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What happens if there is a permanent intrinsic moment,
\boldsymbol{\mu}_0 \neq \mathbf{0} \text { ? }
This situation is analogous to that of permanent electric dipole moments, discussed in Section 5.4. Due to thermal motion, the average magnetization will be zero if there is no external field. In the presence of a magnetic field, we obtain the thermal averaged magnetic moment from (5.64) by replacing $d$ by $\mu_0$ and E by $\mathbf{B}$. The obvious high temperature limit, from (5.68), is
\left\langle\boldsymbol{\mu}0\right\rangle_T=\frac{\mu_0^2}{3 k T} \mathbf{B} $$ corresponding to the magnetization $$ \mathbf{M}=\frac{n \mu_0^2}{3 k T} \mathbf{B} . $$ This is appropriate to the weak field circumstance $$ \mu_0 B \ll k T \text {. } $$ Inasmuch as the typical magnitudes of $\mu_0 / d$ are of order $v / c \sim 10^{-2}-10^{-3}$, the upper limit to $B$, at room temperature, for $(6.42)$ to be valid is in the range of millions of gauss, or hundreds of Teslas. Note that unlike in diamagnetism, the magnetization here is parallel to the magnetic field. The permeability is [cf. $(6.38)$ ] $$ \mu=\frac{1}{1-4 \pi n \frac{\mu_0^2}{3 k T}} \approx 1+4 \pi n \frac{\mu_0^2}{3 k T}>1, \quad \chi_m=n \frac{\mu_0^2}{3 k T}, $$ since, again, the magnetization is small. Substances with positive magnetic susceptibilities are called paramagnetic. For this class of materials, the permeability is greater than one. The simple models indicate that the ratio of paramagnetic to diamagnetic susceptibilities is of the order $$ \frac{\chi{m, \text { para }}}{\chi_{m, \text { dia }}} \sim \frac{m v^2}{k T} \sim 100 \text { at room temperature, }
where $m v^2$ is related to the magnitude of energies in the atom. The estimate in (6.45) is in general agreement with the observation that paramagnetic gaseous oxygen at standard pressure and room temperature has a positive susceptibility about one fifth the susceptibility of water, although the molecular density of the oxygen is less than a thousandth of that of water. The susceptibilities of paramagnetic substances are still so small compared with unity (for liquid oxygen, $\chi_m=3 \times 10^{-4}$ ) that the approximation of neglecting the distinction between $\mathbf{B}$ and $\mathbf{H}$ in (6.44) is well justified. The inverse dependence on temperature displayed there was discovered experimentally by Pierre Curie (1859-1906).
The history of magnetism did not begin with the phenomena of paramagnetism and diamagnetism, which were first recognized by Faraday in 1845 . The ancients were familiar with the remarkable properties of Magnesian stone, the iron oxide $\mathrm{Fe}3 \mathrm{O}_4$. The term ferromagnetism refers to the property of such substances, primarily members of the iron group, of exhibiting permanent magnetization. A simple model of this effect was introduced by Pierre Weiss (1865-1940), who effectively postulated that the driving magnetic field within ferromagnets is not $(6.50)$, but rather $$ \mathbf{B}{\text {driving }}=\mathbf{H}+\lambda \mathbf{M} \text {, }
where $\lambda \gg 1$. In terms of $\mathbf{B}_{\text {driving }}$ we wish to calculate the thermal average of the intrinsic magnetic moment, $\left\langle\boldsymbol{\mu}_0\right\rangle_T$. Rather than use a classical distribution (but see Problem 6.3), it is simpler and more accurate quantum mechanically to suppose that the atomic magnetic moment $\boldsymbol{\mu}0$ is either lined up parallel or anti-parallel to $\mathbf{B}{\text {driving }}$, which defines the $z$ axis. Since the interaction energies, for the two possibilities, are
-\mu_0 \cdot \mathbf{B}{\text {driving }}=\mp \mu_0 B{\text {driving }},
the Boltzmann weighting of states yields
\left\langle\mu_{0 z}\right\rangle_T=\frac{\mu_0 e^x-\mu_0 e^{-x}}{e^x+e^{-x}}=\mu_0 \tanh x,
x=\frac{\mu_0}{k T}(H+\lambda M) .
