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Robot Rossie moves within a square room $A B C D$. Rossie moves along straight line segments, never leaving that room.

When Rossie encounters a wall she stops, makes a right-angle turn (with direction chosen to face into the room), and continues in that new direction.

If Rossie comes to one of the room’s corners, she rotates through two right angles, and moves back along her previous path.

Suppose Rossie starts at point $P$ on $A B$ and her path begins as a line segment of slope $s$.
We hope to describe Rossie’s path.
For some values of $P$ and $s$, Rossie’s path will be a tilted rectangle with one vertex on each wall of the room. (Often, this inscribed rectangle is itself a square.) In this case, Rossie repeatedly traces that stable rectangle.

(a) Suppose $s=1$ so that the path begins at a 45 degree angle.
For every starting point $P$, show: Rossie’s path is a stable rectangle.
(If $P$ is a corner point, the path degenerates to a line segment traced back and forth.)
Now draw some examples with various $P$ and $s$.
Given $P$ and $s$, does Rossie’s path always converge to a stable rectangle?
Here are some steps that might help you answer this question:

(b) First consider the case: $01$ or when $s<0$ ? Does the argument above still apply?

Let $\mathbb{Z}$ denote the set of integers. If $m$ is a positive integer, we write $\mathbb{Z}m$ for the system of “integers modulo $m$.” Some authors write $\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z}$ for that system. For completeness, we include some definitions here. The system $\mathbb{Z}_m$ can be represented as the set ${0,1, \ldots, m-1}$ with operations $\oplus$ (addition) and $\odot$ (multiplication) defined as follows. If $a, b$ are elements of ${0,1, \ldots, m-1}$, define: $a \oplus b=$ the element $c$ of ${0,1, \ldots, m-1}$ such that $a+b-c$ is an integer multiple of $m$. $a \odot b=$ the element $d$ of ${0,1, \ldots, m-1}$ such that $a b-d$ is an integer multiple of $m$. For example, $3 \oplus 4=2$ in $\mathbb{Z}_5$, $3 \odot 3=1$ in $\mathbb{Z}_4$, and $-1=12$ in $\mathbb{Z}{13}$.
To simplify notations (at the expense of possible confusion), we abandon that new notation and write $a+b$ and $a b$ for the operations in $\mathbb{Z}_m$, rather than writing $a \oplus b$ and $a \odot b$.

Let $\mathbb{Q}$ denote the system of rational numbers.
We write $4 \mathbb{Z}$ for the set of multiples of 4 in $\mathbb{Z}$. Similarly for $4 \mathbb{Z}{12}$. Consider the following number systems: $$ \mathbb{Z}, \quad \mathbb{Q}, \quad 4 \mathbb{Z}, \quad \mathbb{Z}_3, \quad \mathbb{Z}_8, \quad \mathbb{Z}_9, \quad 4 \mathbb{Z}{12}, \quad \mathbb{Z}_{13} .
One system may be viewed as similar to another in several different ways. We will measure similarity using only algebraic properties.
(a) Consider the following sample properties:
(i) If $a^2=1$, then $a=\pm 1$.
(ii) If $2 x=0$, then $x=0$.
(iii) If $c^2=0$, then $c=0$.
Which of the systems above have properties (i), (ii), and/or (iii)?
(b) Formulate another algebraic property and determine which of those systems have that property. [Note: Cardinality is not considered to be an algebraic property.]
Write down some additional algebraic properties and investigate them.
(c) In your opinion, which of the listed systems are “most similar” to each another?

Please spend extra effort to write up this problem’s solution as an exposition that can be read and understood by a beginning algebra student. That student knows function notation and standard properties of polynomials (as taught in a high school algebra course). Your solution will be graded not only on the correctness of the math but also on the clarity of exposition.
(a) Find all polynomials $f$ that satisfy the equation:
f(x+2)=f(x)+2 \text { for every real number } x .
(b) Find all polynomials $g$ that satisfy the equation:
g(2 x)=2 g(x) \text { for every real number } x .
(c) The problems above are of the following type: Given functions $H$ and $J$, find all polynomials $Q$ that satisfy the equation:
J(Q(x))=Q(H(x)) \text { for every } x \text { in } S

