments, that is, different values of $n$ and $y$. Each of the four experiments has the same proportion of successes, but the sample sizes vary. In the present case, we can recognize $(2.2)$ as the unnormalized form of the beta distribution (see Appendix A),
\theta \mid y \sim \operatorname{Beta}(y+1, n-y+1) .
统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|Estimating a probability from binomial data
在简单二项模型中,目的是从一系列“伯努利试验”的结果中估计未知的总体比例;也就是数据$y_1, \ldots, y_n$,每个数据要么为0,要么为1。这个问题为贝叶斯推理的讨论提供了一个相对简单但重要的起点。从二项模型开始,我们的讨论也与托马斯·贝叶斯(Thomas Bayes)在1763年发表的第一个贝叶斯分析相似,他的开创性贡献仍然令人感兴趣。
p(y \mid \theta)=\operatorname{Bin}(y \mid n, \theta)=\left(\begin{array}{l}
n \
\end{array}\right) \theta^y(1-\theta)^{n-y},
统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|Example. Estimating the probability of a female birth
作为二项模型的一个具体应用,我们考虑了人口出生性别比的估计。女性出生的比例长期以来一直是科学界和公众感兴趣的话题。200年前,欧洲人口中女性出生的比例低于0.5(见下文的历史说明),而在本世纪,人们的兴趣集中在可能影响性别比例的因素上。目前公认的欧洲大种族人口中女性出生比例为0.485。对于本例,我们将参数$\theta$定义为女性出生的比例,但是报告该参数的另一种方法是将其定义为男性与女性出生率的比例$\phi=(1-\theta) / \theta$。
将(1.2)所示的Bayes规则初等应用于(2.1),然后给出$\theta$ as的后验密度
p(\theta \mid y) \propto \theta^y(1-\theta)^{n-y}
在固定$n$和$y$的情况下,因子$\left(\begin{array}{l}n \ y\end{array}\right)$不依赖于未知参数$\theta$,因此在计算$\theta$的后验分布时可以将其视为常数。作为许多典型的例子,后验密度可以立即写成封闭形式,直到比例常数。在单参数问题中,这允许立即用图形表示后验分布。例如,在图2.1中,显示了几个不同实验的非归一化密度(2.2),即$n$和$y$的不同值。这四个实验中的每一个都有相同的成功比例,但样本量不同。在本例中,我们可以将$(2.2)$视为beta分布的非标准化形式(见附录A),
\theta \mid y \sim \operatorname{Beta}(y+1, n-y+1) .
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