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统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|STAT3202 The Normal Model and Data in the Social Sciences

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统计推断Statistical inference结论是一个统计命题。一些常见的统计命题形式如下。一个点估计,即一个最接近某些感兴趣的参数的特定值。区间估计,例如置信区间(或集合估计),即使用从人群中抽取的数据集构建的区间,以便在对这些数据集进行重复抽样时,这些区间将包含真正的参数值,其概率为所述置信度。可信区间,即包含诸如95%的后验信念的一组数值。拒绝一个假设。将数据点聚类或分类为一组。

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统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|STAT3202 The Normal Model and Data in the Social Sciences

统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|The Normal Model and Data in the Social Sciences

Although Peirce’s rejection scheme is recognizable as the original use of the tail integral, the normal model had meanwhile been transplanted to sociological data, and the idea was independently developing in that area of tests of discrepancy between model and data. The idea came slowly, however.

One early example was due to Robert Campbell (1859), whose article was inspired by Henry Thomas Buckle’s History of Civilization in England, published 2 years earlier. Porter (1986) describes Buckle as “possibly the most enthusiastic and beyond doubt the most influential popularizer of Quetelet’s ideas on statistical regularity” (p. 65). Buckle saw in Quetelet’s work support for the ascendant doctrine of classical liberalism: The social laws that were revealed by statistical regularities demanded for their smooth operation an absence of forcible intervention by government. Campbell thought the stability of some of these series ought to be tested. He devised a multinomial test for suicide data-though, as Stigler (1986) notes, without drawing any conclusions. He described his procedure as follows:
We started with the hypothesis that we knew nothing about the laws regulating the phaenomena and causing either uniformity or variety. Now this hypothesis was morally incorrect in this respect. For we knew this at starting, that such laws may exist; and if the degree of uniformity or the reverse in the real tables present a striking contrast to that which we should expect from the result of our hypothesis, we may fairly be led to the conclusion that such laws do exist, and that our tables justify us in looking for causes to explain their remarkable features. (Campbell, 1859, p. 366)

统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|The Pun on Signifcance

The language of significance testing first appeared, at least “for good,” in the $1880 \mathrm{~s}$, in the work of Edgeworth and Venn. Among the contributors to the development of modern statistical inference, Francis Ysidro Edgeworth is one of the least well known to psychologists today. His role was primarily one of consolidator and catalyst; in at least the case of the correlation coefficient, credit for his specific innovation was claimed by someone else. Edgeworth’s early training, interestingly, was in classical literature; but he taught himself mathematics, and by 1885 , when he was 40 , his knowledge of the field, from Laplace to Fechner, was, according to Stigler (1986), unequaled in Britain. Edgeworth’s Mathematical Psychics: An Essay on the Applications of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences (see Chap. 1, Note 9), the rationalism of which strongly recalls Craig’s Theologiae Christianae Principia

Mathematica of two centuries earlier (Chap. 3), caught the favorable attention of Francis Galton, a distant cousin; and Stigler surmises that Galton may have been influential in the direction of subsequent development of Edgeworth’s thought.
Although his terminology did not catch on, Edgeworth helped to clarify the distinction between applications of the normal model in astronomy and in the social sciences.
Observations and statistics agree in being quantities grouped about a Mean; they differ, in that the Mean of observations is real, of statistics is fictitious. The mean of observations is a cause, as it were the source from which diverging errors emanate. The mean of statistics is a description, a representative quantity put for a whole group, the best representative of the group, that quantity which, if we must in practice put one quantity for many, minimizes the error unavoidably attending such practice. Thus measurements by the reduction of which we ascertain a real time, number, distance are observations. Returns of prices, exports and imports, legitimate and illegitimate marriages or births and so forth, the averages of which constitute the premises of practical reasoning, are statistics. In short observations are different copies of one original; statistics are different originals affording one “generic portrait.” Different measurements of the same man are observations; but measurements of different men, grouped round l’homme moyen, are primâ facie at least statistics.

统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|STAT3202 The Normal Model and Data in the Social Sciences


统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|The Normal Model and Data in the Social Sciences


一个早期的例子是罗伯特·坎贝尔(Robert Campbell)(1859 年),他的文章受到亨利·托马斯·巴克尔(Henry Thomas Buckle)2 年前出版的《英格兰文明史》的启发。Porter (1986) 将 Buckle 描述为“可能是 Quetelet 的统计规律性观点最热情、无疑最具影响力的推广者”(第 65 页)。Buckle 在 Quetelet 的著作中看到了对古典自由主义方兴未艾的学说的支持:统计规律揭示的社会规律要求其平稳运行,无需政府的强制干预。Campbell 认为应该测试其中一些系列的稳定性。他设计了一个针对自杀数据的多项式检验——尽管如 Stigler (1986) 所指出的,但并未得出任何结论。他描述了他的程序如下:
我们从假设开始,即我们对调节现象并导致一致性或多样性的规律一无所知。现在这个假设在这方面在道德上是不正确的。因为我们一开始就知道,这样的规律可能存在;如果真实表格中的一致性程度或相反程度与我们从假设结果中预期的结果形成鲜明对比,我们可能会得出这样的结论:确实存在这样的规律,并且我们的表格证明了我们的合理性在寻找原因来解释它们的显着特征。(坎贝尔,1859 年,第 366 页)

统计代写|统计推断代写STATISTICAL INFERENCE代写|The Pun on Signifcance

重要性测试语言首先出现,至少“永远”出现在1880 s,在御剑和维恩的作品中。在现代统计推理发展的贡献者中,弗朗西斯·伊西德罗·埃奇沃思是当今心理学家最不为人所知的人之一。他的角色主要是整合者和催化剂之一。至少在相关系数的情况下,其他人声称对他的特定创新的功劳。有趣的是,御剑的早期训练是古典文学。但他自学了数学,到 1885 年,他 40 岁时,根据斯蒂格勒 (1986) 的说法,他在该领域的知识,从拉普拉斯到费希纳,在英国是无与伦比的。御剑的数学心理学:关于数学在道德科学中的应用的论文(见第 1 章,注 9),其中的理性主义强烈地让人想起 Craig 的 Theologiae Christianae Principia

两个世纪前的数学(第 3 章)引起了远房表亲弗朗西斯·高尔顿的青睐;斯蒂格勒推测,高尔顿可能对御剑思想的后续发展方向产生了影响。
观察结果和统计数据一致认为是按平均值分组的数量;它们的不同之处在于观察的平均值是真实的,而统计数据的平均值是虚构的。观察的平均值是一个原因,因为它是发散误差的来源。统计的平均值是一个描述,一个代表整个群体的数量,这个群体的最佳代表,如果我们必须在实践中为许多人提供一个数量,那么这个数量将不可避免地减少这种实践中的错误。因此,通过减少我们确定实时、数字、距离的测量是观察。价格回报、进出口、合法和非法婚姻或生育等等,其平均值构成了实际推理的前提,都是统计数据。简而言之,观察是一份原件的不同副本;统计数据是提供一个“通用肖像”的不同原件。对同一个人的不同测量是观察;但不同男人的测量值,分组在 l’homme moyen 周围,至少是初步的统计数据。

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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