where $S$ is a subset of real numbers. In parts (a) and (b), we have $J=H$ and $S$ is all real numbers, but other scenarios are also interesting. For example, the choice $J(x)=1 /(x-1)$ and $H(x)=1 /(x+1)$, generates the question:
Find all polynomials $Q$ that satisfy the equation:
for every real number $x$ such that those denominators are nonzero.
Is this one straightforward to solve?
(d) Make your own choice for $J$ and $H$, formulate the problem, and find a solution. Choose $J$ and $H$ to be non-trivial, but still simple enough to allow you to make good progress toward a solution.


机器人Rossie在一个正方形房间$A B C D$内移动。罗西沿着直线段移动,从不离开这个房间。



假设Rossie从$A B$上的$P$点开始,她的路径是一条斜率为$s$的线段。
对于$P$和$s$的某些值,Rossie的路径将是一个倾斜的矩形,在房间的每一面墙上都有一个顶点。 (通常,这个内嵌的矩形本身就是一个正方形。)在这种情况下,Rossie重复地追踪这个稳定的矩形。

(a) 假设$s=1$,使路径以45度角开始。

(b) 首先考虑以下情况:$01$或$s<0$时,Rossie的行为是什么?上面的论证是否仍然适用?

我们用$4\mathbb{Z}$表示$mathbb{Z}$中4的倍数的集合。类似地,4美元\mathbb{Z}{12}$。 请考虑以下数系。 $$ `mathbb{Z}, quadmathbb{Q}, quad 4mathbb{Z}, quadmathbb{Z}_3, quadmathbb{Z}_8, quadmathbb{Z}_9, quad 4mathbb{Z}{12}, quadmathbb{Z}_{13}.
(a) 考虑以下的样本属性。
(i) 如果$a^2=1$,那么$a=\pm 1$。
(ii) 如果$2 x=0$,那么$x=0$。
(iii) 如果$c^2=0$,则$c=0$。
(b) 提出另一个代数性质,并确定这些系统中哪些具有该性质。[注意:Cardinality不被认为是一个代数属性。]
(c) 在你看来,所列的系统中哪些是 “最相似 “的?

(a) 找到所有满足方程的多项式$f$。
f(x+2)=f(x)+2\text {对于每一个实数}x 。
(b) 找出所有满足方程的多项式$g$。
g(2 x)=2 g(x)\text { 对于每个实数 } x .
(c) 上面的问题属于以下类型: 给出函数$H$和$J$, 找出所有满足方程的多项式$Q$:
J(Q(x))=Q(H(x)) \J(Q(x))=Q(H(x))。S

其中$S$是实数的一个子集。在(a)和(b)部分,我们有$J=H$,$S$为所有实数,但其他情况也很有趣。例如, 选择$J(x)=1 /(x-1)$和$H(x)=1 /(x+1)$, 产生了问题:
(d) 自己选择$J$和$H$,提出问题,并找到解决方案。选择$J$和$H$是不难的,但仍然简单到足以让你在解决问题上取得良好进展。




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Posted on Categories:数学代写, 数学竞赛代考, 美国数学邀请赛

数学代写|AIME代考美国数学邀请赛代写|2023 AIME I Problems/Problem 1


从2011年开始,美国数学邀请考试(AIME)的资格参数将略有放宽。对于参加2012年AMC 10竞赛的学生,我们将邀请所有得分最高的2.5%的学生或得分至少为120分的学生(以更多的为准)参加AIME。这与2004年以来一直实行的1%(或120分)的数值不同。对于参加2012年AMC 12的学生,我们将邀请所有得分者中的前5%或得分者中至少有100分的学生参加AIME。这些AMC 12的资格值保持在2000年以来的水平。这一政策是为了防止出现特别困难的考试,即分数一致低于正常水平的考试,从而减少AIME的合格人数。

对AMC 10名合格者设定较高的要求有两个原因。

  • 首先,AIME考试可能相当令人生畏,我们不希望年轻学生因考试成绩不佳而气馁。
  • 第二,我们希望确保任何通过AMC 10考试获得AIME资格的学生在随后几年参加AMC 12考试时也有可能获得AIME资格。如果一个学生在10年级获得了AIME资格,但在随后的高中阶段却没有,这可能会让人非常失望。

