Posted on Categories:Virtual Reality, 电子代写, 虚拟现实

电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|MDIA2223 VR reference model

如果你也在 怎样代写虚拟现实Virtual Reality MDIA2223这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。虚拟现实Virtual Reality是一种模拟的体验,可以与现实世界相似或完全不同。虚拟现实的应用包括娱乐(特别是视频游戏)、教育(如医疗或军事训练)和商业(如虚拟会议)。其他不同类型的VR式技术包括增强现实和混合现实,有时被称为扩展现实或XR,尽管由于行业的新生,目前的定义正在改变。

虚拟现实Virtual Reality目前,标准的虚拟现实系统使用虚拟现实头盔或多投影环境来产生逼真的图像、声音和其他感觉,模拟用户在虚拟环境中的物理存在。使用虚拟现实设备的人能够环视人造世界,在其中移动,并与虚拟功能或物品互动。这种效果通常是由头戴式显示器组成的VR头盔创造的,在眼睛前面有一个小屏幕,但也可以通过专门设计的房间和多个大屏幕来创造。虚拟现实通常包含听觉和视频反馈,但也可能通过触觉技术允许其他类型的感官和力反馈。

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电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|MDIA2223 VR reference model

电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|VR reference model

The considerations on the cognitive processes related to behavioural interfacing given earlier are not enough to establish a method to design a virtual reality device. For this purpose, we would like to offer a general model for virtual reality that defines three levels of immersion and interaction with their own characteristics. As explained earlier, as far as the physical level is concerned, we talk about sensorimotor immersion and interaction as the computer is physically connected to the person through his senses and motor responses. This level of immersion and interaction can be quantified with respect to the characteristics of the senses and motor responses used. As explained in the triadic diagram (Figure 2.7), the user must be mentally immersed in the virtual world, the “lower” level of immersion and sensorimotor interaction in front of him must be mentally invisible (transparent). In this case, we talk about cognitive immersion and interaction. The cognitive processes of interfacing (schemas, metaphors, substitutions) are located at this level. At the third level, the objective is to attempt to immerse the person in a given task (or a functionality) and not a mere mental immersion in that virtual world. In this case, we talk about functional immersion and interaction ${ }^4$. We can compare this three-level division to a similar representation by M. Fréjus: sensory model (instead of sensorimotor model), cognitive model and operative model (Fréjus \& Drouin, 1996). This division helps us to better clarify different problems faced in immersion and interaction of a subject. They are closely related and not opposite. To better understand their connection, imagine that you are grasping an object. We can use the schema of gripping (cognitive $\mathrm{I}^2$ ) using a six-degrees-of-freedom tracker and good quality (long response time between action with the tracker and the feeling of movement on the screen), the schema of gripping cannot be used. On the other hand, if the interfaces do not use the schema of gripping, the cognitive $I^2$ will fail even with the interfaces functioning accurately.

The foundation of our approach is based on this hierarchical 3-level model and also on a diagonal division between the subject and the virtual world: Parallel to various levels of sensorimotor and cognitive $\mathrm{I}^2$ for the person, we have two levels of software functioning for the virtual world. The computer should manage the software part in real time (real-time hub and drivers for hardware interfaces) symmetrically to the sensorimotor $\mathrm{I}^2$, to physically create the virtual world. This includes simulation based on physical laws (mechanical, optical, biomechanical, etc.) acting on the objects and living things.

电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|Virtual behavioural primitives

We will now explain what we mean by “Virtual Behavioural Primitives” (VBPs). When a subject is in a virtual environment, he has to perform one or more activities. These activities can be divided into elementary activities, sensorimotor activities and cognitive activities, which we call the VBPs. After careful consideration, we found that these can be grouped under four categories in the virtual environment:

  • Observing the virtual world;
  • Moving in the virtual world;
  • Acting on the virtual world and
  • Communicating with others or with the application.
    In the first category (observation), the subject is almost always “technically” passive in the virtual environment, though we know that human perception is not a passive activity and is often connected to a motor activity like the ocular movement of the eyes observing a screen. The subject is “technically” passive in the sense where he does not use the hardware device to search the sensory information in the virtual environment: very few applications use, for example, an eye tracker to determine the motor activity during eye movements. Tactile observation of a virtual object is rarely done using a touch-sensitive interface and an interface that detects the movement of the user’s hand.
电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|MDIA2223 VR reference model


电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|VR参考模型

前面给出的与行为接口相关的认知过程的考虑还不足以建立一种设计虚拟现实设备的方法。为此,我们想提供一个虚拟现实的通用模型,它定义了三个具有各自特点的沉浸感和交互级别。如前所述,就物理层面而言,我们谈论的是感觉运动沉浸感和互动,因为计算机通过人的感官和运动反应与人进行物理连接。这种沉浸和互动的程度可以根据所使用的感觉和运动反应的特征来量化。正如三元图(图2.7)所解释的那样,用户必须在精神上沉浸在虚拟世界中,他面前的“较低”沉浸感和感觉运动交互必须在精神上是看不见的(透明的)。在这种情况下,我们谈论的是认知沉浸和互动。界面的认知过程(图式、隐喻、替换)位于这个层次。在第三个层面上,目标是让玩家沉浸在给定的任务(或功能)中,而不仅仅是沉浸在虚拟世界中。在这种情况下,我们谈论功能沉浸感和交互${ }^4$。我们可以将这三个层次的划分与M.的类似表述进行比较:Fréjus:感觉模型(而不是感觉运动模型),认知模型和操作模型(Fréjus &德劳因,1996)。这样的划分有助于我们更好地阐明在一个主题的沉浸和互动中所面临的不同问题。它们是密切相关的,而不是相反的。为了更好地理解它们之间的联系,想象你正在抓着一个物体。我们可以使用抓取模式(cognitive $\mathrm{I}^2$)使用六自由度跟踪器和良好的质量(跟踪器的动作和屏幕上的运动感觉之间的响应时间长),抓取模式不能使用。另一方面,如果界面不使用抓取模式,即使界面正常工作,认知$I^2$也会失败。


电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|Virtual behavioural primitives



  • 观察虚拟世界;
  • 在虚拟世界中移动;
  • 在虚拟世界上行动和
  • 与他人或应用程序通信。在第一类(观察)中,主体在虚拟环境中几乎总是“技术上”被动的,尽管我们知道人类的知觉不是一种被动活动,而且经常与运动活动有关,如眼睛观察屏幕时的眼部运动。从“技术上”的意义上说,受试者是被动的,因为他不使用硬件设备在虚拟环境中搜索感官信息:很少有应用程序使用,例如,在眼球运动中使用眼动仪来确定运动活动。虚拟物体的触觉观察很少使用触摸敏感界面和检测用户手部运动的界面。
电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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