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数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|STAT721 Crop Insurance in India: Earlier Attempts and Schemes

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数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|STAT721 Crop Insurance in India: Earlier Attempts and Schemes

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Crop Insurance in India: Earlier Attempts and Schemes

In India, the agricultural sector occupies a vital position in the overall economy of the country. Consequently, growth of Indian economy is inextricably connected to Indian agricultural growth and vice versa. Therefore, policy makers in India have also been concerned about the risk and uncertainty involved in agriculture.

For the economic stability of the country, various crop insurance schemes have been implemented in India since independence. In 1947, in the Central Legislature, Rajendra Prasad, Minister of Food and Agriculture, gave an assurance that the government would examine the feasibility of introducing crop and cattle insurance in the country. To pursue this matter, one special officer studied this issue and formulated experimental schemes of crop and cattle insurance for operation in selected areas. He proposed two pilot schemes which were not accepted by any of the states. Later, Government of Punjab submitted a proposal to introduce crop insurance as a part of the Third Five-Year Plan of the state and requested the government of India for financial assistance. Since, under the Constitution, the central legislature alone is competent to enact necessary legislation for the purpose, the government of India decided in October 1965 to have a Crop Insurance Bill and a Model Scheme of Crop Insurance formulated so that the states, if needed, can introduce crop insurance in their areas.

After getting the state governments’ view over the Draft Bill and the Model Scheme, the government of India referred the same to an expert committee for its full examination with respect to its economic, administrative, financial and actuarial implications. In accordance, a committee headed by the late Dharam Narain was set up to examine the pros and cons of the scheme. After a thorough scrutiny, the Dharam Narain Committee recommended against the introduction of the crop insurance scheme in the country.

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Mathematical Techniques for Crop Insurance

Crop insurance scheme and its mathematical models are extensively studied and analyzed by the academicians/policy makers. Studies over crop insurance schemes are focused on various issues particularly related to the failure of the performance of the crop insurance programs as required. The major reason for its failure is moral hazard, adverse selection, and systemic risks [4-9]. In this section, some mathematical model of crop insurance schemes, applied in all over the world, are considered and discussed in brief.

The significant role of crop insurance products has to indemnify adversely affected risk-averse individuals. The perspective of insurance is the distribution of the risk over a large number of individuals. For the success of the insurance program, it is required that the insurer should have adequate information about the nature of the risks being insured. It has been proven to be extremely difficult for farm-level yield insurance. To provide a sustainable insurance, an insurer should be able to properly classify risk. Farmers, who are favorably classified, will opt for the insurance. This phenomenon, known as adverse selection, initiates a cycle of losses [9, 10]. Moral hazard occurs when producers, after purchasing insurance, alter their production practices in a manner that increases their chances of collecting an indemnity [11]. Systemic risk is considered as the possibility by which an event can trigger a collapse in the agricultural industry.

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|STAT721 Crop Insurance in India: Earlier Attempts and Schemes


数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Crop Insurance in India: Earlier Attempts and Schemes


为了国家的经济稳定,自独立以来,印度实施了各种农作物保险计划。1947 年,在中央立法机构中,食品和农业部长拉金德拉·普拉萨德 (Rajendra Prasad) 保证政府将研究在该国引入农作物和牲畜保险的可行性。为此,专项干部研究了这一问题,制定了在选定地区开展农畜保险试点方案。他提出了两个试点计划,但没有被任何州接受。随后,旁遮普邦政府提交了一份提案,将引入农作物保险作为该邦第三个五年计划的一部分,并请求印度政府提供财政援助。因为,根据宪法,

在获得邦政府对法案草案和示范计划的看法后,印度政府将其提交给专家委员会,由其对经济、行政、金融和精算影响进行全面审查。据此,成立了一个由已故的 Dharam Narain 领导的委员会来审查该计划的利弊。经过彻底审查后,Dharam Narain 委员会建议不要在该国引入农作物保险计划。

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Mathematical Techniques for Crop Insurance


作物保险产品的重要作用是为受到不利影响的规避风险的个人提供赔偿。保险的观点是将风险分配给大量个人。为使保险计划取得成功,要求承保人应充分了解所承保风险的性质。事实证明,农场层面的产量保险是极其困难的。为了提供可持续的保险,保险公司应该能够对风险进行适当的分类。被有利分类的农民将选择保险。这种称为逆向选择的现象会引发损失循环 [9、10]。当生产者在购买保险后以增加获得赔偿机会的方式改变其生产实践时,就会发生道德风险 [11]。

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考

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微观经济学是主流经济学的一个分支,研究个人和企业在做出有关稀缺资源分配的决策时的行为以及这些个人和企业之间的相互作用。my-assignmentexpert™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在数学Mathematics作业代写方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的数学Mathematics代写服务。我们的专家在图论代写Graph Theory代写方面经验极为丰富,各种图论代写Graph Theory相关的作业也就用不着 说。




现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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