请注意:AIME II(备用AIME)的新程序。
今年,AMC将对AIME II(也称为AIME候补)采用一些新的程序。回顾一下,AIME II的第二个(或备用)日期是 , , 。

AMC办公室将从2月下旬开始向学校邮寄2012年AMC 10和2012年AMC 12报告,并持续到3月初至3月中旬。 在该AMC 10和AMC 12报告中,将列出学校的AIME合格者名单。
报告中还包括该校AIME选手的AIME I竞赛(装在一个密封的信封里)、AIME答题表和AIME/USAMO教师手册。这与我们多年来的做法相同。
如果你的AIME合格者将在WWW考试时参加AIME I考试,那么一切都准备好了,你只需要按照《教师手册》中AIME I的指示,将AIME答卷寄回,以便评分。
如果你的AIME参赛者将在WWW上参加AIME II,那么你仍然需要在我们的网页上(电子注册)或AIME教师手册中的纸质表格上填写AIME II(或AIME备用)注册。请务必填写一个有效的电子邮件地址。
保存你在AMC10/AMC12报告中收到的AIME答案表。我们将在AIME I和AIME II中使用相同的答案表格。同时保存AIME报告信封,我们将使用同一个AIME报告信封寄回AIME I和AIME II。
请在3月28日关注您的电子邮件,查看包含AIME II的电子信息。它将以PDF文件的形式出现在邮件中。打印AIME II,然后为每个参加AIME II的合格者复印足够的副本。
让参加AIME II的学生用铅笔在答题表的正面上方写上 “AIME II”,与答案同侧。


AIME(美国数学邀请考试)是介于AMC10或AMC12和USAMO之间的考试。所有参加AMC 12的学生,如果在可能的150分中取得100分或以上的成绩,或在前5%的学生被邀请参加AIME考试。所有参加AMC 10的学生,在可能的150分中取得120分或以上,或进入前2.5%的学生也有资格参加AIME。本学年AIME I的日期为 ,AIME II的日期为 , 。美国数学邀请考试没有额外的注册费,除非你选择参加第二次考试。额外的管理/运输费是要收取的,前10名学生的最低费用为,超过10名学生的最低费用为。这在AMC 10/12和AIME教师手册中有更详细的解释。

数学代写|AIME代考美国数学邀请赛代写|2023 AIME I Problems/Problem 1

数学竞赛代考|AIME代考美国数学邀请赛|2023 AIME I Problems/Problem 1

Five men and nine women stand equally spaced around a circle in random order. The probability that every man stands diametrically opposite a woman is $\frac{m}{n}$, where $m$ and $n$ are relatively prime positive integers. Find $m+n$.

Solution 1
For simplicity purposes, we consider two arrangements different even if they only differ by rotations or reflections. In this way, there are 14 ! arrangements without restrictions.
First, there are $\left(\begin{array}{l}7 \ 5\end{array}\right)$ ways to choose the man-woman diameters. Then, there are $10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6 \cdot 4 \cdot 2$ ways to place the five men each in a man-woman diameter. Finally, there are 9 ! ways to place the nine women without restrictions.
Together, the requested probability is
7 \
\end{array}\right) \cdot(10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6 \cdot 4 \cdot 2) \cdot 9 !}{14 !}=\frac{21 \cdot(10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6 \cdot 4 \cdot 2)}{14 \cdot 13 \cdot 12 \cdot 11 \cdot 10}=\frac{48}{143}
from which the answer is $48+143=191$.