The resulting magnetization has magnitude
M=n \mu_0 \tanh \frac{\mu_0}{k T}(H+\lambda M) .
The possible existence of a magnetization in the absence of the field $H$ is implied by the equation
\frac{M}{n \mu_0}=\tanh \left(\frac{T_c}{T} \frac{M}{n \mu_0}\right)
in which
T_c \equiv \frac{n \mu_0^2}{k} \lambda
\boldsymbol{\mu}_0 \neq \mathbf{0} \text { ? }
\left\langle\boldsymbol{\mu}0\right\rangle_T=\frac{\mu_0^2}{3 k T} \mathbf{B} $$对应磁化强度$$ \mathbf{M}=\frac{n \mu_0^2}{3 k T} \mathbf{B} . $$这适用于弱场情况$$ \mu_0 B \ll k T \text {. } $$由于$\mu_0 / d$的典型数量级为$v / c \sim 10^{-2}-10^{-3}$,在室温下,$(6.42)$有效的上限为$B$,在数百万高斯或数百特斯拉的范围内。注意,不像抗磁性,这里的磁化平行于磁场。磁导率为[cf. $(6.38)$] $$ \mu=\frac{1}{1-4 \pi n \frac{\mu_0^2}{3 k T}} \approx 1+4 \pi n \frac{\mu_0^2}{3 k T}>1, \quad \chi_m=n \frac{\mu_0^2}{3 k T}, $$,因为磁化强度也很小。具有正磁化率的物质称为顺磁性的。对于这类材料,磁导率大于1。简单模型表明,顺磁磁化率与抗磁磁化率之比约为$$ \frac{\chi{m, \text { para }}}{\chi_{m, \text { dia }}} \sim \frac{m v^2}{k T} \sim 100 \text { at room temperature, }
其中$m v^2$与原子能量的大小有关。(6.45)中的估计与下述观察大体一致:在标准压力和室温下,顺磁性气态氧的磁化率约为水的五分之一,尽管氧的分子密度小于水的千分之一。顺磁性物质的磁化率与统一相比仍然很小(对于液氧,$\chi_m=3 \times 10^{-4}$),因此在(6.44)中忽略$\mathbf{B}$和$\mathbf{H}$之间的区别的近似是很合理的。皮埃尔·居里(Pierre Curie, 1859-1906)在实验中发现了与温度相反的依赖性。
磁学的历史并不是从顺磁性和抗磁性现象开始的,这两种现象是法拉第在1845年首先发现的。古人很熟悉镁石中氧化铁的显著特性$\mathrm{Fe}3 \mathrm{O}4$。铁磁性一词是指这些主要是铁族成员的物质具有永久磁化的性质。皮埃尔·韦斯(Pierre Weiss, 1865-1940)提出了一个简单的模型,他有效地假设了铁磁体内部的驱动磁场不是$(6.50)$,而是$$ \mathbf{B}{\text {driving }}=\mathbf{H}+\lambda \mathbf{M} \text {, } $$ 在哪里$\lambda \gg 1$。根据$\mathbf{B}{\text {driving }}$,我们希望计算本征磁矩$\left\langle\boldsymbol{\mu}0\right\rangle_T$的热平均值。与其使用经典分布(参见问题6.3),不如从量子力学角度假设原子磁矩$\boldsymbol{\mu}0$与$\mathbf{B}{\text {driving }}$平行或反平行,从而定义$z$轴,这更简单、更准确。因为这两种可能性的相互作用能是 $$ -\mu_0 \cdot \mathbf{B}{\text {driving }}=\mp \mu_0 B{\text {driving }}, $$ 状态的玻尔兹曼加权 $$ \left\langle\mu{0 z}\right\rangle_T=\frac{\mu_0 e^x-\mu_0 e^{-x}}{e^x+e^{-x}}=\mu_0 \tanh x,
x=\frac{\mu_0}{k T}(H+\lambda M) .
M=n \mu_0 \tanh \frac{\mu_0}{k T}(H+\lambda M) .
\frac{M}{n \mu_0}=\tanh \left(\frac{T_c}{T} \frac{M}{n \mu_0}\right)
T_c \equiv \frac{n \mu_0^2}{k} \lambda
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