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金融衍生品Financial Derivatives在金融领域,衍生品是一种合同,其价值来自于一个基础实体的表现。衍生品可用于多种目的,包括对价格变动进行保险(套期保值),为投机增加价格变动的风险,或进入其他难以交易的资产或市场。一些更常见的衍生品包括远期、期货、期权、掉期,以及这些的变体,如合成抵押债务和信用违约掉期。大多数衍生品在场外(场外)或芝加哥商品交易所等交易所进行交易,而大多数保险合同已经发展成为一个独立的行业。在美国,在2007-2009年的金融危机之后,将衍生品转移到交易所进行交易的压力越来越大。
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金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|HEDGING TRANSACTIONS
To understand whether someone is truly hedging, speculating, or engaging in some activity in between, it is useful to understand how one uses a derivatives contract to offset a cash market risk. As the CFTC definition implies, a hedge position is one that involves two positions having values that move in opposite directions. One of the positions is in the cash market and normally is held as a result of the ongoing operation of an enterprise. The other position is in a derivative, such as a futures or option contract, and is entered into for the purpose of hedging.
A classic example of a hedging transaction is the farmer trying to protect himself from a fall in the value of crops he is producing. Consider the risk a farmer faces when he plants corn in the spring. The farmer has committed a certain amount of resources in terms of seed, fertilizer, and time to producing the corn. If prices are low in the fall when the farmer goes to sell his corn, he faces the risk that he will not be able to cover the costs of his inputs. In the language of the CFTC definition, he faces financial losses from adverse price changes. This risk can be offset, however, through the use of a futures contract.
Suppose the farmer believes that he will be able to get $\$ 2.90$ per bushel at harvest for his corn. Referring to Exhibit 3.1, on May 1 the farmer consults the Chicago Board of Trade price for December delivery of corn and sees that the contract is currently selling for $\$ 3.00$ per bushel. He decides to sell 10 futures contracts to cover his expected production of 50,000 bushels. On December 1 , the price of corn in his local area is $\$ 2.65$ per bushel, insufficient to cover his production costs. However, at the same time, the price of a futures contract has fallen to $\$ 2.75$ per bushel. Since the farmer initially sold the futures contracts at $\$ 3.00$ per bushel, he can now purchase them back at $\$ 2.75$ per bushel, thereby generating a profit of $\$ 0.25$ per bushel, offsetting the lower price on his physical corn. The supplemental value from the futures transactions ultimately allows the farmer to net a sale price of $\$ 2.90$ per bushel, thereby covering his production costs.
Whether an individual or company is hedging agricultural commodities, energy commodities or financial assets, hedges using derivatives contracts, whether they are futures traded on an organized exchange or swaps traded off of an exchange, all function in generally the same fashion: They allow hedgers to hold a financial contract that fluctuates in value opposite that of the commodity or asset they are trying to hedge. In some cases, like the example of the farmer, the asset or commodity being hedged is already held by the hedger, who faces the financial risk that the commodity or asset being held will fall in value before it is sold. Under such circumstances, the hedger would sell a futures contract to hedge this exposure. Such hedges are referred to as short hedges because the hedger has sold, or “gone short,” the futures contract.
金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|SPECULATION
If the classic depiction of hedging is the farmer locking in a sale price for a crop, the classic speculator is the commodities trader who buys a pork bellies contract for no other reason than he believes prices will rise. Years ago, such speculators were limited to agricultural products or precious metals. Today, individuals wanting to chase profits have a panoply of choices available to them, ranging from physical commodities-agricultural products, metals and energy-to financial products-interest rate instruments, stocks, and foreign currencies. In today’s markets, one can even take a view on temperature, rainfall, or even election results.
For the moment, as with the case of hedgers in the previous section, we will consider speculation in its purest form. That is, speculation is the taking on of a price risk for the simple purpose of trying to profit based on expectations of which way prices will move. Speculators who expect prices to rise will enter into long positions, while those believing they will fall short the market.
Speculators can be categorized in several different ways. One common way is to classify them by how they form their price expectations. Those relying on basic economic conditions to form expectations are referred to as fundamental traders. Traders in an alternate group, which form expectations based on analyses of price patterns and other market statistics, are called technical traders.
Fundamental traders operate on the premise that futures prices reflect the underlying conditions related to the supply and demand of commodities and the valuation of financial assets. The goal of the fundamental trader is first to identify the key economic conditions and variables that affect prices and second to observe changes in those conditions, it is hoped, before they are incorporated into the market price. For example, a fundamental trader interested in trading Eurodollar futures would be concerned with Fed policy, inflation rates, and other economic indicators that would signal upcoming changes to Eurodollar rates. A fundamental trader of physical commodities similarly would be concerned with factors that would increase or decrease the supply or demand for a commodity. If the trader can gain an edge in terms of gathering information on these factors and take a position in the market before the market has incorporated the information, she stands to gain from her efforts.
金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|HEDGING TRANSACTIONS
金融代写|金融衍生品代写Financial Derivatives代考|SPECULATION
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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。
微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。
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