Solution 2
We can simply just loop through each of the men and find the probability that the person opposite from him is a woman.
Start by sitting down the $1 \mathrm{st}$ man. The probability that the person opposite to him is a woman is $\frac{9}{13}$ since out of the 13 people who can sit opposite to him, 9 can be a woman. With the 2 nd man, we can use the same logic: there are 11 people who can sit opposite to him, but only 8 of them are a woman, so the probability is $\frac{8}{11}$. We use the same logic for the $3 \mathrm{rd}$, 4th and 5th men to get probabilities of $\frac{7}{9}, \frac{6}{7}$ and $\frac{5}{5}$, respectively.
Multiplying these probabilities, we get a final answer of
\frac{9}{13} \cdot \frac{8}{11} \cdot \frac{7}{9} \cdot \frac{6}{7} \cdot \frac{5}{5}=\frac{48}{143} \longrightarrow 191 .
$\sim$ s214425 (Inspired by Math Jam)

Solution 3
This problem is equivalent to solving for the probability that no man is standing diametrically opposite to another man. We can simply just construct this.
We first place the 1 st man anywhere on the circle, now we have to place the 2nd man somewhere around the circle such that he is not diametrically opposite to the first man. This can happen with a probability of $\frac{12}{13}$ because there are 13 available spots, and 12 of them are not opposite to the first man.
We do the same thing for the 3rd man, finding a spot for him such that he is not opposite to the other 2 men, which would happen with a probability of $\frac{10}{12}$ using similar logic. Doing this for the 4th and 5th men, we get probabilities of $\frac{8}{11}$ and $\frac{6}{10}$ respectively.
Multiplying these probabilities, we get,
\frac{12}{13} \cdot \frac{10}{12} \cdot \frac{8}{11} \cdot \frac{6}{10}=\frac{48}{143} \longrightarrow 191 .
$\sim s 214425$

Solution 4
Assume that rotations and reflections are distinct arrangements, and replace men and women with identical M’s and W’s, respectively. (We can do that because the number of ways to arrange 5 men in a circle and the number of ways to arrange 9 women in a circle, are constants.) The total number of ways to arrange $5 \mathrm{M}$ ‘s and $9 \mathrm{~W}$ ‘s is $\left(\begin{array}{c}14 \ 5\end{array}\right)=2002$.
To count the number of valid arrangements (i.e. arrangements where every $\mathrm{M}$ is diametrically opposite a W), we notice that exactly 2 of the pairs of diametrically opposite positions must be occupied by 2 W’s.
There are $\left(\begin{array}{l}7 \ 2\end{array}\right)=21$ ways to choose these 2 pairs. For the remaining 5 pairs, we have to choose which position is occupied by an $\mathrm{M}$ and which is occupied by a W. This can be done in $2^5=32$ ways. Therefore, there are $21 * 32=672$ valid arrangements.
Therefore, the probability that an arrangement is valid is $\frac{672}{2002}=\frac{48}{143}$ for an answer of 191 .
$\sim$ pianoboy

Solution 5
To start off, we calculate the total amount of ways to organize all 14 people irrespective of any constraints. This is simply $\left(\begin{array}{c}14 \ 5\end{array}\right)=2002$, because we just count how many ways we can place all 5 men in any of the 14 slots.
Since men cannot be diametrically opposite with each other, because of the constraints, placing down one man in any given spot will make another spot on the opposite side of the circle unable to hold any men. This means that placing down one man will effectively take away 2 spots.
There are 14 possible slots the first man can be placed. Once that man was placed, the next man only have 12 possible slots because the slot that the first man is in is taken and the diametrically opposite spot to the first man can’t have any men. Similar logic applies for the third man, who has 10 possible slots. The fourth man has 8 possible slots, and the fifth man has 6 possible slots.
This means the number of ways you can place all 5 men down is $14 \cdot 12 \cdot 10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6$. However, since the men are all indistinct from each other, you also have to divide that value by $5 !=120$, since there are 120 ways to arrange the 5 men in each possible positioning of the men on the circle. This means the total number of ways to arrange the men around the circle so that none of them are diametrically opposite of each other is: $\frac{14 \cdot 12 \cdot 10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6}{5 !}=672$. The women simply fill in the rest of the available slots in each arrangement of men.
Thus, the final probability is $\frac{672}{2002}=\frac{48}{143}$, meaning the answer is $48+143=191$.

数学代写|AIME代考美国数学邀请赛代写|2023 AIME I Problems/Problem 1


数学竞赛代考|AIME代考美国数学邀请赛|2023 AIME I

Problems/Problem 1
五男九女随机站成一个圆圈。每个男人站在一个女人的对面的概率是 $\frac{m}{n} ,$ 在哪里 $m$ 和 $n$ 是相对质数的正整数。 寻找 $m+n$.
解决方案 1
为简单起见,我们认为两种排列方式不同,即使它们仅在旋转或反射方面有所不同。这样一来,就有 14 个!不 受限制的安排。
首先,有 $(75)$ 选择男女直径的方法。然后,有 $10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6 \cdot 4 \cdot 2$ 将五个男人分别放置在男女直径范围内的方 法。最后,有9个! 九女的安置方式不受限制。
\frac{(75) \cdot(10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6 \cdot 4 \cdot 2) \cdot 9 !}{14 !}=\frac{21 \cdot(10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6 \cdot 4 \cdot 2)}{14 \cdot 13 \cdot 12 \cdot 11 \cdot 10}=\frac{48}{143}
答㲾是 $48+143=191$.
解决方案 2
首先坐下1st男人。他对面的人是女人的概率是 $\frac{9}{13}$ 因为能坐在他对面的 13 个人中,有 9 个是女人。对于第二个男 人,我们可以用同样的逻辑:有 11 个人可以坐在他对面,但其中只有 8 个人是女人,所以概率是 $\frac{8}{11}$. 我们使用相 同的逻辑 $3 r d$, 第 4 和第 5 个人得到的概率 $\frac{7}{9}, \frac{6}{7}$ 和 $\frac{5}{5}$ ,分别。
\frac{9}{13} \cdot \frac{8}{11} \cdot \frac{7}{9} \cdot \frac{6}{7} \cdot \frac{5}{5}=\frac{48}{143} \longrightarrow 191 .
$\sim s 214425$ (灵感来自 Math Jam)

会与第一个人完全相反。这有可能发生 $\frac{12}{13}$ 因为有 13 个可用点,其中 12 个不在第一个人对面。
我们对第三个人做同样的事情,为他找一个位置,这样他就不会与其他两个人相对,这种情况发生的概率是 $\frac{10}{12}$ 使用类似的逻辑。对第 4 个人和第 5 个人这样做,我们得到的概率是 $\frac{8}{11}$ 和 $\frac{6}{10}$ 分别。 将这些概率相乘,我们得到,
\frac{12}{13} \cdot \frac{10}{12} \cdot \frac{8}{11} \cdot \frac{6}{10}=\frac{48}{143} \longrightarrow 191
$\sim s 214425$
解决方案 4
假设旋转和反射是不同的排列,并分别用相同的 $M$ 和 $W$ 替换男性和女性。(我们可以这样做,因为将 5 个男 人排成一圏的方式数量和将 9 个女人排成一圈的方式数量是常量。 $。 5 \mathrm{M}$ 。沙 $9 \mathrm{~W}$ 的是 $(145)=2002$.
计算有效安排的数量 (即每个安排 $\mathrm{M}$ 与 $\mathrm{W}$ 完全相反),我们注意到恰好 2 对完全相反的位置必须被 2 个 $\mathrm{W}$ 占 据。
有 72$)=21$ 选择这两对的方法。对于剩下的 5 对,我们必须选择哪个位置被一个M并且被W占用。这可以在 $2^5=32$ 方法。因此,有 $21 * 32=672$ 有效的安排。
因此,安排有效的概率是 $\frac{672}{2002}=\frac{48}{143}$ 对于 191 的答㟯。
解决方案 5
首先,我们计算组织所有 14 个人的方式总数,而不考虑任何限制。这简直是 $(145)=2002$ ,因为我们只是 计算有多少种方法可以将所有 5 个人放在 14 个位置中的任何一个位置。
由于人不能完全相对,因为限制,在任何给定位置放置一个人都会使圆圈另一侧的另一个位置无法容纳任何 人。这意味着放下一个人将有效地带走 2 个位置。
第一个人可以放置 14 个可能的位置。一旦那个人被放置,下一个人只有 12 个可能的位置,因为第一个人所在 的位置被占用,而与第一个人完全相反的位置不能有任何人。类似的逻辑适用于第三个人,他有 10 个可能的位 置。第四个人有 8 个可能的位置,第五个人有 6 个可能的位置。
这意味着您可以将所有 5 个人放下的方式的数量是 $14 \cdot 12 \cdot 10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6$. 但是,由于这些人彼此之间都是模楜 的,因此您还必须将该值除以 $5 !=120$ ,因为有 120 种方法可以将 5 个人安排在圆圈上每个可能的位置。这意 味着将人围绕圆圈排列的方式总数是: $\frac{14 \cdot 12 \cdot 10 \cdot 8 \cdot 6}{5 !}=672$. 女性只需填写每个男性排列中剩余的可用空位。 因此,最終的概率是 $\frac{672}{2002}=\frac{48}{143}$ ,意思是答䆧是 $48+143=191$

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。





MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。

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准备申请 SUMaC 和其他暑期课程实际上是大学入学申请的绝佳实践……但规模较小。如果您在SUMaC入学考试方面需要帮助,请查看avatest的数学辅导和数学代写服务。您将在10min内联系到专业数学辅导老师得到联系。

斯坦福大学数学营教给学生的不仅仅是当代数学的抽象概念和数学符号。参与者实际上这个项目中建立联系和友谊,许多人回想起来SUMaC的往事都说这是一次改变人生的经历。Mykel Kochenderfer是斯坦福大学航空和工程系副教授。Kochenderfer教授在高中时代参加了SUMaC,然后作为学生来到斯坦福大学,并最终加入了斯坦福大学成为了一名教授。




Consider an $m \times n$ grid, that is, a grid with $m$ rows and $n$ columns, where $m$ and $n$ are relatively prime (that is, where $m$ and $n$ have no prime factors in common). For example, here is a $9 \times 10$ grid:
Each one-by-one square in the grid represents a hole, and we fill in some of these holes as follows. For each integer $d>1$ that shares a prime factor with $m$, we fill in all holes in row $d$, and for each integer $d>1$ that shares a prime factor with $n$, we fill in all holes in column $d$ (that haven’t already been filled in). For example, in the $9 \times 10$ grid above, we fill in the holes as follows:

We filled in the third, sixth, and ninth rows since 3,6 , and 9 are integers greater than 1 that share the prime factor 3 with 9, and we filled in second, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth and tenth columns since 2,4 , $5,6,8$ and 10 all share a prime factor with 10. In this example, there are 24 holes (white squares) left over. Define the hole number of a grid to be the number of holes (white squares) that remain after the rest of the grid is filled in according to the above procedure, so the hole number of the above grid is 24 . The following two grids have hole number 8 .


We say that two grids are hole equivalent if they have the same hole numbers. So, the above two grids $\left(4 \times 5\right.$ and $3 \times 5$ ) are hole equivalent. Let $h_k$ be the number of $m \times n$ grids with $m0$ such that $h_k=0$. That is, what is the smallest positive $k$ such that there are no $m \times n$ grids with $k$ holes.
(ii) What is $h_8$ ?
(iii) What is the smallest value of $k$ such that $h_k>h_8$ ?

(a) Find all non-empty finite sets of integers $A$ and $B$ with the following properties:
(i) Whenever $x$ is in $A, x+1$ is in $B$.
(ii) Whenever $x$ is in $B, x^2-4$ is in $A$.
(b) Find all positive integers $a$ and $b$ such that there are non-empty finite sets $A$ and $B$ with the property that whenever $x$ is in $A, x+a$ is in $B$, and whenever $x$ is in $B, x^2-b$ is in $A$.




考虑一个 $m \times n$ 网格,即具有 $m$ 行和 $n$ 列,其中 $m$ 和 $n$ 是相对拜数的(即,其中 $m$ 和 $n$ 没有共同的主要因拜)。例如,这是 个 $9 \times 10$ 网格:网格
中的每个一格一格代表一个洞,我们如下填充其中的一些洞。对于每个整数 $d>1$ 与共字一个主要因雔 $m$ ,我们填充行中的所有孔 $d$ ,对于每个整数 $d>1$ 与共享一个主要因转 $n$ ,我们填充列中的所有孔 $d$ (尚末填写)。例如,在 $9 \times 10$ 上面的格子,我们按如下 方式填空:
我们填写了第三行、第六行和第九行,因为 3,6 和 9 是大于 1 且与 9 共享质因数 3 的整数,我们填写了第二行、第四行、第五 行、第六行、第八行和第十行,因为 $2,4,5,6,8$ 和 10 都与 10 共字质因数。在这个例子中,剩下 24 个子(白色方块)。定义一 个格子的孔数为按照上述过程将剩余格子填满后剩余的孔数(白色方块),所以上述格子的孔数为 24 。以下两个网格的孔昊为 8


如果两个网格的孔数相同,我们说它们是孔等价的。所以,上面两个网格 $(4 \times 5$ 和 $3 \times 5)$ 是孔等效的。让 $h_k$ 是的数量 $m \times n$ 网 格与 $m 0$ 这样 $h_k=0$. 即最小的正数是多少 $k$ 这样就设有 $m \times n$ 网格与 $k$ 洞。
(ii) 什么是 $h_8$ ?
(iii) 的最小值是多少 $k$ 这样 $h_k>h_8$ ?
(a) 找出所有非空的有限整数集 $A$ 和 $B$ 具有以下特性:
(i) 每当 $x$ 在 $A, x+1$ 在 $B$.
(ii) 每当 $x$ 在 $B, x^2-4$ 在 $A$.
(b) 找出所有正整数 $a$ 和 $b$ 使得存在非空有限集 $A$ 和 $B$ 具有每当 $x$ 在 $A, x+a$ 在 $B$, 并且每当 $x$ 在 $B, x^2-b$ 在 $A$.


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数学代写|加拿大数学竞赛 Canadian Mathematical Olympiad 代考



加拿大青少年数学奥林匹克竞赛(CJMO)也是通过邀请,同时为十年级以下的学生举办。 CJMO不像CMO那样具有挑战性,但有些问题可能会出现在这两项比赛中。

这些3小时的比赛在每年3月的选定时间和日期举行。 所有正式参赛者在同一时间写作。


下面是几道典型的加拿大数学竞赛 Canadian Mathematical Olympiad题目

Show that if $\alpha_{1} / b_{1}=a_{2} / b_{2}=a_{3} / b_{3}$ and $p_{1} \cdot p_{2} \cdot p$ are not all zeto, then
\left(\frac{a_{1}}{b_{1}}\right)^{n}=\frac{p_{1} a_{1}^{n}+p a_{2}^{n}+p a a_{3}^{n}}{p b_{1}^{n}+p p b_{2}^{n}+p s b_{3}^{n}}
for every positive integer $n$.
Deternine which of the tro number $\sqrt{c+1}-\sqrt{c} \cdot \sqrt{c}-\sqrt{c-1}$ is greater for any $c \geq 1$.
Let e be the length of the lypotense of a right angle triagle whone of her two wides lave lengths a and b. Prove that $a+b \leq \sqrt{2} e$. When does the $\propto$. Wality hold?
Let $A B C$ be an «uilateral triangle, and $P$ be an arbitrary point within the triangle, Perpendiculan $P D, P E, P F$ aw drawn to the thre siden of the triangle. Show that, no natter where $P$ is chosen,
\frac{P D+P E+P F}{A B+B C+C A}=\frac{1}{2 \sqrt{3}}
Let $A B C$ be a triangle with sides of lengths $a, b$ and $e$. Let the bisector of the angle $C$ ent $A B$ in $D$. Prove that the length of $C D$ is
\frac{2 a b \cos \frac{C}{2}}{a+b}
Find the sum of $1 \cdot 1 !+2 \cdot 2 !+3 \cdot 3 !+\cdots+(n-1)(n-1) !+n \cdot n !$, where $n !=$ $n(n-1)(n-2) \cdots 2 \cdot 1$
Show that there are no integers $a, b$, e for which $a^{2}+b^{2}-8 c=6$.



难度。5.5 – 8


加拿大数学竞赛 Canadian Mathematical Olympiad可以给你带来什么


对于在加拿大写作的学生,表现最好的学生会获得现金奖励。如果没有 “并列”,那么第一名奖励2000美元,第二名奖励1500美元,第三名奖励1000美元,荣誉奖奖励500美元(通常最多有6人获得荣誉奖)。当出现并列时,奖金将向上集中(例如,并列第一意味着共同获奖者分享3500美元,没有人获得 “第二”)。

并且Canadian Mathematical Olympiad所取得的的优异成绩可以极大提升申请大学的竞争力。

数学代考|加拿大数学竞赛 Canadian Mathematical Olympiad代写

数学代考|加拿大数学竞赛 Canadian Mathematical Olympiad代写 请认准avatest™. avatest™为您的留学生涯保驾护航。

Posted on Categories:数学代写, 数学竞赛代写



An equilateral has sides of length $1 \mathrm{~cm}$.
(a) Show that for any configuration of five points on this triangle (on the sides or in the interior), there is at least one pair of from these five points such that the distance between the two points in the pair is less than or equal to $.5 \mathrm{~cm}$.
(b) Show that $.5$ (in part (a)) cannot be replaced by a smaller number even if there are 6 points.
(c) If there are eight points, can $.5$ be replaced by a smaller number? Prove your answer.
Suppose $n$ is a positive integer. The (imaginary) sea of Babab has islands each of which has an $n$-letter name that uses only the letters ” $\mathrm{a}$ ” and “b,” and such that for each $n$-letter name that uses only the letters “a” and ” $\mathrm{b}$,” there is an island. For example, if $n=3$, then Aaa, Aab, Aba, Baa, Abb, Bab, Bba and Bbb are the islands in the sea of Babab. The transportation system for Babab consists of ferries traveling back and forth between each pair of islands that differ in exactly one letter. For example, there is a ferry connecting Bab and Bbb since they differ only in the second letter.
a) How many islands and how many ferry routes are there in terms of $n$ ? Count the ferry route for both directions as a single ferry route, so for example, the ferry from Bab to Bbb is the same ferry route.
Babab does not have much in the way of natural resources or farm land so nearly all food and supplies are provided by the Babab All Bulk Company (BABCO). The people of Babab (Bababians) desire easy access to a BABCO store, where “easy access” means there is a BABCO store on their own island or on one that they can get to with a single ferry ride. However, BABCO finds it uneconomical to give the people on one island easy access to two different BABCO stores, and BABCO is willing to deny some Bababians easy access to a BABCO store in order to meet this restriction.
b) In the cases $n=3, n=4$, and $n=5$, what is the maximum number of stores that $\mathrm{BABCO}$ can build while satisfying the restriction than no one has easy access to more than one BABCO store? Be sure to prove your answer is optimal.
c) Now suppose BABCO changes its strategy and decides it wants to be sure every Bababian has access to a $B A B C O$ store even if it means some Bababians have easy access to two stores. What is the minimum number of stores needed to satisfy this condition in the cases $n=3, n=4$, and $n=5$ ?
d) Can you find optimal solutions to parts b and $\mathrm{c}$ for $n=6$ ?


准备申请 SUMaC 和其他暑期课程实际上是大学入学申请的绝佳实践……但规模较小。如果您在SUMaC入学考试方面需要帮助,请查看avatest的数学辅导和数学代写服务。您将在10min内联系到专业数学辅导老师得到联系。



Stanford University Mathematics Camp的故事

斯坦福大学数学营教给学生的不仅仅是当代数学的抽象概念和数学符号。参与者实际上这个项目中建立联系和友谊,许多人回想起来SUMaC的往事都说这是一次改变人生的经历。Mykel Kochenderfer是斯坦福大学航空和工程系副教授。Kochenderfer教授在高中时代参加了SUMaC,然后作为学生来到斯坦福大学,并最终加入了斯坦福大学成为了一名教授。







  • 高的GPA,包括但不限于数学课程的高成绩
  • 高标准的分数,特别是数学部分的分数
  • 通过数学竞赛等课外活动表现出对数学的热情
  • 参加过以前的数学训练营
  • 特别是:在SUMaC基于证明的入学考试中表现优异!

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